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bszldfbx2 2008-11-12 05:08:51 335  浏览
  • 虚拟仪器技术与NI的优势及发展趋势展望摘要:本文介绍了虚拟仪器的概念及发展。从虚拟仪器的组成,NI的优势及21世纪发展趋势的展望进行了详细的介绍。... 虚拟仪器技术与NI的优势及发展趋势展望 摘要:本文介绍了虚拟仪器的概念及发展。从虚拟仪器的组成,NI的优势及21世纪发展趋势的展望进行了详细的介绍。 展开



  • zh6349 2008-11-14 00:00:00
    NI virtual instrument technology and the advantages of the development trend and outlook Abstract: This paper introduces the concept of virtual instruments and development. From the composition of the virtual instrument, NI advantage of the trend of development in the 21st century and prospects for a detailed introduction。




  • Lisa_YeLeaon 2008-11-13 00:00:00
    The prospect of advantage and development of dummy apparatus . Abstract:This test introduced the concept and development of dummy apparatus.It introduced particularly from the component of dummy apparatus to detailed advantages and development of NI in 21century






虚拟仪器技术与NI的优势及发展趋势展望摘要:本文介绍了虚拟仪器的概念及发展。从虚拟仪器的组成,NI的优势及21世纪发展趋势的展望进行了详细的介绍。... 虚拟仪器技术与NI的优势及发展趋势展望 摘要:本文介绍了虚拟仪器的概念及发展。从虚拟仪器的组成,NI的优势及21世纪发展趋势的展望进行了详细的介绍。 展开
2008-11-12 05:08:51 335 2
2010-08-25 00:51:12 588 5
麻烦哪位英语牛人帮忙翻译下~~药学的 翻译成英语 谢谢了
目的 制备足浴液并对其进行质量考察。方法 采用正交试验优选苦参中苦参碱和紫草中紫草素的提取工艺,通过紫外分光光度法对苦参碱与紫草素的含量进行测定,并将苦参碱、紫草素、水杨酸、苯甲酸和硼酸按一定比例进行溶解实验。化学成分分析采用薄层色谱法及试管... 目的 制备足浴液并对其进行质量考察。方法 采用正交试验优选苦参中苦参碱和紫草中紫草素的提取工艺,通过紫外分光光度法对苦参碱与紫草素的含量进行测定,并将苦参碱、紫草素、水杨酸、苯甲酸和硼酸按一定比例进行溶解实验。化学成分分析采用薄层色谱法及试管实验法对苦参中苦参碱与紫草中紫草素进行化学成分检测。结果 通过薄层色谱法和试管实验法得出苦参碱为生物碱、紫草素为蒽醌。通过正交试验和紫外分光光度法选出Z优提取方案。通过溶解实验使中化学药物形成混悬液,Z后得到足浴液样品。结论 通过T浓度实验,溶解实验选用95%乙醇为溶媒。通过L9(33)正交实验确定Z佳提取工艺,即提取时间为30min,温度为60℃,乙醇浓度为60%,以苦参碱作对照品,用分光光度法测定其苦参碱得率3.07%。经过实验摸索,得到超声提取紫草工艺的Z佳条件,即乙醇浓度为70%,超声功率为400w,料液比为1:40时提取率较高。足浴液制备方法简便,有利于实际生产,降低能源、节约时间,有较大的开发利用价值和广泛的市场前景。 关键字:紫草;苦参;正交设计;薄层色谱 展开
2008-06-07 10:30:31 522 1
The effect of beam diameter on the electron skirt in a high pressure scanning electron microscope R. Belkorissata, A. Kadouna, B. Khelifab, C. Mathieub,* aLaboratoire d’Elaboration et de Caracte´risation des Mate´riaux, Univ... The effect of beam diameter on the electron skirt in a high pressure scanning electron microscope R. Belkorissata, A. Kadouna, B. Khelifab, C. Mathieub,* aLaboratoire d’Elaboration et de Caracte´risation des Mate´riaux, Universite´ Djilali Liabe`s de Sidi Bel-Abbes, BP 89, 22000 Sidi Bel-Abbe`s, Algeria bCentre de Calcul et de Mode´lisation de Lens, University D’Artois, Faculte´ Jean Perrin, SP 18 Rue Jean Souvraz, 62307 Lens cedex, France Received 9 February 2004; accepted 19 March 2004 Abstract Helium gas and air are commonly used in the high pressure scanning electron microscope (HPSEM). The presence of a gaseous environment in the specimen chamber modifies the electron beam profile. In order to fully understand the beam-gas interaction, we have investigated the beam-diameter effect for two gases (helium and air) by Monte Carlo simulation. In this calculation, we have assumed that the electron beam is Gaussian and we have explored the influence of the nature of the gas at low voltage. When the beam diameter varies between 1 and 100 nm, there is no influence on the beam profile for these two gases. The resolving power of the HPSEM is not affected by the beamgas interaction. These theoretical results have been compared with experimental images obtained at low voltage under air and helium gases. The variation of image quality at low voltage has confirmed the interest of helium for use in a Field Emission Gun SEM (FEGSEM) in high pressure (or low vacuum) conditions. q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: High pressure scanning electron microscope; Monte Carlo; Electron scattering; Electron profile; Skirting 展开
2018-11-27 12:36:26 382 0
英文高手帮忙翻译一下 压力容器方面
2010-07-15 11:42:12 460 6
英语高手帮忙翻译段英文 谢谢!!
