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求专业的英语达人帮忙翻译下 万分感谢

changp62544 2010-05-07 12:23:38 401  浏览
  • Caution:Do not place your finger over the vent(it pressurizes the sensor) to test the flow indicator when gas is flowing to the sensor.removing your finger (the restriction) generates a vacuum on the sensor and maydamage the sensor(voiding ... Caution:Do not place your finger over the vent(it pressurizes the sensor) to test the flow indicator when gas is flowing to the sensor.removing your finger (the restriction) generates a vacuum on the sensor and maydamage the sensor(voiding the sensor warraty). Positive pressure applications: If the sample pressure is greater than 30 psign an external pressure regulator(optional) is required upsteram of the analyzer to control of sample flow.a pressure regulator with a metallic diaphragm is recommended to prevent high oxygen reading that cuold result from the use of diaphragms constructed of more gas permeable materisls. If other optionoal sample system components such as coiled metal tubing(samples must be colled to at least 35-40℃ for continuous use),coalescing filters ,scrubbers,etc.are required install the pressure rugulator after the coiled tubing and bofore the other components and the analyzer.a scrubber requires a flow valve upstream for optimum efficiency and response time and that the analyzer flow valve is opened completely. Atmospheric or slightly negative pressure applications: For accurate high ppb and/or low ppm range measurements,an optional simple pump is required downstream of the analyzer to draw the sample through the analyzer.The cacuum drawn on the analyzer and sensor should not exceed 4”of water. Caution:Use ofpump downstream of the sensor requires the floe control valve upstream of the sensor be completely opened to avoid drawing ercessive vacuum in the sensor,which can damage the sensor. If pump over-loading(due to the limitation of low flow rate of the sample gas)is a comsideration,a second throttle valve on the pump’s inlet side may be necessary to provide a bypass path,as illustrated below,to prevent the pump from over-loading and over-heating while miantaining the required sample flow rate within the above-mentioned parameters 展开



  • 1193961317A 2010-05-08 00:00:00




  • Russian4j 2010-05-23 00:00:00
    注意:不要覆盖在发泄你的手指(它加压感应器),测试时,气体的流量指标是流向sensor.removing手指(限制)生成一个传感器上的真空和maydamage传感器(传感器排尿warraty)。   正压应用: 如果样品的压力大于30 psign外部压力调节器(可选)是必需的分析仪对样品flow.a upsteram压力调节器控制的金属膜片可预防高氧阅读,从隔膜使用cuold结果建造更多的气体渗透性,施工性能优异。 如果其他optionoal采样系统组件,如连续金属管材(样品必须colled至少连续使用35-40℃),聚结过滤器,洗涤器,安装等作了规定后,连续油管压力rugulator和bofore的其他组成部分和analyzer.a洗涤要求上游获得Z佳效率和响应时间流阀和分析仪




  • 火烧_冰淇淋 2010-05-09 00:00:00
    意:不要覆盖在发泄你的手指(它加压感应器),测试时,气体的流量指标是流向sensor.removing手指(限制)生成一个传感器上的真空和maydamage传感器(传感器排尿warraty)。   正压应用: 如果样品的压力大于30 psign外部压力调节器(可选)是必需的分析仪对样品flow.a upsteram压力调节器控制的金属膜片可预防高氧阅读,从隔膜使用cuold结果建造更多的气体渗透性,施工性能优异。 如果其他optionoal采样系统组件,如连续金属管材(样品必须colled至少连续使用35-40℃),聚结过滤器,洗涤器,安装等作了规定后,连续油管压力rugulator和bofore的其他组成部分和analyzer.a洗涤要求上游获得Z佳效率和响应时间和流量阀流量阀的分析完全打开。   大气压力或轻微负应用: 对于高精确ppb和/或低ppm的范围测量,可选简单泵是需要分析仪下游提请通过分析仪和传感器结论应该不超过4的水“的analyzer.The cacuum样本。 注意:使用ofpump传感器的下游要求上游浮冰控制阀,传感器是完全开放,以避免绘图传感器ercessive真空状态,这可能会损坏传感器。 如果泵过负荷(由于该样本中低流量限制)是一个若干思考,对泵的进气侧第二节流阀可能需要提供一个旁路路径,如下所示,以防止泵从超载和过度加热而miantaining在上述所要求的采样量






求专业的英语达人帮忙翻译下 万分感谢
