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ipd6771031ae 2006-10-18 03:54:51 272  浏览
  • The preparation of ultrafine powder of bismuth sulfide The synthesis of binary metal sulfides has been the focus of attention because of their important physical and chemical properties [1, 2], good commercial applications in semiconductor... The preparation of ultrafine powder of bismuth sulfide The synthesis of binary metal sulfides has been the focus of attention because of their important physical and chemical properties [1, 2], good commercial applications in semiconductors, pigments, luminescence devices, solar cells, IR detectors and optical fiber, communications, modern thermoelectric coolers [3]. Bismuth sulfide (Bi2S3) is a direct band gap material with Eg of 1.3  eV [4] and useful for photodiode arrays of photovoltaics [5]. Usually, busmuth sulfide can be prepared by direct reaction of bismuth and sulfur vapor in a quartz vessel at high temperature [6]. The chemical deposition method was applied to prepare bismuth sulfide through reaction of bismuth salt complexed by triethanolamine or EDTA with an aqueous solution containing a sulfur sourse such as thioacetamide, thiourea, sodium thiosulphate, geseous H2S. However, the powders obtained through this route are mostly amorphous or poorly crystallized [7–10]. The thermal decomposition preparation of bismuth sulfide was also reported by thermal decomposition of bismuth dithiocarbamate complexes [11], metal ethylxanthate [12], Bi-thiourea complex [13]. However, all these methods required high temperature or else the final poducts contain some impurites. Some researches use nonagueous solutions for depostion of bismuth sulfide thin films, but they have got amorphous products [14, 15]. Yu and Qian reported thermal synthesis of Bi2S3 through a reaction of BiCl3 and thiourea in ethanol at 140  °C [16]. 展开



  • 一抹淺藍 2006-10-30 00:00:00
    硫化铋的 ultrafine 粉末的预备 二元的金属制的硫化物的合成因为他们的重要物质的和化学性质 [1 已经是注意的焦点,2] ,半导体,颜料,发光方法,日光电池, IR 探测器和光纤的好商业应用,通信,现代的热电冷却器 [3]. 硫化铋 (Bi2S3) 是有 1.3个电子伏的 Eg 的一个直接的带隙材料 [4] 和可用的为光电伏打的光电二极管行列 [5]. 通常, busmuth 硫化物在高温可能被一个石英船的铋和硫蒸汽的直接反作用准备 [6]. 化学淀积方法被提出申请准备硫化铋经过被和一个水溶液的三乙醇胺或乙二胺四醋酸合成物的铋盐反作用含有硫 sourse, 像是硫代乙醯胺,硫,钠 thiosulphate , geseous H2S 。 然而,粉末获得过这一个路线大部份无定形或贫穷地结晶的 [7 – 10].热硫化铋的分解预备也被铋二硫弋胺基甲酸盐复合物的热分解据报导了 [11], 以金属复盖 ethylxanthate[12], 二硫复 [13]. 然而,所有的这些方法需要了高温,否则别的确定 poducts 含有一些 impurites 。 一些研究硫化铋薄膜使用 nonagueous 溶液作为 depostion ,但是他们已经有无定形生产品 [14 , 15] 。 Yu 和 Qian 经过乙醇的 BiCl3 和硫的一个反作用据报导了 Bi2S3 的热合成 以 140个 ° C语言 [16].