In this paper, the degradation of an azo dye Orange G (OG) on nitrogen-doped TiO2 photocatalysts has been investigated under visible light and sunlight irradiation. Under visible light irradiation, the doped TiO2 nanocatalysts demonstrated ... In this paper, the degradation of an azo dye Orange G (OG) on nitrogen-doped TiO2 photocatalysts has been investigated under visible light and sunlight irradiation. Under visible light irradiation, the doped TiO2 nanocatalysts demonstrated higher activity than the commercial Dugussa P25 TiO2, allowing more efficient utilization of solar light, while under sunlight, P25 showed higher photocatalytic activity. According to the X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and UV–vis spectra analyses, it was found that both the nanosized anatase structure and the appearance of new absorption band in the visible region caused by nitrogen doping were responsible for the significant enhancement of OG degradation under visible light. In addition, the photosensitized oxidation mechanism originated from OG itself was also considered contributing to the higher visible-light-induced degradation efficiency. The effect of the initial pH of the solution and the dosage of hydrogen peroxide under different light sources was also investigated. Under visible light and sunlight, the optimal solution pH was both 2.0, while the optimal dosage of H2O2 was 5.0 and 15.0 mmol/l, respectively. Azodyes, which are characterized by the presence of one or more azo bonds ( N N ), are among the most notorious widespread environmental pollutants associated with textile,cosmetic, food colorants, printing, and pharmaceutical indus-tries. Because of their non-degradability, toxicity, potential mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, wastewaters originating from these dyes production or application industries pose a major threat to the surrounding ecosystems and human beings’ health.[1–3].Environmental concerns and the need of meeting the strin-gent international standards for rejecting wastewaters has made the development of novel and cost-effective processes for the purification of azo dyes effluents an issue of major technological importance. 展开
2011-05-06 19:00:45 323 2
Material: 1mm thick 99.99% copper Oxygen Free plate with certificat of purity Surface: Mirror Blank with direct Silver plating- Plating thickness 0.005mm=5my 非常谢谢!
2011-09-13 00:38:24 289 3
IRIS:ImprovedRespocessingofIRASSurvey(Infrared)2MASS:TwoMicronAllSkySurvey(Synthetic)HydrogenAlphaFullSkyMapTycho(Synthetic,Optical)USNOB:USNavalObservatoryB1.0(Synthetic... IRIS:Improved Respocessing of IRAS Survey(Infrared) 2MASS:Two Micron All Sky Survey(Synthetic) Hydrogen Alpha Full Sky Map Tycho(Synthetic,Optical) USNOB:US Naval Observatory B 1.0(Synthetic) Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer RASS:ROSAT All Sky Survey(X-Ray) VLA FIRST:Faint Image of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters NVSS:NRAD VLA Sky Survey(Radio) SUMASS:Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey(Radio) Westerbook Northern Sky Surey(Radio) Bonn 1420 MHz Survey (Radio) Hi All-Sky Continum Survey (Radio) WMAP QVW/K/Ka/Q/V/W Band (Microwave) SFD 100 Microns(Infrared) COBE DIRBE (Infrared) COBE DIRBE Annual Average Map(Infrared) COBE DIRBE Zodi Subtracted Mission Average EUVE 83:Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer 83 Angstroms EUVE 405/555 ROAST Hard Band Count Map(X-Ray) ROAST Soft Band Count Map(X-Ray) ROAST Broad Band Count Map(X-Ray) ROAST Hard/Soft Band Intensity(X-Ray) ROAST PSPC Summed Pointed Observations,2 Swift BAT All-Sky Survey:Significance 14-195 Kev(X-Ray) Swift BAT All-Sky Survey:Flux 14-195 Kev (X-Ray) GRANAT/SIGMA Significance/Flux(X-Ray) CGRO Compton Telescope:2 channel date(Gamma) EGRET Soft/Hard (Gamma) Black Sky Background 不要用翻译软件 euve是极紫外线探测器。 展开
2018-12-02 03:50:42 289 0
帮忙翻译下 十万火急!!!! 万分感谢!!!!!!!!!!
