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韭然春烫7023 2012-10-02 13:55:39 473  浏览
  • The cDNA and gene sequences currently available includes 31,741 unique sequences assembled from 217,519 high quality 454 sequencing reads.这句怎么翻译?尤其是high quality 454 sequencing reads具体怎么翻译



  • 云胞咸云 2012-10-04 00:00:00
    和基因序列的cDNA目前包括31741个独特的序列组装从217519年高质量的454测序读取 高质量的454测序读取




  • 白巧克力0603 2012-10-03 00:00:00




  • jinjijinn 2012-10-03 00:00:00




  • 沙漠之鹄 2012-10-03 00:00:00
    目前的cDNA和基因序列,权威的454测序仪了测试了217519种,得到唯yi序列组装有31741种。 454测序仪是一个专有名词,中山大学有,开机一次大概要16万。






The cDNA and gene sequences currently available includes 31,741 unique sequences assembled from 217,519 high quality 454 sequencing reads.这句怎么翻译?尤其是high quality 454 sequencing reads具体怎么翻译
2012-10-02 13:55:39 473 4
This work examines the behaviour of fluorine modified b-PbO2 electrodes in the processes of O2 and O3 evolution in sulphuric acid. The electrochemical kinetic analyses of these processes are based on quasi-steady-state polarisation and impe... This work examines the behaviour of fluorine modified b-PbO2 electrodes in the processes of O2 and O3 evolution in sulphuric acid. The electrochemical kinetic analyses of these processes are based on quasi-steady-state polarisation and impedance data. The good agreement between the two sets of measurements allows some basic conclusions to be drawn. In particular, the O2 evolution process is always inhibited at F-doped PbO2 electrodes, and impedance results suggest possible changes in the mechanism, with electrodesorption of intermediates becoming more important as the concentration of the doping element increases. The interpretation of the data for the less positive potentials region invokes the specific adsorption of SO4 as a factor influencing the kinetics of O2 evolution. The current efficiency for O3 formation as a function of the amount of NaF added to the PbO2 growth solution reaches a maximum for a concentration of 0.01 mol dm3. A plausible cause for the decrease on the higher concentration side is the discharge of adsorbed SO4 2  (or HSO4 ) eventually yielding persulphate. This reaction is known to be favoured in the presence of a relatively high amount of fluoride in the electrolyte. An analysis of the results of modified neglect of diatomic differential overlap (MNDO) calculations on Pb cluster models and of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) data suggests that the coverage by weakly adsorbed oxygen species (OH and H2O) is an important parameter that is influenced by F-doping. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 展开
2009-02-21 00:33:53 384 6
以下是文献的一部分,愿意帮忙的高手留下邮箱,我把文件发给你,若能完成,加分:SpatialCompressiveSensingApproachForFieldDirectionalityEstimation.I.INTRODUCTIONVarietyoft... 以下是文献的一部分,愿意帮忙的高手留下邮箱,我把文件发给你,若能完成,加分: Spatial Compressive Sensing Approach For Field Directionality Estimation. I. INTRODUCTION Variety of techniques for field directionality estimation were studied in literature [1]-[5]. Thus, a theoretical analysis of the relationship between the hydrophone array output and the noise field was conducted in [1]-[5]. The developed techniques were based on the array beamformer output or the crossspectral matrix between outputs of array elements [4]-[5]. The problem of a field directionality estimation in ocean, using horizontal line towed array was also addressed in literature [5]- [8]. Recently, problems of direction of arrival and field directionality estimation for moving sensors arrays have attracted renewed interest [9]-[12]. It was shown that an array motion can improve an array performance assuming temporal coherence of successive samples [10]-[11]. In [12], the wavefield sampling method that exploits the linear relationship between the noise field and the collection of beamformer outputs over various array orientations was proposed. It was shown that the wavefield sampling (WS) method outperforms other tested methods. This algorithm