  • 玩物丧志67 2006-10-19 00:00:00
    铋硫化物超细粉的制备 二进制的金属硫化物成为注意的焦点是因为他们的重要的物理和化学特性 [1 , 2 ],在半导体,颜料,发冷光设备,太阳能电池,IR 检测器和光导纤维,通讯,现代热电冷却器内有很好的商业应用 [3]. 铋硫化物(Bi2S3)是一种直接存在1.3 eV 带子差距的材料[4]并且有益于光电二极管列阵[5]. 通常,busmuth 硫化物可直接通过高温下铋和硫蒸汽在一石英内的反应制取[6]. 通过化学方法铋硫化物triethanolamine或者EDTA对铋盐complexed的反应有一含一硫sourse的水 溶液产生(例如thioacetamide,thiourea,钠thiosulphate,geseous H2S)。 不过,通过这条路线获得的粉主要无固定形状或者不好结晶 [7-10]. 铋硫化物的热分解准备也因为铋dithiocarbamate 的热分解被使用[11],金属ethylxanthate [12],双thiourea复杂 [13]. 不过,所有这些方法需要高温要不然Z后的产物 包含一些impurites。 一些研究为铋硫化物薄膜的depostion使用nonagueous 溶液,但是他们也没有固定形状 [14 , 15 ]. 余和钱报道在当140°C的酒精里通过一个BiCl3 和thiourea的通过在40°C的酒精和Bi2S3时产生热综合 [16].




  • 啊恒温 2006-10-19 00:00:00
    因为全文我看过知道那些数字指的是参考资料就没加进去 超微(非常小的颗粒)硫化铋准备 二元金属铋的合成,由于它的重要的物理和化学特性而成为人们关注的焦点。 在半导体,颜料,冷光设备,太阳能电池,信息检索器和光纤,通讯,热电冷却器等方面都有着出色的商业应用。硫化铋(Bi2S3)是一种直接能隙材料,eg值为1.3ev.对光电池中的光电二极管排列很有用。通常情况下硫化铋可以直接由铋和硫蒸气在水晶容器中高温下反应合成。化学沉淀法可以用来准备硫化铋通过三乙醇胺和铋盐的反应或者由乙二胺四乙酸和含硫代物水溶液(如硫代乙酰胺,硫脲,硫代硫酸钠,硫化氢气体)反应。然而通过这中方法得到的粉末通常是非结晶质的或者结晶不良好的。硫化铋的热分解准备同样在硫代氨基甲酸铋复合物、乙基磺原酸镍、双硫脲复合物的热分解中有提到过。然而,上述的这些方法需要在高温中进行,否则Z终的产物将会含有一些杂质。有些研究用非水溶液沉淀硫化铋薄膜,但他们得到的是非结晶质的产物。Yu和Qian的报告中说硫化铋的合成是通过BiCl3和硫脲酒精溶液在140°C下反应。




  • go小耳朵涂涂 2006-10-19 00:00:00






The preparation of ultrafine powder of bismuth sulfide The synthesis of binary metal sulfides has been the focus of attention because of their important physical and chemical properties [1, 2], good commercial applications in semiconductor... The preparation of ultrafine powder of bismuth sulfide The synthesis of binary metal sulfides has been the focus of attention because of their important physical and chemical properties [1, 2], good commercial applications in semiconductors, pigments, luminescence devices, solar cells, IR detectors and optical fiber, communications, modern thermoelectric coolers [3]. Bismuth sulfide (Bi2S3) is a direct band gap material with Eg of 1.3  eV [4] and useful for photodiode arrays of photovoltaics [5]. Usually, busmuth sulfide can be prepared by direct reaction of bismuth and sulfur vapor in a quartz vessel at high temperature [6]. The chemical deposition method was applied to prepare bismuth sulfide through reaction of bismuth salt complexed by triethanolamine or EDTA with an aqueous solution containing a sulfur sourse such as thioacetamide, thiourea, sodium thiosulphate, geseous H2S. However, the powders obtained through this route are mostly amorphous or poorly crystallized [7–10]. The thermal decomposition preparation of bismuth sulfide was also reported by thermal decomposition of bismuth dithiocarbamate complexes [11], metal ethylxanthate [12], Bi-thiourea complex [13]. However, all these methods required high temperature or else the final poducts contain some impurites. Some researches use nonagueous solutions for depostion of bismuth sulfide thin films, but they have got amorphous products [14, 15]. Yu and Qian reported thermal synthesis of Bi2S3 through a reaction of BiCl3 and thiourea in ethanol at 140  °C [16]. 展开
2006-10-18 03:54:51 272 4
In this study the preparation of ultrafine powder of Bi2S3 by a reaction between bismuth octanoate and sulfur in organic solvent such as high boiling alcanes is reported. The first step was the preparation of bismuth octanoate. Bi(NO3)3Y... In this study the preparation of ultrafine powder of Bi2S3 by a reaction between bismuth octanoate and sulfur in organic solvent such as high boiling alcanes is reported. The first step was the preparation of bismuth octanoate. Bi(NO3)3⋅5H2O and octanic acid were used as the starting materials. The acid was reagent and solvent at the same time and was added in twice excess. After boiling the mixture of starting materials during 1  hour, the product was salted out by ethylacetate. The precipitate was filtered and dried in exxicator at room temperature.The second step was the synthesis of bismuth sulfide by boiling of bismuth octanoate and sulfur in decane during 2.5  hours. The dark grey precipitate was filtered and washed with hexane several times to remove the impurites. The product was dried in exxicator at room temperature. 展开
2006-10-18 10:56:47 399 3
