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流b的找鸟 2007-11-11 17:08:37 331  浏览





2007-11-11 17:08:37 331 1
2013-07-03 05:10:38 405 4
很急很急!!!!!... 很急很急!!!!! 展开
2011-09-08 04:51:18 418 1
世界稀土资源数据……………… 急求!!
2012-07-22 10:49:31 345 2
2015-01-02 10:56:05 379 3
特别是关于仿真方面的... 特别是关于仿真方面的 展开
2008-09-24 00:53:16 235 1
王川著 在197911.12期《科学画报》上发表
2018-11-26 01:30:35 330 0
求专业生物英语翻译 谢谢!!
To confirm that the hdcA gene from Staph. capitis IFIJ12 encodes a functional HDC, we expressed this gene in E. coli following the strategy described in the Materials and Methods section, consisting in amplifying the genes by PCR and clonin... To confirm that the hdcA gene from Staph. capitis IFIJ12 encodes a functional HDC, we expressed this gene in E. coli following the strategy described in the Materials and Methods section, consisting in amplifying the genes by PCR and cloning the products under the control of the T7 RNA polymerase-inducible /10 promoter. Cell extracts were used to detect the presence of hyperproduced proteins by SDS-PAGE analysis. Control cells containing the pT7-7 vector plasmid alone did not show expression over the 3-h time course analysed, whereas expression of additional 34Æ2-kDa protein was apparent with cells harbouring pAM28 (Fig. 2ai). In addition, cell extracts from E. coli JM109(DE3) (pLysS) cells harbouring the recombinant plasmid pAM28 were able to decarboxylate the histidine present in the reaction to histamine, whereas extracts prepared from control cells containing the vector plasmid alone did not. Figure 2(bi) shows a TLC analysis of the enzymatic reaction. Thus, we could prove experimentally that the hdcA gene encodes a functional HDC. As the protein was cloned containing a purification poli-His tag, HDC was purified on a His-TrapTM-FF crude chelating column and eluted with a stepwise gradient of imidazole. Highly purified HDC protein was obtained from pAM28 (Fig. 2aii). The eluted HDC protein was dialysed to eliminate the imidazole, and checked for HDC activity. TLC analysis demonstrated that highly purified HDC protein was able to decarboxylate histidine to form histamine (Fig. 2bii). The predicted sequence of the HDC was aligned with HDC proteins from Gram-positive bacteria (Fig. S1). As deduced from the HDC alignment, most of the residues implicated in catalysis and substrate binding in the HDC from Lactobacillus 30a (Gallagher et al. 1989) are conserved in the Staph. capitis enzyme. However, the residue Ala-260, forming the hydrophobic pocket, is not conserved in the Staph. capitis HDC protein, and a Gly residue is present in its place. In addition to the wild-type HDC enzymes, a number of mutants that produce partially active or inactive enzymes have been isolated (Recsei and Snell, 1982, Van Poelje et al. 1990). More interestingly, mutant 3 of HDC from Lactobacillus 30a, which produces a full-length protein that is slowly autoactivated, shows only one amino acid replacement at position 58 (G58A), the Gly amino acid residue is conserved at this position in all HDC, with exception of Staph. capitis HDC with a Asn residue present in its place. An autoactivation assay was performed in order to know if S. capitis HDC follows a similar slow autoactivation. The result shows that along incubation, Staph. capitis HDC seems to be degraded instead to be autocleaved into an a chain (23 kDa) and a β chain (11.5 kDa) (Fig. 3). 展开
2010-04-03 10:34:22 453 1
求高中有机化学方程式 谢谢
只要方程式就可以了不用解释... 只要方程式就可以了 不用解释 展开
2010-07-31 01:34:52 319 4
设计要求: 1、基本部分 (1) 被测信号的频率范围为1Hz~999KHz,分为4个档位:Hz,10Hz,100Hz,KHz。 (2) 具有自检功能,即用仪器内部的标准脉冲校准测量精度。 (3) 用3为数码管显示测量数据,测量误差小于10%。 (4) 用3个发光二极管表示单位,分别对应3个... 设计要求: 1、基本部分 (1) 被测信号的频率范围为1Hz~999KHz,分为4个档位:Hz,10Hz,100Hz,KHz。 (2) 具有自检功能,即用仪器内部的标准脉冲校准测量精度。 (3) 用3为数码管显示测量数据,测量误差小于10%。 (4) 用3个发光二极管表示单位,分别对应3个位。 (5) 具有自动换挡功能,即超量程能换,欠量程换低档。 展开
2018-11-19 12:40:10 360 0
求侏罗纪公园1-3 谢谢
2018-06-17 06:25:08 208 2
2012-04-08 23:21:30 933 2
佛山城市空气污染指数是多少... 佛山城市空气污染指数是多少 展开
2010-07-26 12:05:13 293 1
2011-03-17 01:39:16 411 2
2015-03-03 17:51:39 274 1
2013-03-05 09:23:56 342 2
AB PLC编程软件RSlogix500网上很多,可以搜索下载,不过只能进行编程,无法连接plc进行程序的传送和下载。如果AB-PLC与电脑连接,除了要安装AB-PLC编程软件,还需要安装AB-PLC通讯软件。软件可以去网上下载(RSLINX252CN这个软件是AB-PLC完整的软件,不过需要... AB PLC编程软件RSlogix500网上很多,可以搜索下载,不过只能进行编程,无法连接plc进行程序的传送和下载。如果AB-PLC与电脑连接,除了要安装AB-PLC编程软件,还需要安装AB-PLC通讯软件。软件可以去网上下载(RSLINX252CN这个软件是AB-PLC完整的软件,不过需要有授权哦) 展开
2018-11-11 16:30:43 343 0
求牟政发2005 54号文,关于城市基础设施配套费的
2012-07-24 14:07:30 497 2
2008-03-24 08:05:58 292 1
2008-08-29 00:21:35 296 6