Caution:Do not place your finger over the vent(it pressurizes the sensor) to test the flow indicator when gas is flowing to the sensor.removing your finger (the restriction) generates a vacuum on the sensor and maydamage the sensor(voiding ... Caution:Do not place your finger over the vent(it pressurizes the sensor) to test the flow indicator when gas is flowing to the sensor.removing your finger (the restriction) generates a vacuum on the sensor and maydamage the sensor(voiding the sensor warraty). Positive pressure applications: If the sample pressure is greater than 30 psign an external pressure regulator(optional) is required upsteram of the analyzer to control of sample flow.a pressure regulator with a metallic diaphragm is recommended to prevent high oxygen reading that cuold result from the use of diaphragms constructed of more gas permeable materisls. If other optionoal sample system components such as coiled metal tubing(samples must be colled to at least 35-40℃ for continuous use),coalescing filters ,scrubbers,etc.are required install the pressure rugulator after the coiled tubing and bofore the other components and the analyzer.a scrubber requires a flow valve upstream for optimum efficiency and response time and that the analyzer flow valve is opened completely. Atmospheric or slightly negative pressure applications: For accurate high ppb and/or low ppm range measurements,an optional simple pump is required downstream of the analyzer to draw the sample through the analyzer.The cacuum drawn on the analyzer and sensor should not exceed 4”of water. Caution:Use ofpump downstream of the sensor requires the floe control valve upstream of the sensor be completely opened to avoid drawing ercessive vacuum in the sensor,which can damage the sensor. If pump over-loading(due to the limitation of low flow rate of the sample gas)is a comsideration,a second throttle valve on the pump’s inlet side may be necessary to provide a bypass path,as illustrated below,to prevent the pump from over-loading and over-heating while miantaining the required sample flow rate within the above-mentioned parameters 展开
2010-05-07 12:23:38 401 3
帮忙翻译下 十万火急!!!! 万分感谢!!!!!!!!!!
thequalitysystemofthecompanyisinconformitywithISO9002.markingcomprehensiveuseofbiotechnology,finechemicaltechnology,thecompanyspecializesinmanufacturingandsellingC-4serie... the quality system of the company is in conformity with ISO 9002 . marking comprehensive use of biotechnology,fine chemical technology,the company specializes in manufacturing and selling C-4 series organic acids and chiral products. these products are widely used in many field such as food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and are well accepted by the domestic and overseas market. the main products are L-Malic acid ,DL- Malic acid,L(+)-lartaric acid, fumaric acid, Maleic acid and other organic acids. annual productivity amounts to 20,000 tones. the company has become aninportant manufacturer of C-4 series organic acids in the world. all the products of the company have respectively met the different international advanced standards such as food chemicals codex U.S. pharmacopoeia , british pharmacopoeia ,and the products have obtained Star-K Kosher Certificate. Above 70% of the company 's products are exported to Japan,Europe,Australia,the United States and Middle East, and they are renown and well recognized in the international markets. the company will devote itself to research and development of enzyme technology and organic electrochemistry. it will continuously introduce new food additives, chiral pharmaceutical intermediates,chiral auxiliaries and chiral drugs. depending on superior quality , good service and high reputation , the company is willing to establish a long -term mutually beneficial business partnership with overseas customers and continue to contribute to the happy life of humans. 展开
2011-03-30 01:24:33 413 3
求日语 日文翻译帮忙翻译一下。。。万分感谢
2014-03-16 13:43:20 557 3