Such interest is well founded.Touted as the impetus for a 21st century industrial revolution, manufactured nanoscale materials (less than 100 nanometers) are being studied intensely by a variety of industries. Worldwide, governments are alr... Such interest is well founded.Touted as the impetus for a 21st century industrial revolution, manufactured nanoscale materials (less than 100 nanometers) are being studied intensely by a variety of industries. Worldwide, governments are already investing billions of dollars in nanotechnology; that figure almost certainly will surpass $1 trillion in the next 10 years. Perhaps the only thing that approaches nanotechnology's technological potential is the uncertainty surrounding its occupational health risks. Relatively little is known about the exposure patterns and toxicity levels of ultrafine materials. But with hundreds of thousands of workers expected to join an industry that likely will redefine nearly every aspect of manufacturing and processing in the coming years, it’s essential that IHs learn as much as they can about potential workplace safety issues related to nanotechnology. “This is an opportunity for IHs to be at the forefront of solving problems before they arise,” says Mark Hoover, a senior research scientist at NIOSH in Morgantown, W.Va.“It is certainly a better approach than having to react to a problem or perform a cleanup on short notice.” 展开
2006-10-18 04:39:25 434 5
Symposium Spotlights the State of the Science Nanotechnology research may still be in its infancy, but indications are good that the field will be growing up fast in the coming years. This promising trend was evident at the second Interna... Symposium Spotlights the State of the Science Nanotechnology research may still be in its infancy, but indications are good that the field will be growing up fast in the coming years. This promising trend was evident at the second International Symposium on Nanotechnology and Occupational Health, which was held in Minneapolis in early October 2005. Sponsored by NIOSH, the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Minnesota and the Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology at Rice University, the symposium showcased not only the progress that has been made in the study of nanotechnology’s workplace issues, but also the depth and breadth of questions that remain. Patrick O’Shaughnessy of the University of Iowa, Iowa City, considered the meeting “very productive. It brought together most of the players from health and safety. It was good to see the variety of academic, government and business people interested in ensuring that the health and safety topics and concerns are addressed as soon as possible. No one wants another asbestos problem to emerge.”He notes that several talks and poster sessions on toxicology showed data implying that nanoparticles tested may not be as reactive as first suspected. In addition, there was a general consensus that typical mass-based measurements will not be adequate when evaluating a workplace because of nanoparticles’ small size and low mass. “Interestingly, devices that measure particle surface area may be very useful because the particles have an extremely large surface-to-volume ratio, and therefore, a greater potential to react with lung tissue,” O’Shaughnessy says. Other topics of interest, adds Mark Hoover of NIOSH, Morgantown, W. Va., included how to organize health and safety programs and resources to manage nanoparticles effectively and safely, personal protective equipment and filtration, as well as whether existing information about micrometer particles can be extrapolated to the nanometer range. “The evidence is still developing,” Hoover says, “but many people will do investigations with multiple metrics so we can be sure.”Hoover was also impressed with the symposium’s international flavor. “You had a lot of networking going on between U.S. scientists and their colleagues from the Pacific Rim, the European Union, Australia and New Zealand,” he says. “Everybody is eager to get up to speed with their colleagues’ research.” 展开
2006-10-18 03:35:51 353 1
