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我了个擦屁股3 2018-12-09 10:18:23 307  浏览
  • 论文需要。求各位大神帮忙。感谢感谢!小的跪下 了





论文需要。求各位大神帮忙。感谢感谢!小的跪下 了
2018-12-09 10:18:23 307 0
外文文献 基于MCU的信号发生器 做毕业论文外文翻译用的,谢谢了,
2015-01-23 07:15:40 291 1
2012-04-28 12:34:48 226 1
StructuralSystemstoresistlateralloads这篇外文的作者是谁我想知道他的作者是谁... Structural Systems to resist lateral loads 这篇外文的作者是谁 我想知道他的作者是谁 展开
2009-04-01 00:46:28 352 2
2016-04-30 11:31:56 360 1
ResearchonIntegrationofCoalMineMonitoringandControlSystemwithFieldBusControlSystemAbstract:AccordingtotheconstructionofcurrentcoalminemonitoringandcontrolsystemsinChina,t... Research on Integration of Coal Mine Monitoring and Control System with Field Bus Control System Abstract:According to the construction of current coal mine monitoring and control systems in China,the paper proposes three kinds of applicable schemes of integrating PLC and DCS systems with field bus technology to digitize the system and to improve the flexibility and extent of the system.Essentially,the paper introduces the integration of FCS on I/O layers.Based on a real coal mine safety-monitoring and control system applied with a CAN field bus,the major technology of system relays and extensions is discussed.We believe that one of the most applicable methods is currently replacing the connection between function-stations and field-sensors with a CAN bus on I/O layers for system integration. Key words:monitor and control;field bus control system;CAN;integration 1 Coal Mine Monitoring and Control System and Field Bus Technology As one of the most important methods to improve modern management and production efficiency in coal mines,monitoring and control technology have been widely adopted to maintain safety in coal production.Taking advantage of foreign technologies from the 1980’s,coal mine monitoring and control systems have expanded rapidly in China.At present, automatic control has come into use in most large-scale coal mines,which greatly improved production efficiency and safety and lowered costs. In China,most sub-systems of coal mine systems work independently.They follow a DCS system structure of three layers(center layer,sub-station layer and sensor layer)which consists of a tree to-pology.They are composed of sensors,sub-stations on or under the ground,center stations,multiple controllers and display terminals(Fig.1).They work with analogue signals of 4–20 mA or 200–1000 Hz. Each coupled cable can only act as one line for transmission[1]. Currently control networks have been developed for digitalization and networking.Because traditional analogue signals of 4–20 mA or 200–1000 Hz can only carry simple measurement information and con-trol signals,the communication rate is restricted. Therefore,it is necessary to digitalize and network the entire monitoring and control system. Fig.1 Traditional Structure of Coal Mine Monitoring and Control System 展开
2018-11-22 17:28:40 396 0
基于EWB的函数信号发生器的设计 谁有想过论文 还有外文翻译
2013-04-10 21:57:10 343 1
谁有基于LabVIEW的信道编码系统的设计 外文翻译 文献综述 急需
2010-12-10 09:36:09 336 2
Asia Pac J Manag是外文期刊吗?
2018-11-18 18:35:53 333 0
2016-06-02 08:25:15 328 1
求善良的人帮我翻译一篇外文 感激不尽
t treatment, seeding by 3 wt%ZrO2 as glass-composite and pulverization affected the amount, size and distribution of crystalline phases. SEM-EDS and XRD results revealed that crystalline phases presented in the devitrified glass–ceramic ... t treatment, seeding by 3 wt%ZrO2 as glass-composite and pulverization affected the amount, size and distribution of crystalline phases. SEM-EDS and XRD results revealed that crystalline phases presented in the devitrified glass–ceramic were barium aluminate (BaAl2O4), barium aluminosilicate (BaAl2Si2O8) possibly with boron associated in its crystal structure, and barium zirconate (BaZrO3). CTE of the devitrified glass–ceramic was in the range of (10.1–13.0)  106 C1. Good adhesion was obtained both in the cases of glass and devitrified glass–ceramic with YSZ and AISI430 stainless steel. Interfacial phenomena between these components were discussed.  2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are a power source producing electricity via an electrochemical reaction. SOFCs have high energyconversion efficiency [1] and are environmentally friendly due to their low pollutant emission [1–3]. Electrochemical reactions in SOFCs occurred at the temperature range of 600–1000 C and required both oxidizing and reducing atmosphere [4]. Planar SOFCs are a type of SOFCs under development. An important consideration in planar SOFCs fabrication is hermetic sealing of all SOFC components, which are solid electrolyte, metallic interconnect, anode and cathode [5]. The seals must be thermochemically and mechanically compatible with other SOFC materials, should have high electrical resistance, and must be stable and long time durable under operating condition under H2 and H2O atmosphere [4,6]. Rigid sealing using glasses or glass–ceramics is a promising option 展开
2010-05-09 13:55:14 387 1
2011-07-10 03:27:46 400 1
2012-05-11 06:17:43 301 1
2017-02-08 23:15:13 323 1
2018-12-02 22:42:18 234 0
2018-11-11 06:15:20 402 0
秋仪科技... 秋仪科技 展开
2018-11-20 02:30:09 355 0
2018-11-10 17:46:44 416 0
急需关于服装类的外文参考文献,哪位高人请帮忙~~~~要3-6篇... 急需关于服装类的外文参考文献,哪位高人请帮忙~~~~ 要3-6篇 展开
2018-11-20 03:55:58 203 0
2010-11-04 14:22:45 453 1