说明一下860DSP是一个信号测量仪器的型号 Here is a good explanation of how the 860 in spectrum mode uses the different settings like dwell wide, narrow, and averaging to look at the spectrum data differently. 860 DSPI Spectrum Analyzer Set... 说明一下860DSP是一个信号测量仪器的型号 Here is a good explanation of how the 860 in spectrum mode uses the different settings like dwell wide, narrow, and averaging to look at the spectrum data differently. 860 DSPI Spectrum Analyzer Settings Explanation In the 860 DSPI there are 3 different and unique spectrum analyzer “Detectors”. These detectors may alter the view of a signals appearance, depending on which is selected. Each detector can show a different picture on the same signal because of the way the detector functions. An important selection to our spectrum analyzer is the amount of digital snap shots to be taken. This will be the amount of digital snapshots that is taken in the allocated bandwidth before showing a picture. With this said, the more sampling that is put into the spectrum analyzer the slower it will seem to update, but more opportunity to capture ingress and other interference that can happen inside a cable plant. Dwell Wide- Dwell Wide takes the largest snapshot out of the amount taken, then the 7.5 MHz spectrum is peak held as the 860 DSPI tunes across the selected frequencies in 250 kHz steps. Example: In Dwell Wide, with a 32 sampling rate set, this in turn means the 860 will dwell or sit on a portion of the spectrum defined above, take 32 snap shots, and then display the picture with the max amplitude before moving on to the next portion of bandwidth. Dwell Narrow- Dwell Narrow takes the largest snapshot out of the amount taken, then a 250 kHz spectrum slice is peak held as the 860 DSPI tunes across the selected frequencies in 250 kHz steps. The difference between Dwell Narrow and Dwell Wide is that Dwell Narrow only peak holds across a 250 kHz slice, where as Dwell wide peak holds the entire 7.5 MHz. Example: In Dwell Narrow, with a 32 sampling rate set, this in turn means the 860 will go to the first 7.5 MHz of the spectrum it will look at a 250 kHz slice of the 7.5 MHz and take its 32 samples. These 32 samples will be done in a peak hold fashion, then display the sample that contains the largest signal. Averaging: This detector when selected looks at a 7.5 MHz portion of the spectrum. When it tunes to the first 7.5 MHz portion of the spectrum, it takes into account how much sampling is selected, then takes it’s digital snapshots on the entire 7.5 MHz, averages those pictures together, then shows the final averaged picture. This detector is used for looking at large amounts of bandwidth. Example: In Averaging, with a 32 sampling rate set, this in turn means the 860 will go to the first 7.5 MHz of the spectrum, take it’s 32 digital snap shots, average those together, and show the average of the 32 snapshots. 展开
2010-12-10 08:46:08 450 2
农业食品 • 服装饰件 • 工艺品 • 汽摩及配件 • 箱包和礼盒 • 化工 • 计算机产品 • 建筑和装饰材料 • 消费电子 • 电气电子 • 家具摆设 • 医药卫生 • 轻工日... 农业食品 • 服装饰件 • 工艺品 • 汽摩及配件 • 箱包和礼盒 • 化工 • 计算机产品 • 建筑和装饰材料 • 消费电子 • 电气电子 • 家具摆设 • 医药卫生 • 轻工日用品 • 照明 • 机械 • 冶金矿产和能源 • 办教 • 安全和防护 • 运动健身和休闲娱乐 • 纺织 • 五金工具 • 玩具 • 交通运输 一、 • 床上用品 • 地毯(798) • 化学纤维和织物(875) • 色卡和比色计(98) • 复合面料(170) • 原棉和棉织物(513) • 窗帘(551) • 装饰布(132) • 流苏和穗(36) • 抽纱刺绣(235) • 羽毛和羽绒(35) • 功能性纺织面料(400) • 动物毛皮(92) • 反光面料(64) • 坯布(347) • 工业用纺织品(379) • 针织和钩编织物(616) • 标牌 • 花边蕾丝(309) • 皮革和人造革(467) • 麻类织物(156) • 鞋帽材料(96) • 其它纺织制品(128) • 色织、扎染和印花布(676) • 货物包装用袋(154) • 缝纫线和线带(215) • 生丝和丝织物(165) • 桌布(152) • 库存纺织品(40) • 纺织废料(10) • 毛巾、浴巾和手帕(723) • 绳索和网(265) • 羊毛和动物毛织物(337) • 纱线(635) 二、 • 肥料(241) • 畜产和动物副产品(232) • 水产品及制品(509) • 豆类和制成品(232) • 饮料(302) • 罐头食品(282) • 粮食(193) • 佐料调味品(396) • 乳制品(154) • 经济作物和植物(104) • 食用菌和藻类(297) • 蛋类及制品(79) • 动植物油脂(177) • 化肥 • 谷物制品(208) • 花草树木(334) • 饲料和饲料添加剂(857) • 食品添加剂(786) • 冷冻和速冻食品(244) • 水果瓜类(347) • 保健食品 • 蜂产品(200) • 婴儿食品(25) • 方便食品(132) • 肉类及制品(212) • 土特产(316) • 新型食品(55) • 坚果子仁(303) • 其它农业食品(42) • 畜禽及养殖动物(329) • 动植物提取物(808) • 植物种籽(85) • 休闲食品(243) • 糖和糖制食品(285) • 茶和茶叶(781) • 蔬菜及制品(862) o 卷心菜、椰菜(34) o 胡萝卜、萝卜(77) o 辣椒(81) o 大蒜(203) o 生姜(70) o 洋葱(60) o 其它蔬菜(302) o 马铃薯(28) o 番茄(7) 展开