Moreover, the particle size of incorporated ZnO calculated from the effective mass model was close to the results obtained from HRTEM. The synthesis method developed in course of this work can be used for the fabrication of different polym... Moreover, the particle size of incorporated ZnO calculated from the effective mass model was close to the results obtained from HRTEM. The synthesis method developed in course of this work can be used for the fabrication of different polymer-inorganic transparent nanocomposites with other functionalities. In the second part of the thesis, we studied a method for the fabrication of micro-porous surface layer – made of copper nanoparticles – on the surface of copper plates (suitable for heat exchangers). The micro-porous surfaces were formed from dendritic network of copper nanoparticles obtained by electrodeposition from solution using dynamic bubble formation and removal as template. The surface layer engineered and its structures were optimized in order to enhance the boiling heat transfer coefficient. To further optimize the dendritic structure, additional annealing step was introduce and its effect on the surface layer structure and properties were investigated. The properties of the deposited surface structures were investigated and its effect on the enhancement of the heart transfer coefficient has been studied. The fabricated enhanced surface has shown an excellent performance in nucleate boiling. Pool boiling tests were performed on refrigerant fluids (R134a) to evaluate the boiling performance of the electrodeposited nanostructured micro-porous structures. At heat flux of 1 W/cm2, the heat transfer coefficient is enhanced over 15 times compared to a plain reference surface. A model has been presented to explain the enhancement based on the structure characteristics. 展开
2006-10-18 01:46:56 345 4
Drivers and Directions In the United States, the EPA and NIOSH are spearheading research into nanoparticles and their associated health risks through a variety of funded research projects and information exchange programs. NIOSH’s Web si... Drivers and Directions In the United States, the EPA and NIOSH are spearheading research into nanoparticles and their associated health risks through a variety of funded research projects and information exchange programs. NIOSH’s Web site also cites its participation in the multiagency National Nanotechnology Initiative and the Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council’s Committee on Technology. But on the whole, the study of nanotechnology in the workplace is still in its infancy. Or as Keith Rickabaugh, technical director of materials and analytical services for RJ Lee Group, Monroeville, Pa., puts it, “what has been learned is that there is much more to learn.” Rickabaugh goes on to say that, “We need to learn how to economically/reasonably establish safe work practices and engineering controls to protect workers from an ‘unknown’ exposure risk. That includes performing studies to document the health risks of nanosized particles, and training workers to understand and be able to characterize those materials.” 展开
2006-10-18 01:02:26 544 3
2013-06-26 12:47:02 387 1
Abstract Nanomaterials and nanotechnology have been hot issues during the recent decades. This thesis deals with the fabrication and engineering of novel nanomaterials with enhanced functionality, particularly nanocomposites and nanostruc... Abstract Nanomaterials and nanotechnology have been hot issues during the recent decades. This thesis deals with the fabrication and engineering of novel nanomaterials with enhanced functionality, particularly nanocomposites and nanostructured surfaces. The study includes two parts; in the first part, bulk transparent polymer-inorganic nanocomposites were produced by a novel synthesis method and its UV-absorption has been investigated. In the second part, nanostructured microporous surface layers, of copper, were fabricated by electrodeposition process and its effect on material’s performance for pool boiling has been investigated evaluated.In the first part of the thesis, bulk polymer-inorganic nanocomposites composed of poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) and zinc compounds were prepared by an in situ sol-gel transition polymerization of zinc complex in PMMA matrix. The immiscibility of heterophases of solid organic and inorganic constituents was resolved by the in situ sol-gel transition polymerization of ZnO nanofillers within PMMA in the presence of dual functional agent, monoethanolamine, which provided strong secondary interfacial interactions for both complexing and crosslinking of constituents. Comprehensive characterization of the polymer-inorganic hybrid materials has been undertaken using a wide range of techniques; XRD, 1H NMR, FT-IR, TGA, DSC, UV-Vis, ED, SEM, TEM and HRTEM. The homogeneous PMMA-ZnO nanocomposites exhibited enhanced UV-sheltering effects in the entire UV range even at very low ZnO content of 0.02 wt%. 展开