was implemented via the recursive estimation method and its convergence to the unique solution was promised for a specific set of array orientations and beamformer look directions. However, a method for a proper array orientation and beamformer look direction sequence selection remains an open question. The quality of the field directionality estimation is determined by the angular resolution. The higher angular resolution is, the more accurate estimation of the far field sources, and better detection performance can be achieved. One of fundamental relations in the array signal processing is that the angular resolution is directly proportional to the number of the array elements [13]. This relation motivates the desire for longer arrays that can achieve higher resolution. Unfortunately, the requirement contradicts the implementation and installation limitations that motivate shorter arrays. Moreover, implementation of longer arrays for maneuvering platforms such as unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) can even be impossible [14]. These contradictions motivate the quest for alternative array signal processing methods. Usually, the field directionality is modeled as a finite set of strong far-field narrow-band sources and an isotropic lowpower noise [1]. In this work, the model of the field directionality is adopted in the following way. First, the bearing angle space is uniformly sampled into a large number of discrete angles. Next, it is assumed that ether the high energy that corresponds to the far-field strong sources or the low-energy that corresponds to the isotropic noise is received at the sensor array from every of these discrete azimuth angles. 展开
2010-01-17 08:59:13 489 5
Whilegraphene,acarbon-basedtwo-dimensionalnanomaterials,hasreceivedanupsurgeofinterest,[1]self-assemblyofsmallorganicandorganometallicmoleculesinto2Dnanostructurescouldal... While graphene, a carbon-based two-dimensional nanomaterials, has received an upsurge of interest,[1] self-assembly of small organic and organometallic molecules into 2D nanostructures could also be harnessed to develop new classes of functional supramolecular nanomaterials.[2] In principle, quasi-2D lamellae or nanosheets are planar structures having a thickness less than 100 nm and lateral dimensions a few orders of magnitude greater than their thickness. Control over the bilateral intermolecular noncovalent interactions is anticipated to organize small molecules into regular 2D nanostructures, which has been a formidable challenge yet to be achieved. Recently, Shelnutt and co-workers obtained discrete porphyrin nanosheets reprecipitated from their solutions;[3] Sathish and co-workers constructed hexagonal C60 nanosheets using a liquid–liquid interfacial precipitation method;[4] the groups of Yao[5] and Hu[6] prepared singlecrystalline nanosheets of polycyclic aromatics using a surfactant- assisted reprecipitation and a physical vapor transporting method, respectively; and Zhang and co-workers suggested that molecules with intramolecular charge-transfer dipole moments could be grown into quasi-2D nanostructures.[7] Moreover, some amphiphiles and organogelators were found to self-organize into sheet-like nanostructures in contact with solvents.[8] Despite these advances, templateand surfactant-free synthesis of free-standing, crystalline, and optoelectronically active nanosheets from small molecules remains elusive. 展开
2010-03-06 01:33:12 379 6
2011-03-15 06:12:52 348 4
2012-02-04 23:08:17 686 1
句子如下:An artifact of the sample preparation for XPS analysis was considered, but various procedures gave the same result. ZD在前半句,XPS为专有名词--X射线光电子能谱 求英化达人翻译
2012-02-13 17:34:32 466 3
帮忙翻译一下化工方面的单词 英语
碱值测定器试剂移液管锥形瓶酸式滴定管甲基黄溴甲酚绿混合指示剂盐酸标准溶液摩尔/升酸式滴定管... 碱值 测定器 试剂 移液管 锥形瓶 酸式滴定管 甲基黄溴甲酚绿混合指示剂 盐酸标准溶液 摩尔/升 酸式滴定管 展开
2010-01-17 06:38:39 559 5
几个日语遥控器方面的专业用语 请达人们帮忙翻译一下~ 谢谢哦
1.铭板(面贴) 2.红外发射管 3.陶瓷谐振器 4.片阻 5.片容 6.插件电阻 7.导电胶 8. 红胶(邦定用的) 9.黑胶(邦定封胶用的) 10.