2007-04-19 15:51:16 489 2
This work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland (PIYRA 07/YI2/I1052). The authors acknowledge the European Commission under framework 7 (PERG-GA-2009-249178), IRCSET and Intel (postdoctoral fellowship to IK and post-graduate scholarsh... This work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland (PIYRA 07/YI2/I1052). The authors acknowledge the European Commission under framework 7 (PERG-GA-2009-249178), IRCSET and Intel (postdoctoral fellowship to IK and post-graduate scholarship to EDC) for support. We thank Dr Tatiana Perova for granting access to Micro-Raman spectrometer, Dr Daniel Heller (MIT) for fruitful discussions, Dania Movia for technical support. 展开
2013-05-03 02:56:42 439 2
The incorporation of silicon from the quartz-made growth chamber, characteristic of NIRIM-type reactor is insignificant in our samples, if any. The peak at 1.681 eV from the Si–V defect is totally absent from our films (not shown here), wh... The incorporation of silicon from the quartz-made growth chamber, characteristic of NIRIM-type reactor is insignificant in our samples, if any. The peak at 1.681 eV from the Si–V defect is totally absent from our films (not shown here), which supports the good quality of these films. The improvement of the crystalline quality of {111} films is explained by the weak ion bombardment of the sample during its growth outside the plasma ball. Raman measurements (not shown in this work) have also confirmed the high crystalline quality of our films, in particular in the low doping range. Very high boron concentrations (up to 5×1021 cm−3) have been reached at this growth position, outside the plasma ball. 展开
2010-03-12 07:46:42 399 2
Residues of malachite green (MG) were extracted from homogenized animal tissues with a mixture of McIlvaine buffer (pH 3.0)–acetonitrile, and purified over an aromatic sulfonic acid solid-phase extraction column followed by ... Residues of malachite green (MG) were extracted from homogenized animal tissues with a mixture of McIlvaine buffer (pH 3.0)–acetonitrile, and purified over an aromatic sulfonic acid solid-phase extraction column followed by HPLC or LC–ESI-MS–MS analysis. Ascorbic acid and N,N,N9,N9-tetramethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride were added to reduce de-methylation of the dye. Responses were recorded at 620 nm (HPLC) or by multiple-reaction-monitoring (LC–MS–MS) after post-column oxidation using PbO2 . MG and its primary metabolite leuco-malachite green (LMG) were successfully determined at 2.5–2000 mg / kg in catfish, eel, rainbow trout, salmon, tropical prawns and turbot, with a limit of detection at 1 mg / kg (HPLC) and 0.2 mg / kg (LC–MS–MS) for both MG and LMG. Recoveries for LMG were between 86±15% (prawn) and 105±14% (eel). Freeze–thawing cycles, and storage at 4°C and -20°C affected the recovery of both MG and LMG. Analyses of eel, trout and (processed) salmon field samples collected at local retailers, fish-market and -shops demonstrated trace levels of MG-residues. A McIlvaine solution at pH 3.0 was prepared by mixing 18.9 ml 0.2 M sodium hydrogen phosphate and 81.1 ml 0.1 M citric acid, whereas these volumes were 62.5 and 37.5 ml, respectively, to obtain a McIlvaine solution at pH 6.0. The SPE-eluent