thequalitysystemofthecompanyisinconformitywithISO9002.markingcomprehensiveuseofbiotechnology,finechemicaltechnology,thecompanyspecializesinmanufacturingandsellingC-4serie... the quality system of the company is in conformity with ISO 9002 . marking comprehensive use of biotechnology,fine chemical technology,the company specializes in manufacturing and selling C-4 series organic acids and chiral products. these products are widely used in many field such as food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and are well accepted by the domestic and overseas market. the main products are L-Malic acid ,DL- Malic acid,L(+)-lartaric acid, fumaric acid, Maleic acid and other organic acids. annual productivity amounts to 20,000 tones. the company has become aninportant manufacturer of C-4 series organic acids in the world. all the products of the company have respectively met the different international advanced standards such as food chemicals codex U.S. pharmacopoeia , british pharmacopoeia ,and the products have obtained Star-K Kosher Certificate. Above 70% of the company 's products are exported to Japan,Europe,Australia,the United States and Middle East, and they are renown and well recognized in the international markets. the company will devote itself to research and development of enzyme technology and organic electrochemistry. it will continuously introduce new food additives, chiral pharmaceutical intermediates,chiral auxiliaries and chiral drugs. depending on superior quality , good service and high reputation , the company is willing to establish a long -term mutually beneficial business partnership with overseas customers and continue to contribute to the happy life of humans. 展开
2011-03-30 01:24:33 410 3
Whenliquidisheateditevaporates.Theevaporationprocessisdependentonpressure,temperatureandcompositionoftheliquidandgas.Gascanalsocondense.Inadditionthereisaconvectiveheattr... When liquid is heated it evaporates. The evaporation process is dependent on pressure, temperature and composition of the liquid and gas. Gas can also condense. In addition there is a convective heat transfer between the liquid and gas zone that must be considered. The surfaces in the gas zone also radiates from the shell to the liquid. During the blowdown process mass is usually evacuated from the gas zone, but also liquid might be released. The rate of release is dependent on density and pressure as well as the release area. As pressure and temperature change, the properties of all materials change. This has to be considered in a prediction of a blowdown process. The main purpose of a blowdown process is as earlier stated to maintain integrity of the equipment. The strength properties of the shell are the key factor on that matter. The strength is dependent on the inside pressure as well as the support forces. If the exposing forces produce stress that exceeds the ultimate tensile stress (UTS) in some regions, the integrity of the equipment is no longer maintained. In the design phase of a process plant, these aspects are crucial and must be included as a dimensional factor. For that reason prediction of the blowdown process is essential. Lately some new standards has been introduced to the industry on this matter [3] and [4]. VessFire [1] and [2] is a multi physics system designed for calculation of this kind of problems. It has been applied for some time in the oil and process industry on many projects. The system satisfies the requirements for predictions outlined in [3] and [4]. It includes all aspects described above including integrity of the shell. As part of the verification process some experiments where performed. Some of the experiments are presented here. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY The purpose of the experiments was to investigate the evaporation process and the heat transfer to the liquid and vapour. In a complex system it is important to reduce unknown parameters as far as possible. Exposure from a flame is difficult to control. Flux measurements are point values and not necessarily representative for the average exposure. In order to control the heat exposure it was decided to apply an electric heating system. The system and the verification of the system is described in [5], [6] and [8]. The furnace was built inside a supporting tube. Figure 2 shows a general arrangement of the experimental outfit. A 0.05 mm stainless steel foil formed as a tube, 300 mm in diameter, generated the heat. The power supply was based on a 3-phase alternating current system giving 48 Volt output as maximum. The top exposure had a limit of 300 kW. The foil had a surface of about 1 m2, giving a heat flux up to 300 kW/m2. The power input could be continuously regulated from zero to maximum load. Each experiment was started from zero and brought up to the required load within a few seconds. After that the surface temperature of the heating foil was kept constant during the exposure period. Experiments with both dry objects as well as water filled object were performed. In this paper only water filled experiments are presented Figure 2 General arrangements drawing of the experimental furnace including the specimen and its support Figure 3 Illustration of the heating unit. The black part is copper conductors for the foil. The grey part is the heating foil exposing the specimen. The foil is equipped with thermo-elements all marked H, except H5 which is the temperature in a copper ring and H6 which is the temperature between the insulation and the supporting tube. 展开