2006-10-18 01:02:42 336 4
请高手帮忙翻译一下 3
2.2.1. Physical and physicochemical characterization The particle size distribution of the Ch-zeolite was determined using a laser diffraction equipment (CILASk 1064) and standard wet sieving (Mesh Tylerk series). Scanning electron mic... 2.2.1. Physical and physicochemical characterization The particle size distribution of the Ch-zeolite was determined using a laser diffraction equipment (CILASk 1064) and standard wet sieving (Mesh Tylerk series). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM-PHILIPSk XL20) was used for photomicrographs as well as to analyse the Ch-zeolite composition (Energy Dispersion X-ray, EDX). The sample was initially placed in a vacuum chamber for coating with a thin layer (few nanometers) of gold (Au). The specific surface area of the material was measured by the methylene blue technique and by nitrogen gas adsorption methods, with the latter also providing information about particle porosity. In the methylene blue adsorption method, aqueous solutions (50 ml) of methylene blue (100 mg l 1) were agitated using an orbital shaker (Marconik) for an hour at room temperature in the presence of different quantities of the Ch-zeolite (0.05–0.3 g). The suspensions were then allowed to settle for 23 h and the resulting supernatants were centrifuged at 5000 rpm before the analysis of the residual methylene blue concentration. Results obtained correspond to averaged values of three different experiments. The specific surface area was evaluated by the Langmuir model, assuming the formation, at high concentrations, of a dye monolayer and 1.08 nm2 molecule 1, for the cross-sectional area (Van den Hul and Lyklema, 1968). The Ch-zeolite specific surface area was evaluated by the nitrogen gas adsorption method, using automated equipment (Autosorb 1-Quantachrome Instrumentsk), employing multipoint BET isotherm adsorption data fitting. Also from these data, the porosity of the material was evaluated through parameters such as volume of total pores (d < 206 nm), surface area and volume of micropores (d < 2 nm; Micropore Analysis Method). Zeta potential measurements for the natural and ammonia loaded zeolite, as a function of medium pH, were determined using a Zeta Plusk equipment (Brookhaven Instruments). Suspensions (0.01% v/v) of the Ch-zeolite, previously sieved below 37 Am (400 Mesh Tylerk), in a 10 3 mol l 1 solution of KNO3 were used and the medium pH was controlled with the addition of HNO3 (pH< 7) and KOH (pH>7), separately. For the Ch-zeolite saturated with ammonia, suspensions of the material were prepared by the same procedure, except that the sample was loaded with 100 mg NH3–N l 1 of ammonia. 展开
2018-11-22 17:49:22 242 0
2010-12-27 22:11:25 288 1
你有新编大学英语3 after-class reading翻译
2018-12-06 00:26:36 284 0
Followthesysteminstallationinstructionscarefullyandinthespecifiedorder.ThesoftwaremustbeinstalledonthecomputerbeforeconnectingtheUSBcable.2.1FacilitiesRequirementsFacilit... Follow the system installation instructions carefully and in the specified order. The software must be installed on the computer before connecting the USB cable. 2.1 Facilities Requirements Facilities requirements for the alpha-SE system are listed in Table 2-1 and the system dimensions are given in Fig. 2-1. As shown in Fig. 2-2, the alpha-SE tool requires a clear work area of 20 by 18 inches (500 by 460 mm), excluding the operator computer. 2.2 Unpacking the Hardware Opening the Shipping Container Move the alpha-SE shipping container to the area where the tool will be installed. Open the container and remove the top and side pieces of packing foam. Carefully remove all smaller components from the shipping container, verifying that you received all components, as shown in Fig. 2-3. Finally, remove the alpha-SE ellipsometer and position it on your clear 20” by 18” (510 by 460 mm) workspace. Caution: The alpha-SE ellipsometer without sample chuck weighs approximately 37 lbs. (16 kg.). Please find an assistant to lift the alpha-SE unit out of the shipping carton and on to clear work surface. 展开
2008-06-22 06:30:36 755 4
什么是“纳米材料” 具体包括什么?