was prepared just before use and consisted of a mixture of 2.5 ml 25% (m/v) ammonium hydroxide, 2.5 ml 1.0 mg/ml methanolic ascorbic acid and 45 ml methanol. The sample-solvent was composed, just before use, from 2.5 ml 1.0 mg/ml methanolic ascorbic acid, 20 ml 50 mM sodium perchlorate containing 25 mM sodium acetate and 25 mM 1-pentanesulfonic acid adjusted to pH 4.0 with acetic acid, and 27.5 ml acetonitrile. Chemicals and solutions containing the dyes were protected from light. Fish were bought at the fish market and local stores. Blank trout were collected from aquaria at Utrecht University (The Netherlands). Tropical prawns were collected by the Dutch Inspectorate for Health Protection and Veterinary Public Health. 展开
2008-03-26 21:06:11 794 3
2010-08-25 00:51:12 588 5
The effect of beam diameter on the electron skirt in a high pressure scanning electron microscope R. Belkorissata, A. Kadouna, B. Khelifab, C. Mathieub,* aLaboratoire d’Elaboration et de Caracte´risation des Mate´riaux, Univ... The effect of beam diameter on the electron skirt in a high pressure scanning electron microscope R. Belkorissata, A. Kadouna, B. Khelifab, C. Mathieub,* aLaboratoire d’Elaboration et de Caracte´risation des Mate´riaux, Universite´ Djilali Liabe`s de Sidi Bel-Abbes, BP 89, 22000 Sidi Bel-Abbe`s, Algeria bCentre de Calcul et de Mode´lisation de Lens, University D’Artois, Faculte´ Jean Perrin, SP 18 Rue Jean Souvraz, 62307 Lens cedex, France Received 9 February 2004; accepted 19 March 2004 Abstract Helium gas and air are commonly used in the high pressure scanning electron microscope (HPSEM). The presence of a gaseous environment in the specimen chamber modifies the electron beam profile. In order to fully understand the beam-gas interaction, we have investigated the beam-diameter effect for two gases (helium and air) by Monte Carlo simulation. In this calculation, we have assumed that the electron beam is Gaussian and we have explored the influence of the nature of the gas at low voltage. When the beam diameter varies between 1 and 100 nm, there is no influence on the beam profile for these two gases. The resolving power of the HPSEM is not affected by the beamgas interaction. These theoretical results have been compared with experimental images obtained at low voltage under air and helium gases. The variation of image quality at low voltage has confirmed the interest of helium for use in a Field Emission Gun SEM (FEGSEM) in high pressure (or low vacuum) conditions. q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: High pressure scanning electron microscope; Monte Carlo; Electron scattering; Electron profile; Skirting 展开
2018-11-27 12:36:26 382 0
Definitions: APQP ASDE BOM EPR ESWP Advanced Product Quality Planning Advanced Supplier Development Engineer Bill of Material Early Program Review Early Sourcing Work Plan. A report including Commodity Classification (Metals,... Definitions: APQP ASDE BOM EPR ESWP Advanced Product Quality Planning Advanced Supplier Development Engineer Bill of Material Early Program Review Early Sourcing Work Plan. A report including Commodity Classification (Metals, Non- Metals, Electrical/electronics), source-required dates, cost targets, and production tooling kick-off required dates for all purchased components. The document representing the European ESWP is On Track, the NA is PPTM. Procedure # VP-014 LRR On Track PPAP PPTM PSW RPC SDE SOP SPE VPDS vTPS Procedure: Launch Readiness Review European version of the Early Sourcing Work Plan (ESWP) Production Part Approval Process Purchased Parts Tracking Matrix (ESWP/PPTM): The North American version of the ESWP. The ESWP/PPTM is an Access Database maintained