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fadfqf54351 2010-12-26 10:43:24 362  浏览



  • 银雪紫璇 2010-12-27 00:00:00






2010-12-26 10:43:24 362 1
Z好是石蒜(其他也可以)组织培养的英文文献资料,没中文翻译也可以,字数在4000字左右的。谢谢了!找了很久没找到!找到了追加300分!... Z好是石蒜(其他也可以)组织培养的英文文献资料,没中文翻译也可以,字数在4000字左右的。 谢谢了! 找了很久没找到!找到了追加300分! 展开
2009-03-19 11:29:07 450 4
我在寻找有关月亮的文章!~... 我在寻找有关月亮的文章!~ 展开
2006-12-07 13:58:29 380 2
字数在翻译成中文后在3000左右的就好还有不要是别人翻过的Z好不要是pdf的(当然实在没好的也可以)如果好的话一定会追加更多分!!!... 字数在翻译成中文后在3000左右的就好 还有不要是别人翻过的 Z好不要是pdf的(当然实在没好的也可以) 如果好的话一定会追加更多分!!! 展开
2009-06-16 04:48:11 465 1
2013-12-22 07:23:02 520 1
2013-12-12 19:37:51 433 1
要求英文单词数目3000以上,并且要有中文翻译对照... 要求英文单词数目3000以上,并且要有中文翻译对照 展开
2018-12-12 19:58:05 283 0
2018-12-02 06:33:07 302 0
2005-09-22 08:39:10 246 1
2013-06-26 12:47:02 387 1
“纳米材料” 用英文怎么说阿
2016-12-23 00:06:55 256 1
2017-06-16 12:31:55 363 1
急求英文高手翻译一段摘要 有关夹具设计的
Abstract In this paper, the general situation of research on agile fixture design is summarized and the achievements and deficiencies in the field of case-based fixture design are pointed out. There are no correlative case bases and match... Abstract In this paper, the general situation of research on agile fixture design is summarized and the achievements and deficiencies in the field of case-based fixture design are pointed out. There are no correlative case bases and matching mechanisms during the period from establishing the fixture planning to designing the fixture in currently used case-based fixture design systems. Thus a great amount of experience of fixture design is wasted and cannot be re-used, which reduces design efficiency and violates the original intention of case-based reasoning methods. In order to realize agility of fixture design, including re-configurability, re-scalability and re-usability, in this paper, a re-configurable agile fixture element base and an element assembly relation base are established. Using these two bases, the fixture structure is function-based decomposed, which makes it easy for an agile fixture to be re-configured and modified. Furthermore, a whole case-based agile fixture design model is presented, in which three modules are introduced, including the evaluation of the similarity of fixture planning, conflict arbitration and the modification of an agile fixture case. The three modules can be used to solve a problem where experience and design results cannot be re-used in the process of fixture design. Against the agile fixture design model, the evaluation method is put forward to evaluate the similarity in various phases. However, a similar case in the base could not generally meet the actual requirement and resolve the conflict between the similar case and the actual condition. Thus three methods, including a local restriction-relaxed method, a function-based conflict arbitration method and a case-based conflict arbitration method, are presented to clear up the conflict and could be used to modify the case to obtain an approach to a design result. Finally, an agile fixture design example is presented. The result demonstrates that the case-based agile fixture design approach can improve re-usability and design efficiency. Keywords: Agile fixture design; Case-based reasoning; Modeling 展开
2009-05-07 02:47:12 398 1
找一篇介绍body language的英文文章
2018-05-17 01:05:33 278 1
2010-01-15 10:39:51 269 1
如题 求关于这些方面的的英文文献 能能涉及其中一项就可以 如果能有中文翻译那就更好了
2009-01-10 12:47:31 391 4
求翻译 关于光催化剂的科研文章
求 对下段文字的英语翻译: 本研究主要采用改良的溶胶凝-胶法制备纳米级的二氧化钛光催化剂,有别于一般制备二氧化钛的溶胶凝胶过程,实验利用冰醋酸和正丁醇发生酯化反应产生的水与钛酸丁酯进行水解反应。另外冰乙酸具有螯合物的功能,可以降低金属醇盐的高... 求 对下段文字的英语翻译: 本研究主要采用改良的溶胶凝-胶法制备纳米级的二氧化钛光催化剂,有别于一般制备二氧化钛的溶胶凝胶过程,实验利用冰醋酸和正丁醇发生酯化反应产生的水与钛酸丁酯进行水解反应。另外冰乙酸具有螯合物的功能,可以降低金属醇盐的高水解速度,避免快速沉淀的产生而制备出均相二氧化钛溶胶。溶胶经干燥、煅烧得纳米二氧化钛粉体。 同时通过负载金属元素Fe和非金属元素N对二氧化钛催化剂表面进行改性,提高其催化活性,并对其催化活性进行XRD、TG/DTG/DSC、BET等各项表征,选出催化效果较佳的光催化材料进行CO2光催化还原反应,把CO2转化为有用的有机物甲醇,并从理论上探索CO2光催化反应机理。 展开
