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TLLZJH77 2007-03-28 21:32:48 972  浏览
  • 请教一下 把BodBoy翻译成中文 是什么意思???知道的大虾说一下



  • gfjd就看见一 2007-03-29 00:00:00




  • 狂血至尊 2016-07-03 16:49:33
    (1) [英俚]人(body 之略) (2) 【冶】(堵出铁口的)泥塞 (3)[美俚]自我感觉训练 这里的 bod 应该选用(3),bodboy翻译中文就是 训练有素的男孩






请教一下 把BodBoy翻译成中文 是什么意思???知道的大虾说一下
2007-03-28 21:32:48 972 2
2017-02-09 00:25:54 552 2
The amplification was carried out on a PTC-200 thermocycler (MJ Research) in a 30m l reaction mixture containing10mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.3), 1.5mM MgCl2, 50mM KCl,150mM of each dNTP, 0.3mM of each primer (synthesized by TaKaRa), 1.0m l (about 1... The amplification was carried out on a PTC-200 thermocycler (MJ Research) in a 30m l reaction mixture containing10mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.3), 1.5mM MgCl2, 50mM KCl,150mM of each dNTP, 0.3mM of each primer (synthesized by TaKaRa), 1.0m l (about 100 ng) template DNA, and 1U Taq DNA polymerase (Promega). The reaction mixtures were denatured at 95 °C for 5 min and subjected to 30 cycles of 40 s at 95 °C, 1 min at 55 °C, 1.5 min at 72 °C, and a final extension step of 7 min at 72 °C. Amplified products were purified using WizardTM PCR Prep DNA Kit (Promega) according to the manufacturer’s instructions, then the two strands were sequenced directly with PRISMTM BigDye Terminator Ready Reaction Kit (Applied Biosystems) on an ABI 310 Genetic Analyzer (Perkin Elmer). 展开
2009-03-22 06:02:57 474 3
1.OpticalGasDetectionOpenPath(line-of–sight)GasDetectionemployingelectro-optical"spectralfinger-print"analysisoftheatmosphereusestheDifferentialOpticalAbsorptionSpectros... 1. Optical Gas Detection Open Path (line-of –sight) Gas Detection employing electro-optical "spectral finger-print" analysis of the atmosphere uses the Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) technique in a unique (patented) method. The use of discriminative UV and IR narrow band filtered sensors enables the detection, identification and concentration determination of Flammable & Explosive gases migrating in the atmosphere, at concentrations well below their explosive levels. The specific systems developed for detection of flammable or toxic gases employ a flash or filament light source, which is in communication with a detector that responds to the attenuation in the light intensity caused by the presence of the gas. This line of Optical Gas Detection Systems known as SafEye has been successfully introduced into the High Risk/High Value markets. 2. Optical Flame Detection Flame Detection employing electro-optical analysis of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by flames in the Ultraviolet and Infrared spectral bands. The patented spectral analysis of the Flames radiation signals includes frequency and time domain analysis, cross correlations and ratios between the various sensor inputs. Unique background radiation analysis enhances the flame detection accuracy in a cluttered environment that contains various emitting sources like: direct solar radiation, heaters and burners, light projectors, high voltage sparks and welding radiation, extreme temperature conditions. This line of Optical Flame Detectors named SharpEye was developed and introduced into the safety and high risk/high value fire protection markets. The SharpEye series includes UV, UV/IR, Triple IR (IR3) and CCTV Optical Flame Detectors. 