by NA Program Purchasing (vTPS) to capture all Forward Model Purchase Component information. Part Submission Warrant Regional Program Coordinator is a function within SPE in Europe and South America. Supplier Development Engineer Start Of Production (sometimes referred to as Job 1) Supplier Performance Engineer (combined ASD and SD Engineer) Visteon Product Development System , PD/Program Management Gateway process used to manage the successful launch of new model programs. The North American data storage system which holds all PPTM/ESWP data. vTPS is an Access Database Responsibility: Process Map/Flowchart (1) Lead: RPC/SPE (EU & SA) (1) Lead – ASDE (NA & Asia) Conduct High Impact Assessment assign ASD / SP engineer on formal W/support from: Program sourcing and / or change of BOM. Buyer PD Engineer Program Manager – All Regions (2) Notes/Deliverables (1) Inputs:  ESWP or local equivalent from VP-040 Project Supply Management Outputs:  High Impact Assessment Form (VF-014a or local equivalent) Notes:  Conduct High Impact Assessment and record results per local work instructions (2) Lead: RPC/SPE (EU & SA) Lead – ASDE (NA & Asia) W/support from: Program Buyer - All Regions, Buyer - All Regions (3) Lead: Program Buyer (NA & EU & Asia) Lead: RPC/SPE (SA) (4) No No (2) Is the part High Impact? (3) Can Supplier achieve PSW Timing? Yes Go to Step # 5. Yes Go to Step # 8. (3) Notes:  Record PPAP status on local tracking system. (4) Hard Copies of This Document are Uncontrolled Page 2 of 4 (4) Acceptable risk to Yes 展开
2008-07-24 01:42:57 546 1
Plant material and culture conditions have been described (7). Briefly, a diploid tissue culture line, WOO1C, of wild carrot, Daucus carota L., was maintained in Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 0.1 mg of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy... Plant material and culture conditions have been described (7). Briefly, a diploid tissue culture line, WOO1C, of wild carrot, Daucus carota L., was maintained in Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 0.1 mg of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). To regenerate plants from the culture, callus tissue was transferred to the same medium devoid of 2,4-D (embryogenic medium). All experiments were performed with cultures grown in liquid medium. For convenience, cultures grown in 2,4-D-containing medium are referred to as "callus cultures", and those grown in medium without 2,4-D as "embryo cultures." The growth of callus cultures was measured by the sidearmturbidity method (7). The number of cells at any time point of growth was estimated from turbidity in a Klett-Summerson calorimeter and was expressed in arbitrary units. For example, Klett 100 corresponds to ="2 X 106 cells per ml. The relationship is linear up to Klett 150 in our Klett-Summerson colorimeter. Suspension cultures ofWOOLC cell line are normally maintained at cell densities between 106 and 107 cells per ml in 0.1 mg of 2,4-D per liter (high-density culture) in shake flasks. During a quantitative study on embryogenesis, we found that maximal embryo production can be achieved by first incubating the culture at high density in medium without 2,4-D for one generation time and then diluting it to 2-3 x 104 cells per ml (low-density culture). To compare cultures of comparable density, callus cultures and embryo cultures were subjected to the same procedure. To initiate low-density embryo or callus cultures, an 8-day-old high-density culture grown at the logarithmic phase was washed three times with fresh callus or embryogenic medium and resuspended at 8 x 105 cells per ml for one generation (3 days) in its corresponding medium. It was then diluted to 2 x 104 cells per ml; 20 ml of the culture was incubated in a plastic Petri dish (9 cm in diameter) at 240C. The morphogenetic events of the cultures were examined and photographed under a dissecting microscope. 请不要用google的那个,我看不懂~~ 展开