2010-06-04 05:01:48 475 2
关于smt电子厂十个有关英文... 关于smt电子厂十个有关英文 展开
2017-07-30 17:17:29 636 1
2.2. Material Characterizations. A field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM, JEOL 6701F) was used to investigate the morphologies, particle sizes of the samples. Transmission electron microscopy and elemental compositions of the ... 2.2. Material Characterizations. A field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM, JEOL 6701F) was used to investigate the morphologies, particle sizes of the samples. Transmission electron microscopy and elemental compositions of the samples were determined by JEM-2100F (JEOL) coupled with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX, Phoenix) system. Wide-angle and low-angle X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) of the as-obtained samples were recorded on a Rigaku D/max-2500 with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.540 56 Å) operated at 40 kV and 200 mA. Raman measurements were performed using a DXR from Thermo Scientific with a laser wavelength of 532 nm. To calculate the pore size distribution and pore volumes, the nitrogen absorption and desorption isotherms were measured at 77.3 K with an Autosorb-1 specific surface area analyzer from Quantachrome. The content of N in N-doped porous carbon was determined by NHC elemental analysis using Flash EA 1112. Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis of S/C composite was performed on TG/DTA 6300 in an N2 flow to obtain the S content in the composite. A four-contact method was applied to measure the powder electronic conductivity of porous carbons. The powder sample was pressed to disk at 4 MPa with two stainless-steel plungers, whose resistance was measured by a Keithley 2400 digital multimeter in fourwire mode. The conductivity of the sample was calculated according to the resistance and the size of the disk. Information of the surface elements was obtained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) performed on the Thermo Scientific ESCALab 250Xi using 200 W monochromatic Al Kα radiation. The 500 μm X-ray spot was used for XPS analysis. The base pressure in the analysis chamber was about 3 × 10−10 mbar. All reported data of XPS binding energy are calibrated based on the hydrocarbon C 1s line at 284.8 eV from adventitious carbon. Spectra were fitted with Lorentzian−Gaussian functions and smart background using Thermo Avantage software. 展开
2014-12-28 15:14:51 493 1
防尘测试:在砂尘<75μm砂尘箱中,灰尘浓度为:5g/m3,空气流速为10m/s, 试验持续8小时。机器内部无砂尘进入。防水测试:样品被放置在淋雨试验箱转台上内。向其喷洒温度20℃的水。每... 防尘测试:在砂尘<75μm砂尘箱中,灰尘浓度为:5g/m3,空气流速为10m/s, 试验持续8小时。机器内部无砂尘进入。 防水测试:样品被放置在淋雨试验箱转台上内。向其喷洒温度20℃的水。每个面喷洒10min。机器正常工作。 跌落测试:机器6个面分别150cm高度跌落在水泥地面。4个循环无故障。 液晶屏耐磨:推拉力计垂直按压于屏表面,压力2.4N,在3cm直线距离来回摩 擦10000次。手写输入,触笔沿摩擦处划直线,歪斜率不超过15%。 按键寿命:下压重量为400-500g,按压100万次按键无破损现象,按键功能正常。 振动测试:扫频耐久试验、定频耐久试验、高频扫频耐久试验、高频定频耐久试验以后机器无故障。 温度测试:工作温度为-10℃,55℃、贮存温度为-20℃,60℃、恒定湿热试验 环境温度55℃,相对湿度93%、温度变化试验机器无故障。 移动终端事业部致力于研发、生产和销售民族品牌的嵌入式信息终端,经过多年不懈地努力,自有品牌手持终端产品大批量销往国内、国际市场。 金融与通信事业部致力于研发、生产和销售金融类产品,产品占据了国内相当大分额的市场。 SOC事业部致力于研发、设计集成电路产品,实现具有自己知识产权的集成电路。 说明:以上组合为Z大兼容,只能裁减,不能增加;竖排并列为可以二选一。 售前服务 提供快速、详细、周到的技术咨询,技术开发支持。 具备完善的软件开发工具、硬件开发手册、文档说明和培训支持。 售后服务 提供快速优质的升级、维护、维修服务,一般不超过三个工作日,并且可以提供及时的备机服务,特殊约定的除外。 提供更长的保修服务,并且定期的回访和维护服务。 本地化服务价格优势维修费用低。 实时对装备进行“体验”、准确及时地保障工作,确保了装备保障工作人员全面、实时、直观地了解装备的技术状况、消耗态势和故障情况,并据此部署维护保养力量,排查安全隐患. 立体仓库,数据采集比较困难,工作强度高 解决方案:零部件及包装箱贴上条码标签,使用AUTOID产品,读取条码,利用高级WIFI传输到管理系统 好处:提高工作效率,形成快速、GX的物流环节 节约纸张成本 数据可靠性强,出错率近乎为零 实现科学出入库,提高综合管理水平 展开
2011-02-28 05:16:20 594 1