2008-01-03 07:45:25 529 3
问题一:请问“在GF254硅胶板上,取样点板,在254nm紫外光下观察结果”这句话该如何翻译?ZD是不知道“取样点板”怎么翻译问题二:麻烦高手帮忙翻译一下2Results2.1柱色谱分离结果The... 问题一: 请问 “在GF254硅胶板上,取样点板,在254 nm紫外光下观察结果” 这句话该如何翻译? ZD是不知道“取样点板”怎么翻译 问题二:麻烦高手帮忙翻译一下 2 Results 2. 1 柱色谱分离结果 The results of separation by column chromatography 柱色谱分离过程中,氯仿∶甲醇95∶5和90∶10洗脱出来的流分经过反复的硅胶柱色谱分离纯化得到组分C3。 2. 2 薄层色谱检测结果 The results of Thin-layer chromatography. 组分C3在GF254硅胶板上展开后,可在254nm紫外灯下直观观测为单点,见图1。 2. 3 GX液相色谱分析和制备单体化合物 对组分C3 进行GX液相制备,色谱图显示有4个色谱峰(见图2) ,分离效果较好,收集4个单峰组分,得到4个化合物1~4,对以上4个化合物进行GX液相分析,均为单峰,见图3~4。 3 化合物的结构鉴定 通过制备液相收集得到4个化合物,对其中3个化合物进行结构鉴定: 化合物1, 淡黄色晶体, UV λmax nm (logε) : 248 nm。E IMS,m / z 501. 3 [M + 1 ] + ,分子量为500。化合物1氢谱显示7个甲基信号;δ1. 02, 0. 93, 0. 78 ( each 3H, s) , 0. 89 ( 3H, d, J =6. 4Hz) , 1. 23, 1. 25 ( each 3H, d, J = 5. 2Hz) , 1. 22(3H, s) ,一个连氧碳上的氢信号δ3. 23 (1H, dd, J= 10 Hz) ,符合三萜化合物的结构,可以证明化 合物1为三萜类化合物。 化合物2, UV λmax nm ( logε) : 250 nm。E IMS,m / z 515. 3 [M + 1 ] + ,分子量为514。化合物2的氢谱显示7个甲基信号δ0. 77, 0. 94, 1.01, 1. 22, 1. 23 (3H, s) , 0. 82 (3H, d, 10. 2 Hz) ,一个连氧碳上的氢信号δ3. 22 ( 1H, dd, J = 10. 5Hz) ,一个甲氧基上的氢信号δ3. 66 (3H, s) ,符合三萜化合物的结构,可以证明化合物2为三萜化合物。 化合物3, UV λmax nm ( logε) : 254 nm。EIMS,m / z 531. 2 [M + 1 ] + ,分子量为514。化合物2 的氢谱(见附录)显示7 个甲基信号δ0.78, 0. 82, 0. 87, 1. 03, 1. 24, 1. 31 ( 3H, s) , 1. 17(3H, d, 6. 6 Hz) ,一个乙酰基上的氢信号2. 10(3H, s) ,一个甲氧基团的氢信号3. 68 (3H, s) ,符合三萜化合物的结构,可以证明化合物3为三萜化合物。 化合物4结构较复杂,不能确定是三萜化合物。 二楼的辛苦了,非常感谢你的回答。不过好像没有明白我的意思,而且有google之嫌。 展开
2009-05-07 18:35:24 685 4
AttachingtheSampleChuckYouwillneeda#2Phillipsscrewdriverforthisstep.FollowingthedetailsshowninFig.2-4,installthesamplechuckbyfirstaligningthepinsonthebottomofthesamplechu... Attaching the Sample Chuck You will need a #2 Phillips screwdriver for this step. Following the details shown in Fig. 2-4, install the sample chuck by first aligning the pins on the bottom of the sample chuck with the receptacles on the alpha- SE base. Then tighten the upper two captive thumb screws. Next, use the Phillips screwdriver to tighten the lower two captive screws. Don’t over tighten the screws! It will make it difficult to remove them in the future; just ensure that the screws are snug. Finally, connect the vacuum line from the sample chuck to the vacuum fitting on the alpha-SE base. Releasing the Z-stage Shipping Lock To access the Z-stage shipping lock, first loosen the captive screw on the lamp/shipping lock access door, then open the access door by rotating 180°, as shown in Fig. 2-5. To release the Z-stage shipping lock, stand in front of the ellipsometer and use your left hand to balance the weight of the Z-stage (you will feel it lift up slightly). It will be difficult to release the shipping lock if you apply too much or not enough upward force. Next, use your right hand to move the shipping lock to the operating position (to the right, see Fig. 2-6). If the lock is hard to move, you can use a tool to gain more leverage. The shipping lock will move about 1/3” [8mm] to the right. Checking the Lamp Check that the QTH lamp in fully seated in the lamp housing. The lamp is located behind the actuator screw (see Fig. 2-6) and has two white wires protruding from the back of the lamp. Simply push down on the lamp ensuring that the lamp is fully seated in the lamp housing. Rotate the lamp/shipping lock access door to the closed position and hand tighten the captive screw. 