2008-02-19 03:32:04 443 2
A reversed-phase ion-pairing high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPIPC) method for the separation of a complex mixture of heparin-derived oligosacchrides has been developed by a stepwise optimization of the mobile phase, in which the... A reversed-phase ion-pairing high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPIPC) method for the separation of a complex mixture of heparin-derived oligosacchrides has been developed by a stepwise optimization of the mobile phase, in which the concentration of ion-pairing reagent, mobile phase pH, and acetonitrile concentration were varied. The resolution of more than 30 oligosaccharide components was obtained, under optimized conditions, in an analysis time of less than 30 min. This represents the first RP-HPLC method that can separate a complex mixture of both small and large sulfated oligosaccharides in a single chromatographic step. The heparin-derived oligosaccharides, in this mixture, can also be separated under a second set of RP-HPIPC conditions using a volatile ion-pairing reagent, tributylammonium acetate, to aid in the recovery of individual sulfated oligosaccharides. Moreover, it was possible to replace sodium chloride gradient, required for eluting highly sulfated oligosaccharides, with a fixed, low concentration of a volatile salt, ammonium acetate, by utilizing an acetonitrile gradient. This solvent system might make it possible to directly interface this RP-HPIPC separation with mass spectral analysis. 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Ion-pairing reagents; Gradient elution; Oligosaccharides 展开
2010-06-01 05:49:52 610 4
关于化学的文章,有些地方是下标什么的,可能翻译有点麻烦。 Mn3O4 powder was soaked with a LiNO3 solution to get LiMn204. After dryness, the powder was sintered at different temperatures for 24h in air. The X—ray diffraction was carried ... 关于化学的文章,有些地方是下标什么的,可能翻译有点麻烦。 Mn3O4 powder was soaked with a LiNO3 solution to get LiMn204. After dryness, the powder was sintered at different temperatures for 24h in air. The X—ray diffraction was carried out with a Rigaku 12 kW rotary X—ray diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation and a graphite monochromator. Thepowder sample was examined with 2θ varying from10℃ to 75℃.The X—ray diffraction data for the samples sintered at different temperatures showed lines that could be indexed based on the spinel structure. The Raman spectra were excited from the samples held at room temperature,at an excitation wavelength of 517.4 nm and with a Nd—YAG laser operated at 1064 cm 1and 10 mW . The spectra were recorded on a Renishaw Raman spectrometer with the sample mounted in a backscattering(180°) geometry and at a resolution of 4 cm -1. Results and Discussion Although all the diffraction lines can be fitted with a spinel structure very well,we cannot unambiguously distinguish the layered α一NaFeO2 structure(space group R3m )from the spinel structure(space group Fd3m ) only based on those X—ray diffraction data. Raman spectroscopy must be employed to identify the real structure of the materials. Ammundsen et al. have calculated the Raman—active modes for spinel structure based on factor group analysis,showing that there should be five bands for the spinel structure. Fig.2 shows the Raman spectra of LiMn204 sintered at 500 and 600 ℃. There is a significant difference between the spectra from the samples sintered at these two