2009-03-12 04:13:30 479 6
The support module's APD bias has come factory set for an APD multiplication gain between 10 and 20. The APD bias monitor via the BNC connector is provided as a way to check the bias and adjust it as desired. You do not need to have... The support module's APD bias has come factory set for an APD multiplication gain between 10 and 20. The APD bias monitor via the BNC connector is provided as a way to check the bias and adjust it as desired. You do not need to have the APD bias monitored while the module is in operation, but it is good idea to double check its value at least intermittently. A simple voltmeter can be used to check the bias, and any BNC type connection and cabling should work fine. The specifications sheet has a chart showing the APD's DC current and gain versus it bias, as well as a table listing the bias at M=10 and M=20. While a current-limiter in the support module protects from damaging the APD, you must keep the APD bias below breakdown to prevent a noisy output. The SMA outputs are designed for 50-Ohm coax cabling. Since your receiver has 300 MHz output filters most cabling should work fine. Higher frequency RF or microwave rated cabling is not required. Closely matching cable length for the two outputs is required when you are terminating the two outputs differentially, otherwise when using single ended outputs ensure that both outputs are terminated similarly. In terms of the support module's ground, it should be provided through the power supply's IEC connector to a safety earth. For signal integrity the receiver's outputs should be grounded through the SMA coax cabling to whatever instrument you are using read the output, i.e. oscilloscope or counter. The ground plug is an optional ground connected directly to the outputs' SMA coax ground, but it is not required for operation. I am also attaching an electronic copy of the specifications and operations sheets if more copies of it are needed. 展开
2009-11-18 12:57:13 518 1
急求翻译 请帮忙翻译一下这篇英文资料,急用!!!!
Wells-BrookfieldCone/PlateRapidDeterminationOfAbsoluteViscosityIntroductionTheWells-BrookfieldCone/PlateViscometergivesresearchersasophisticatedinstrumentforroutinelydete... Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Rapid Determination Of Absolute Viscosity Introduction The Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Viscometer gives researchers a sophisticated instrument for routinely determining absolute viscosity of fluids in small sample volumes. Its cone and plate geometry provides the precision necessary for development of complete rheological data. Principle of Operation The Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Viscometer is a precise torque meter which is driven at discrete rotational speeds. The torque measuring system, which consists of a calibrated beryllium-copper spring connecting the drive mechanism to a rotating cone, senses the resistance to rotation caused by the presence of sample fluid between the cone and a stationary flat plate. The resistance to the rotation of the cone produces a torque that is proportional to the shear stress in the fluid. The amount of torque is indicated either on a dial or digital display, depending on model. This reading is easily converted to absolute centipoise units (mPa.s) from pre-calculated range charts. Alternatively, viscosity can be calculated from the known geometric constants of the cone, the rate of rotation, and the stress related torque. See Range Tables The correct relative position of cone and plate is obtained by following a simple mechanical procedure without the need for external gauges or supplementary instrumentation. The stationary plate forms the bottom of a sample cup which can be removed, filled with .5 ml to 2.0 ml of sample fluid (depending on cone in use), and remounted without disturbing the calibration. The sample cup is jacketed and has tube fittings for connection to a constant temperature circulating bath. The system is accurate to within ?.0% of the working range. Reproducibility is to within ?.2%. Working temperature range is from 0oC to 100oC. 展开
2018-11-17 09:10:28 389 0
外接电源适配器的问题. 在插头没有连接笔记本的时候,黑色长方形的那个适配器上的指示灯是亮的. 但是一接到笔记本,灯马上就灭了. 开机以后用的是电脑自备的电池,外接电源无法供电 想问问到底是哪里坏了呢?