拒绝翻译软件,翻译软件我自己也会用 不是用翻译软件我就看不懂,只是,上来找人翻译就是希望翻译出比较容易看懂,不需要自己对照就可以看的说明书,如果用翻译软件,根本就词不达意,还是要自己对着原文件核实 既然用了那么多积分,就希望有相当的成果,如果用翻译软件混积分,那就是人品问题了 还有,某些人不要不懂乱说混积分 展开
2008-06-22 15:11:54 536 5
13.本系列仪器采用电流、电压双组取样并经单片处理后显示,其读数直观、准确。由于仪器采用了负载四线制取样,从面消除了负载导线电阻对电显示的影响。电路的电压限幅,使得实验更加安全,可靠。 16.采用古埃法(gu-ai method)研究分子结构,测量顺磁和逆... 13.本系列仪器采用电流、电压双组取样并经单片处理后显示,其读数直观、准确。由于仪器采用了负载四线制取样,从面消除了负载导线电阻对电显示的影响。电路的电压限幅,使得实验更加安全,可靠。 16.采用古埃法(gu-ai method)研究分子结构,测量顺磁和逆磁磁化率。主要结构有:电磁铁和恒流电源、数字式高斯计(霍尔效应)、安培计和伏特计、配有照明系统的控制盘。系统采用了PID电子调节,全数字电源(0~10A无级调节),无需水冷却,使得仪器动矿层运行更加稳定可靠,防止因操作不当而造成仪器损坏。 34. 本仪器由光学系统和信号处理系统两部分组成,它根据光拍频原理设计,通过光电转换检测,在普通示波器上同时观察和比较两束光的波形和相位,测量光程差和位相差,求得光速。 采用新的分频、触发措施,能在示波器上观察到精确、清晰的波形。 35.本装置用霍尔效应的原理测量螺线管轴向磁场强度分布。能判断半导体载流子的符号,移开螺线管,可做共轭线圈实验。 此装置由测定仪和专用电源两部分组成,实验仪上装有螺线管、霍尔元件、二维移动标尺及IM,IH,VH转换开关。专用电源提供霍尔元件工作电流IH,螺线管励磁电流IM以及对霍尔电压VH的测量。电流和电压的测量均采用3 1/2位数显表,测量精度高。 翻出来后我再给分!一定会追加分!Z少50分!! 展开
2007-03-25 21:10:45 450 1
During the preparation of the nano-products, these nano-units, such as nanoparticles, nanoclusters, nanowires and nanorods, can also self-assemble into the novel structural aggregates by several routes, including electron irradiation deposi... During the preparation of the nano-products, these nano-units, such as nanoparticles, nanoclusters, nanowires and nanorods, can also self-assemble into the novel structural aggregates by several routes, including electron irradiation deposition [19], chemical vapor deposition [20], laser vaporization-condensation [21], charge transferring [22], an organic reagent-assisted method [23], solution-liquid-solid method [24] and catalytic vapor-liquid-solid growth [25]. With these routes, various nanoscale or microscale aggregates can demonstrate novel architectures, including tree-like, web-like, spherical, nanowire-like, network and fishbone-like aggregates. As a well-known method for producing the nanocapsules, however, arc-discharge has been rarely used to synthesize the aggregates self-assembled by the nanocapsules prepared simultaneously in arc-discharge. Nevertheless, it is possible that the arc-discharge can be developed into a new way to synthesize the aggregates. In the present work, we utilized arc-discharge technique with modified strategies, involving changing the hydrogen pressure, introducing gadolinium - aluminum alloy ingot as the anode and adjusting the elements percent of the anode according to their evaporation pressure, to synthesize a new type of nanocapsules, with intermetallic compound GdAl2 as core and amorphous Al2O3 as shell, which enlarge the family of the magnetic nanocapsules. At the same time, the regularly aligned three-dimensional macro-aggregates self-assembled by the nanocapsules without any template and catalyst were simultaneously synthesized in arc-discharge process. 展开