temperatures,i.e.,there are five Raman peaks for the sample sintered at 500 ℃ and only two peaks for the sample sintered at 600 ℃ .Five calculationpredicted Raman—active modes for LiMn204 are one mode of Alg symmetry,one mode of Eg symmetry,and three modes of T2g symmetry .Accordingly, LiMn204 sample sintered at 600 ℃ seem s not to be crystallized in the spinel structure,while LiMn204 sample sintered below 500 ℃ is crystallized in the spinel structure.Usually,the low—temperature(LT) phase of LiCoO2 exhibits the spinel stucture,while the high—temperature(HT ) phase of it exhibits the α一NaFeO2 structure. According to our Raman data,the LT phase of the LiMn204 powder exhibits the spinel structure, which displays the same tendency as LiCo02 materia1. 展开
2018-12-09 09:09:52 441 0
ThequalitysystemofthecompanyisinconformitywithISO9002.Makingcomprehensiveuseofbiotechnology,thecompanyspecializesinmanufacturingandsellingC-4seriesorganicacidsandchiralpr... The quality system of the company is in conformity with ISO 9002 . Making comprehensive use ofbiotechnology, the company specializes in manufacturing and selling C-4series organic acids and chiral products. These products are widely used in many fields such as food, phamaceutical and chemical industries, and are well accepted by the overseas markets. The man products are L-Malic acid , DL-Malic acid, L(+)-Tartaric acid , Fumaric acid, Maleic acid and other organic acids. Annual productivity amounts to 20,000 tones. The company has become an important manufacturer of C-4 series organic acids in the world . All the products of the company have respectively met the different international aadvanced standards such as Food chemicals Codex, U.S. Pharmacopoeia ,British Pharmacopoeia and the products have obtained Star-K Kosher certificate. Above 70% of the Companys products are exported to Japan, Europe, Australias, the United states and middle East , and they are renown and well recognized in the international markets. The company will devote itself to research and development of enzyme technology and organic electrochemistry. It will continuously introduce new food additives, chiral pharmaceutical intermediates, chiral auxiliaries and chiral drugs. Depending on superior quality, good service and high reputation, the company is willing to establish a long-term mutually beneficial business partnership with overseas customers and continue contribute to the happy life of humans. 展开
2009-09-17 10:19:02 497 2
麻烦哪位英语牛人帮忙翻译下~~药学的 翻译成英语 谢谢了
目的 制备足浴液并对其进行质量考察。方法 采用正交试验优选苦参中苦参碱和紫草中紫草素的提取工艺,通过紫外分光光度法对苦参碱与紫草素的含量进行测定,并将苦参碱、紫草素、水杨酸、苯甲酸和硼酸按一定比例进行溶解实验。化学成分分析采用薄层色谱法及试管... 目的 制备足浴液并对其进行质量考察。方法 采用正交试验优选苦参中苦参碱和紫草中紫草素的提取工艺,通过紫外分光光度法对苦参碱与紫草素的含量进行测定,并将苦参碱、紫草素、水杨酸、苯甲酸和硼酸按一定比例进行溶解实验。化学成分分析采用薄层色谱法及试管实验法对苦参中苦参碱与紫草中紫草素进行化学成分检测。结果 通过薄层色谱法和试管实验法得出苦参碱为生物碱、紫草素为蒽醌。通过正交试验和紫外分光光度法选出Z优提取方案。通过溶解实验使中化学药物形成混悬液,Z后得到足浴液样品。结论 通过T浓度实验,溶解实验选用95%乙醇为溶媒。通过L9(33)正交实验确定Z佳提取工艺,即提取时间为30min,温度为60℃,乙醇浓度为60%,以苦参碱作对照品,用分光光度法测定其苦参碱得率3.07%。经过实验摸索,得到超声提取紫草工艺的Z佳条件,即乙醇浓度为70%,超声功率为400w,料液比为1:40时提取率较高。足浴液制备方法简便,有利于实际生产,降低能源、节约时间,有较大的开发利用价值和广泛的市场前景。 关键字:紫草;苦参;正交设计;薄层色谱 展开
2008-06-07 10:30:31 525 1
LabVIEW就是基于虚拟仪器的开发环境,本文阐述了基于虚拟仪器技术在阻抗参数测量中的应用,根据电子测量的基本原理、计算方法和流程,利用了LabVIEW的特有语言—G语言—对被测对象进行... LabVIEW就是基于虚拟仪器的开发环境,本文阐述了基于虚拟仪器技术在阻抗参数测量中的应用,根据电子测量的基本原理、计算方法和流程,利用了LabVIEW的特有语言—G语言—对被测对象进行程序编译、运行、修改并Z终显示运行结果 有高手帮忙翻译下 展开
2009-06-12 22:57:18 301 1
本文简述了国内外有关大气生物气溶胶的研究现状及其展望。主要围绕生物气溶胶的研究意义,生物气溶胶的研究历史,生物气溶胶的种类及来源,生物气溶胶的浓度及粒径分布特征,生物气溶胶采样技术与检测,以及对生物气溶胶未来发展的展望等六个方面进行了阐述。... 本文简述了国内外有关大气生物气溶胶的研究现状及其展望。主要围绕生物气溶胶的研究意义,生物气溶胶的研究历史,生物气溶胶的种类及来源,生物气溶胶的浓度及粒径分布特征,生物气溶胶采样技术与检测,以及对生物气溶胶未来发展的展望等六个方面进行了阐述。ZD介绍生物气溶胶的分布特征。 展开
2008-07-14 09:45:18 365 3
2018-11-25 19:16:07 238 0