3. Explosion & Fire conditions Detection Explosion & Fire conditions can be detected very early by monitoring their environmental characteristics such as: changes in temperature and pressure caused by gaseous decomposition processes, radiation emitted during such processes, decomposition by-products that can be monitored at very low concentrations in air. Monitoring combustion products such as: CO2, CO, NOx, HC (unburned hydrocarbons), etc., at very low concentrations in air (at PPM levels) enables very early and reliable detection of these conditions. The SafEye line of Optical Gas Analysis Systems includes UV and IR specific models. 4. Military Explosion Detection and Suppression Systems SAFE line of military vehicle fire and explosion detection and suppression systems was developed by Spectrex Inc. in order to protect personnel from skin burns and pressure shock. The systems suppress gas or vapor explosions in less than 150 milliseconds, with a speed of response of less than 3 milliseconds. Suppression is activated in less than 5 milliseconds to discharge and disperse the agent, thus providing a uniform extinguishing concentration. The systems have been incorporated successfully in thousands of military vehicles worldwide 展开
2008-03-29 11:33:27 834 6
Fire Suppression Aerosol Generators Fireaway LLC manufactures the Stat-X extinguishing agent which is significantly more effective than alternative agents. Stat-X is non-toxic, non-corrosive and is easily installed. It is environmentally f... Fire Suppression Aerosol Generators Fireaway LLC manufactures the Stat-X extinguishing agent which is significantly more effective than alternative agents. Stat-X is non-toxic, non-corrosive and is easily installed. It is environmentally friendly with an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) of zero. Stat-X requires virtually no maintenance, with a shelf life in excess of 10 years. Stat-X is suitable for Class A,B,C hazards. The aerosol suspends in the air and easily vented after discharge. The compact, size of Stat-X gives up to a 90% reduction in space and weight requirements over traditional gaseous suppression systems. On activation, either manually or automatically by a suitable listed or approved activation device, Stat-X produces an exceptionally effective, ultrafine, potassium based aerosol. Fire suppression is achieved by the interaction of the Stat-X ultrafine aerosol particulate and the flame's free radicals which terminates the propagation of the fire. Unlike gaseous systems, Stat-X aerosol generators are very easy and cost effective to install as they do not require expensive pressure vessels, piping and nozzles. Stat-X aerosol generators offer a cost effective for fire suppression. 展开
2008-03-29 02:11:16 387 6
2018-12-03 21:56:45 351 0
Tic Toc翻译成中文是什么意思?
Tic Toc翻译成中文是啥?只要翻译我说的就行,不要说次要的!
2013-04-20 04:53:46 470 3
Tic Toc翻译成中文是什么意思?
Tic Toc翻译成中文是啥?只要翻译我说的就行,不要说次要的!
2012-01-12 10:02:35 593 5
2014-06-22 20:37:53 429 1