2010-01-10 06:10:42 368 3
翻译一下几个生物专业词汇apoptosis,microarray,phenotype.heterozygous,cortice,internalize,up-regulate,down-regulate,cyclopamine,vivo,catenin,cadherin... 翻译一下几个生物专业词汇apoptosis,microarray,phenotype.heterozygous,cortice,internalize,up-regulate,down-regulate,cyclopamine,vivo,catenin,cadherin 展开
2006-05-16 02:18:53 442 1
The standard error of the mean (SEM) is a measure of how far your sample mean is likely to be from the true population mean. The SEM is calculated by this equation:SEM=SD/N. With large samples, the SEM is always small. By itself, the SEM i... The standard error of the mean (SEM) is a measure of how far your sample mean is likely to be from the true population mean. The SEM is calculated by this equation:SEM=SD/N. With large samples, the SEM is always small. By itself, the SEM is difficult to interpret. It is easier to interpret the 95% confidence interval, which is calculated from the SEM. 展开
2007-11-15 02:56:39 467 3
2012-06-27 21:40:44 375 1
it is no good crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收 请直译这个句子。谢谢
2013-04-04 01:50:20 490 6
REAL-TIME KINEMATIC GPS Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) is Trimble Navigation's Site Surveyor System available as a standard option upgrade to Trimble's 4000 series SE and SSE receivers. The Medicine Bow National Forest uses 4000 SSE and SE rece... REAL-TIME KINEMATIC GPS Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) is Trimble Navigation's Site Surveyor System available as a standard option upgrade to Trimble's 4000 series SE and SSE receivers. The Medicine Bow National Forest uses 4000 SSE and SE receivers in it's Boundary Management program. The use of RTK enables a surveyor to determine a corner's position, establish a corner without having to make traditional corner moves or to mark and post line as quickly as the surveyor could walk, all without having to post-process the data. The surveyor using RTK can perform corner search within a meter or a couple of centimeters of the true location without the need to traverse down the line. For some survey applications traditional kinematic GPS field procedures are preferred, since many points can be observed in a short period of time with occupation times of a minute or less. However until now, kinematic surveying required post-processing before the results were available. This made field stakeout of corner positions, corner search, line marking and posting, and evaluation of coordinate accuracy in the field impossible to do using kinematic techniques (Curry et al 1993). Now, the use of RTK technology makes these impossible traditional kinematic tasks possible. What is RTK? RTK is currently carrier phase observations processed (corrected) in real-time resulting in position coordinates to a 1-2 centimeter accuracy level being available to the surveyor in the field. In other words, what the surveyor sees is what he gets. RTK, consists of two or more GPS receivers, three or more radio-modems, a "fixed-plate initializer" , and a handheld survey data collector/computer (TDC1). In RTK, one receiver occupies a known reference station and broadcasts a correction message (Compact Measurement Record or CMR2) to one or more roving receivers. The roving receivers process the information to solve the WGS-84 vectors by solving the integers in real-time within the receiver to produce an accurate position relative to the reference station. Precision of RTK is +/-2 cm + 2 ppm, with 1 ppm equating to 1 mm per 1 km (Trimble Navigation, 1993). The TDC1 is used to graphically display the processed results of the surveyors current position on the ground at that moment. The TDC1 has the capability for the surveyor to navigate within a couple of centimeters to a known or unknown coordinate position using Local, State Plane or Geographic coordinates. In real-time positions may be logged in the field, inverses performed, attributes (features) recorded, azimuths and distances between points calculated, and corners located. RTK, as with traditional kinematic GPS procedures, currently requires continuous satellite lock to be maintained. This restriction allows for RTK to be most effective in a non-canopied, no obstructions environment. 展开
2009-06-04 09:20:37 480 1
就是国外英文期刊,植物组织培养方面能投,不要求sci什么的,希望审稿周期比较快,且比较正规。只要是英文期刊就行,哪位达人曾经研究过,可否提供一二,多谢多谢!... 就是国外英文期刊,植物组织培养方面能投,不要求sci什么的,希望审稿周期比较快,且比较正规。只要是英文期刊就行,哪位达人曾经研究过,可否提供一二,多谢多谢! 展开
2013-02-12 16:58:33 321 1