2010-09-12 14:53:26 408 4
Figure 2 SEM micrographs of worn seat insert surface of engine #6175 after 1474 hours of testing. The arrows and labels indicate the locations of EDX analysis. The same adhesion phenomenon occurs on the valve seat surfaces. Figure 4 show... Figure 2 SEM micrographs of worn seat insert surface of engine #6175 after 1474 hours of testing. The arrows and labels indicate the locations of EDX analysis. The same adhesion phenomenon occurs on the valve seat surfaces. Figure 4 shows SEM micrographs of the worn exhaust valve seat surface of engine #6175 after 1474 hours of testing. The valve material is Stellite 6 faced 23-8N (solution treated and aged). The arrows in Figure 4b indicate the locations of EDX analysis. Note the pits and deposits on the worn seat surface. Figures 5a shows the EDX spectrum of spot A on Figure 4b showing adhered insert material. Note molybdenum and manganese in the spectrum. Figure 5b shows the EDX spectrum of spot B in Figure 4b showing both adhered insert material and oil deposits. Note molybdenum., phosphorous, chlorine, calcium, and zinc in the spectrum. Other valves from different engines labeled as "adhesion" in Table 2 share this typical adhesive phenomenon. The adhesive wear mode appears to predominate at valve seat interfaces with high asperity contact stresses or high combustion pressure. The surface roughness can contribute to adhesion significantly. Valves faced with Stellite alloy show less adhesive wear than unfaced valves, Table 2. The presence of high melting point phases, such as carbide or ceramic compounds in the contacting materials is believed to help prevent microwelding or adhesion related wear. Shear strain, also known as radial flow, is defined as the first derivative of the displacement, i.e., . Figure 6 [8]. Shear strain controlled wear can characterized as a surface plastic deformation process. The wear is the result of the shear strain on the seat surface exceeding the plasticity limit of the material. The material is then detached or delaminated from the seating surface as wear particles. The typical appearance of shear strain controlled wear are ridges and/or radial flow of material on valve seats and inserts. Shear strain controlled wear sometimes is associated with adhesion. 展开
2009-02-19 16:10:31 344 1
1.8 Block Diagram Reduction The discussion of Section 1.7 appears to imply that if the transfer function relating input r and output c in block diagram, such as Fig .1.1 is desired, a differential equation relating these two variables must... 1.8 Block Diagram Reduction The discussion of Section 1.7 appears to imply that if the transfer function relating input r and output c in block diagram, such as Fig .1.1 is desired, a differential equation relating these two variables must be obtained first. Fortunately , this is not necessary. The transfer function can be derived instead by certain algebraic manipulations of those of the subsystems or blocks. Some examples will show this block diagram reduction technique and provide some useful results. Example 1.8.3 The configuration in Fig.1.5(a),which includes a minor feedback loop, is very common in servomechanisms . Derivation of C/R by the approach of Example 1.8.2 would be laborious ,but become simple if the result in(1.33) is used. It is applied first to reduce the minor feedback loop C/M to a single block , as shown in Fig.1.5(b). but (1.33) applies again to this new loop and now yields the closed-loop transfer function. Example 1.8.4 In a tow-input system, the additional input D often represents a dis-turbance , such as a supply pressure variation in the level control example in Section 1.3 . With the additional block L , the diagram models the effect of the disturbance on the system. For linear systems the principle of superposition applies, and the total output is the sum of the outputs due to each input separately. Thus the out-put due to R is found as before, and while finding that due to D, R is put equal to zero. The rule of Example 1.8.2 applies when finding the response to D, but note that the product of G2. Note also that for R=0 the minus sign for the feedback at R can be moved to the summing junction for D. Inspection now yields. Example 1.8.5 In fig.1.6 the two feedback loops interfere with each other. The rearrangements (a) and (b) are alternative first steps to make the result in (1.33) again applicable . Verify that neither changes the system, and that applying (1.33) twice to (a) or (b) yields the closed-loop transfer function. 1.9 Conclusion In this chapter a general introduction has been given first, including physical discussion of some fundamental features of control system behavior. A level control example led to a common block diagram configuration. Laplace transforms led to the transfer function description of dynamic behavior, and block diagram reduction to the description of an interconnected system of blocks. The application of transfer functions and transforms and transforms to calculation of the response c(t) to an input r(t) and initial conditions has been demonstrated for cases where the roots of the denominator of the transform C(s) are real and distinct. This provides a framework and motivation for study of the next chapter, and a basis for detailed discussion of transient response in Chapter 3. It also allows for an introductory examination of some of the effects of feedback in the problems below. 展开