2008-06-09 10:41:10 330 1
To show that HAX-1 degradation is part of the apoptotic process and any involvement Omi may have, we used the ucf-101 inhibitor. ucf-101 is a specific inhibitor of the proteolytic activity of Omi and has been described previously (13). When... To show that HAX-1 degradation is part of the apoptotic process and any involvement Omi may have, we used the ucf-101 inhibitor. ucf-101 is a specific inhibitor of the proteolytic activity of Omi and has been described previously (13). When HK-2 cells were treated with cisplatin in the presence of ucf-101, the percentage of apoptotic cells decreased and the inhibitor significantly blocked HAX-1 degradation. This effect was more pronounced when a higher concentration of the inhibitor was used. To confirm the specificity of the inhibitor in this system and exclude the possibility that another protease rather than Omi is involved in HAX-1 cleavage, we used cell lines derived from mnd2 mice (9). The parent cell line (mnd2-MSCV) derived from mouse embryo fibroblasts has no detectable Omi proteolytic activity (9). The same cell line has been transfected with wild type human Omi cDNA (mnd2-MSCV-Omi) and expresses high levels of active Omi protein (14). We found that in mnd2-MSCV cells, when induced to undergo apoptosis with various stimuli, the number of apoptotic cells was very low. Furthermore, no detectable cleavage of HAX-1 was observed. This is in contrast with the mnd2-MSCV-Omi cells where apoptosis was robust, and HAX-1 levels were inversely proportional to the degree of apoptosis. This experiment clearly shows that Omi is solely responsible for HAX-1 cleavage, which is essential for apoptosis under the conditions used in these experiments. HAX-1 subcellular localization depends on cell type (21, 30) and has been reported to be present in the mitochondria, cytoplasm, or plasma membrane (10, 21, 22, 30). We performed subcellular fractionation to investigate where HAX-1 cleavage by Omi takes place. We found that, in HEK293 cells, HAX-1 was predominantly present in the mitochondria, and this localization did not change in response to apoptotic stimuli. This suggests that Omi can initiate apoptosis in the mitochondria by cleaving HAX-1 protein. This is in accord with a recent study that shows Omi can induce apoptosis in human neutrophils treated with TNF- without being released from the mitochondria (7). Although several studies clearly define HAX-1 as an anti-apoptotic protein, the mechanism of its function is unknown. HAX-1 has sequence similarity to Bcl-2 family of proteins (10, 22). 展开
2007-02-03 21:19:55 468 1
2010-10-19 01:50:42 537 5
2017-02-07 07:08:08 370 2