PMMA has good compatibility with PVC due to specific interaction of a hydrogen bonding type between carbonyl groups (C=O) of PMMA and hydrogen from (CHCl) groups of PVC (Belhaneche-Bensemra et al., 2002; Ramesh et al., 2002). Zhou et al... PMMA has good compatibility with PVC due to specific interaction of a hydrogen bonding type between carbonyl groups (C=O) of PMMA and hydrogen from (CHCl) groups of PVC (Belhaneche-Bensemra et al., 2002; Ramesh et al., 2002). Zhou et al. (2001) studied the relationship between the coating thickness of PMMA on the surface of talc and mechanical properties of PMMA-g-talc/PVC composites, and found that there existed a critical thickness. Xie (2001) found that the PMMA coating on talc improved the dispersion of talc in the PVC matrix and enhanced the interfacial adhesion between talc and PVC. There appears to be a critical coating thickness of PMMA on the talc surface for optimum toughening. Quan et al. (2002) reported improved toughness and intension of the PVC composites filled with CaCO3/ACR core-shell complex particles prepared by in-situ emulsion polymerization of acrylic ester. In the present work, PMMA coated on the surface of CaCO3 nanoparticles by in-situ emulsion polymerization was characterized by FT-IR and 1H-NMR. The effects of PMMA thickness and particle fraction on the mechanical properties of PMMA-coated CaCO3 /PVC nanocomposites were also investigated. 展开
2011-05-16 04:20:15 443 4
2. Experimental 2.1 Materials Nano-CaCO3 particles (D50: 30−70 nm by TEM (Fig. 1) and BET: ca.17m2·g-1) were supplied by Shanghai Zhuoyue Nanotech Corporation. Methyl methacrylate (MMA, Shanghai Lingfeng Chemicals) was purified ... 2. Experimental 2.1 Materials Nano-CaCO3 particles (D50: 30−70 nm by TEM (Fig. 1) and BET: ca.17m2·g-1) were supplied by Shanghai Zhuoyue Nanotech Corporation. Methyl methacrylate (MMA, Shanghai Lingfeng Chemicals) was purified by distillation under reduced pressure; potassium persulphate (K2S2O8, initiator, Shanghai Lingfeng Chemicals) was of chemical grade. Silane coupling agent A174 (γ-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane) was purchased from Shanghai Yaohua Factory. Polyvinylchloride (PVC, WS-1000S) was supplied by Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Fig. 1 Morphology of untreated CaCO3 nanoparticles. Fig. 2 Morphology of PMMA-coated CaCO3 nanoparticles. 2.2 PMMA emulsion polymerization on CaCO3 nanoparticles 2.2.1 Surface silanation of nano-CaCO3 particles The nano-CaCO3 particles were homogeneously dispersed in ethanol (solid content 20%) by a sonication dispersion equipment. The slurry was then heated to 80°C with stirring, and the silane coupling agent A174 (5%, calculated based on the weight of nano-CaCO3 particles) was added into the slurry. After the slurry was stirred for 120 min at 80°C, it was filtered and the filter cake was then dried at 120°C in low vacuum for 120 min to obtain silanated CaCO3 powders. 展开
2011-05-16 00:26:36 386 4
2.2. Material Characterizations. A field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM, JEOL 6701F) was used to investigate the morphologies, particle sizes of the samples. Transmission electron microscopy and elemental compositions of the ... 2.2. Material Characterizations. A field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM, JEOL 6701F) was used to investigate the morphologies, particle sizes of the samples. Transmission electron microscopy and elemental compositions of the samples were determined by JEM-2100F (JEOL) coupled with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX, Phoenix) system. Wide-angle and low-angle X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) of the as-obtained samples were recorded on a Rigaku D/max-2500 with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.540 56 Å) operated at 40 kV and 200 mA. Raman measurements were performed using a DXR from Thermo Scientific with a laser wavelength of 532 nm. To calculate the pore size distribution and pore volumes, the nitrogen absorption and desorption isotherms were measured at 77.3 K with an Autosorb-1 specific surface area analyzer from Quantachrome. The content of N in N-doped porous carbon was determined by NHC elemental analysis using Flash EA 1112. Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis of S/C composite was performed on TG/DTA 6300 in an N2 flow to obtain the S content in the composite. A four-contact method was applied to measure the powder electronic conductivity of porous carbons. The powder sample was pressed to disk at 4 MPa with two stainless-steel plungers, whose resistance was measured by a Keithley 2400 digital multimeter in fourwire mode. The conductivity of the sample was calculated according to the resistance and the size of the disk. Information of the surface elements was obtained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) performed on the Thermo Scientific ESCALab 250Xi using 200 W monochromatic Al Kα radiation. The 500 μm X-ray spot was used for XPS analysis. The base pressure in the analysis chamber was about 3 × 10−10 mbar. All reported data of XPS binding energy are calibrated based on the hydrocarbon C 1s line at 284.8 eV from adventitious carbon. Spectra were fitted with Lorentzian−Gaussian functions and smart background using Thermo Avantage software. 展开
2014-12-28 15:14:51 493 1
急求一篇5000字左右的与种子精选机械方面的英文文章 Z好带汉语翻译的!
2009-03-22 10:41:44 339 1
2015-03-21 01:39:33 289 2