2012-02-22 06:47:13 416 2
AttachingtheSampleChuckYouwillneeda#2Phillipsscrewdriverforthisstep.FollowingthedetailsshowninFig.2-4,installthesamplechuckbyfirstaligningthepinsonthebottomofthesamplechu... Attaching the Sample Chuck You will need a #2 Phillips screwdriver for this step. Following the details shown in Fig. 2-4, install the sample chuck by first aligning the pins on the bottom of the sample chuck with the receptacles on the alpha- SE base. Then tighten the upper two captive thumb screws. Next, use the Phillips screwdriver to tighten the lower two captive screws. Don’t over tighten the screws! It will make it difficult to remove them in the future; just ensure that the screws are snug. Finally, connect the vacuum line from the sample chuck to the vacuum fitting on the alpha-SE base. Releasing the Z-stage Shipping Lock To access the Z-stage shipping lock, first loosen the captive screw on the lamp/shipping lock access door, then open the access door by rotating 180°, as shown in Fig. 2-5. To release the Z-stage shipping lock, stand in front of the ellipsometer and use your left hand to balance the weight of the Z-stage (you will feel it lift up slightly). It will be difficult to release the shipping lock if you apply too much or not enough upward force. Next, use your right hand to move the shipping lock to the operating position (to the right, see Fig. 2-6). If the lock is hard to move, you can use a tool to gain more leverage. The shipping lock will move about 1/3” [8mm] to the right. Checking the Lamp Check that the QTH lamp in fully seated in the lamp housing. The lamp is located behind the actuator screw (see Fig. 2-6) and has two white wires protruding from the back of the lamp. Simply push down on the lamp ensuring that the lamp is fully seated in the lamp housing. Rotate the lamp/shipping lock access door to the closed position and hand tighten the captive screw. 拒绝翻译软件,翻译软件我自己也会用 不是用翻译软件我就看不懂,只是,上来找人翻译就是希望翻译出比较容易看懂,不需要自己对照就可以看的说明书,如果用翻译软件,根本就词不达意,还是要自己对着原文件核实 既然用了那么多积分,就希望有相当的成果,如果用翻译软件混积分,那就是人品问题了 还有,某些人不要不懂乱说混积分 展开
2008-06-22 15:11:54 536 5
这个图是一个喂量表,我没看懂下面的说明,一杯8盎司的量杯等于3.3盎司,是啥意思? 是图表中所说的一杯等于3.3盎司的重量,也就是93克?如果不是,那里面的一杯,指的是多少克?
2012-03-11 03:25:42 477 1
A reversed-phase ion-pairing high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPIPC) method for the separation of a complex mixture of heparin-derived oligosacchrides has been developed by a stepwise optimization of the mobile phase, in which the... A reversed-phase ion-pairing high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPIPC) method for the separation of a complex mixture of heparin-derived oligosacchrides has been developed by a stepwise optimization of the mobile phase, in which the concentration of ion-pairing reagent, mobile phase pH, and acetonitrile concentration were varied. The resolution of more than 30 oligosaccharide components was obtained, under optimized conditions, in an analysis time of less than 30 min. This represents the first RP-HPLC method that can separate a complex mixture of both small and large sulfated oligosaccharides in a single chromatographic step. The heparin-derived oligosaccharides, in this mixture, can also be separated under a second set of RP-HPIPC conditions using a volatile ion-pairing reagent, tributylammonium acetate, to aid in the recovery of individual sulfated oligosaccharides. Moreover, it was possible to replace sodium chloride gradient, required for eluting highly sulfated oligosaccharides, with a fixed, low concentration of a volatile salt, ammonium acetate, by utilizing an acetonitrile gradient. This solvent system might make it possible to directly interface this RP-HPIPC separation with mass spectral analysis. 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Ion-pairing reagents; Gradient elution; Oligosaccharides 展开
2010-06-01 05:49:52 610 4
The standard error of the mean (SEM) is a measure of how far your sample mean is likely to be from the true population mean. The SEM is calculated by this equation:SEM=SD/N. With large samples, the SEM is always small. By itself, the SEM i... The standard error of the mean (SEM) is a measure of how far your sample mean is likely to be from the true population mean. The SEM is calculated by this equation:SEM=SD/N. With large samples, the SEM is always small. By itself, the SEM is difficult to interpret. It is easier to interpret the 95% confidence interval, which is calculated from the SEM. 展开
2007-11-15 02:56:39 467 3