(粉尘浓度检测装置)翻译成中文是什么啊? 帮我,谢谢!!
2006-10-08 21:18:44 335 2
As a boy and then as an adult,I never lost my wonder at the personality that was Einstein .He was the only person I knew who had cmoe to terms with himself and the world around him .He knew what he wanted and he wanted only ... As a boy and then as an adult,I never lost my wonder at the personality that was Einstein .He was the only person I knew who had cmoe to terms with himself and the world around him .He knew what he wanted and he wanted only this :to understande within hislims as human being the nature of the universe and the logic and simplicity in its functioning .he knew there were answers beyond his intellectual reach.But this did nit frustrate him.He was cintent to go as far as he could. 跪请那位高手把以上那段英文的读音弄成汉字,以方便读出来 ,在下感激不尽.... 展开
2008-11-20 03:57:15 297 3
奥利哈刚 奇甲斯 此卡被送入墓地时,可以提升500点攻击力后将此卡特殊召唤到场上来(提升的攻击力可以累加)。此卡在场上时,跳过自己的抽牌阶段 奥利哈刚 奇达拉 此卡不能通常召唤。必须支付500点生命值才能从手牌特殊召唤。此卡在场上表侧表示存在为限、... 奥利哈刚 奇甲斯 此卡被送入墓地时,可以提升500点攻击力后将此卡特殊召唤到场上来(提升的攻击力可以累加)。此卡在场上时,跳过自己的抽牌阶段 奥利哈刚 奇达拉 此卡不能通常召唤。必须支付500点生命值才能从手牌特殊召唤。此卡在场上表侧表示存在为限、对方造成怪兽造成的战斗伤害为0。此卡被破坏时、可以从自己的手牌、卡组、墓地里特殊召唤一只【奥利哈刚西诺洛斯】到场。 奥利哈刚暗黑破坏神 一回合一次可以改变对方怪兽的表示形式。 反射镜的仪式 手牌、场上的怪兽,合计6星以上的怪兽送入墓地,从手牌、卡组特殊召唤【镜子骑士】到场 镜子骑士 藉由【反射镜的仪式】降临。此卡召唤成功后,特殊召唤【镜子骑士复制体】(战士族/1星/攻/守0)Z多4只。限此卡在场【镜子骑士复制体】不会被战斗破坏。此卡离场,【镜子骑士复制体】有一次不会被战斗破坏。【镜子骑士复制体】战斗时,其攻击力变成攻击对象的数值。 奥利哈刚西诺洛斯 此卡只能通过【奥利哈刚奇达拉】的效果特殊召唤。此卡的攻击力是【奥利哈刚奇达拉】所吸收的伤害值总合。此卡召唤成功时,从手牌、卡组、墓地特殊召唤【奥利哈刚西诺洛斯左腕】【奥利哈刚西诺洛斯右腕】各一只到场。此卡在场时,【奥利哈刚西诺洛斯左腕】、【奥利哈刚西诺洛斯右腕】不会被破坏。此卡进行战斗时,伤害计算结束时,此卡攻击力会下降对手怪兽攻击力数值。此卡攻击归0时,可以舍弃全部手牌和献上10000点生命值,从手牌、卡组、墓地特殊召唤一只{蛇神艺}到场。 奥利哈刚西诺洛斯右腕 此卡只能通过【奥利哈刚西诺洛斯】的效果特殊召唤。只要场上存在【奥利哈刚西诺洛斯】此卡就不会被破坏。此卡的攻击力每和对方怪兽战斗一次就增加300点。 奥利哈刚西诺洛斯左腕 此卡只能通过【奥利哈刚西诺洛斯】的效果特殊召唤。只要场上存在【奥利哈刚西诺洛斯】此卡就不能攻击。此卡的攻击力总是比对方怪兽高出300点。 蛇神艺 此卡只能通过【奥利哈刚西诺洛斯】的效果特殊召唤。成功召唤此卡时,自己的生命值变成0,此时我方战斗输赢不受生命值限制。此卡发动攻击宣言时必须将牌组上方10张卡送入墓地才能攻击。当此卡破坏时,对方获得决斗的胜利。 展开
2012-05-24 20:57:01 217 1
2016-04-28 21:41:46 829 1
diyi章操作说明一.实验台简介1.实验台示意图2.故障设置二.使用注意事项:1.380V三相电压是否安全,2,220v二相电压是否安全,2.安装蓄电池时必须注意正负极《220V变压12V.DC》,安装错... diyi章 操作说明 一.实验台简介 1.实验台示意图 2.故障设置 二.使用注意事项: 1.380V三相电压是否安全, 2,220v二相电压是否安全, 2.安装蓄电池时必须注意正负极《220V变压12V.DC》,安装错误容易导致控制模块、传感器与执行器的损害以及不必要的火灾发生; 3.启动远行,应注意并通知周边的学生,头、手、衣物等切勿靠近运行部件(如:三相电机带动皮带和传动糸统等),以防止不必要的损伤; 6.检测时可通过面板原理图上进行检测,不用拔拉插头,以防插头接触不良; 7.在下列情况下必须踩刹车,输出轴转速停止后方能换挡: 退回P档; N档或其他前进档(D\2\L)档换回R档时 三.实训准备工作 设备实训前应准备工作: 1.检查设备是否有安装蓄电池,电压是否充足; 1.380V三相电压是否安全接解完好 2,220v二相电压是否安全接解完好 3.检查变速器排档油是否正常; 5. 远行时,检查变速器是否有异响、运行是否正常等,如有不正常请及时联系生产厂家进行维修; 7变速器.运行后检查是否漏油、漏水等; 8.检查检测面板上的测量端子是否有松动,信号表及各个指示灯是否工作正常; 9.熟练操作实训设备,掌握发动机各个传感器、执行器的安装位置与性能特征。 四.使用操作说明: 1.安装好蓄电池,闭合电源总开关(顺时针闭合,逆时针断开),电源总开关位于挂档杆侧; 2.打开点火开关至ON,检查仪表指示灯是否正常; 3.启动发动机(启动发动机前应通知周边学生),可用万用表在检测面板上进行检测; 4.面板右侧有故障设置区,‘0’为断路,‘1’为通路(即正常); 5.设置故障后可安排学生进行检测以及故障判断与分析; 5.面板上安装有信号表,指示各传感器与执行器的信号电压; 五.实训项目: 1.蓄电池的安装; 2.各个传感器与执行器的安装位置以及性能; 3.传感器的检测; 4.传感器设置故障后出现的异常现象,传感器的故障判断与 5.示波器的使用与分析。 6.变速器档位开关实训; 7变速器的油面检查、油质检查、油门拉索检查与调整、机械系统测试(失速试验、时滞试验、油压测试)等 六.实训完毕后备事项 1.断开电源总开关,以备下次使用; 2.记录实训设备是否有故障未解决(如有故障及时通知厂家或安排专业人员维修); 3.记录下次使用时需准备的材料(含易损件); 4.保持实训台干净整洁,并摆放归位 展开
2013-07-17 00:49:52 478 1
ATS 中DPU、RTU、LPU柜子是什么意思?请翻译成中文
2012-04-06 06:39:54 698 1
表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)使得拉曼信号得以若干数量级的增强,能在一定程度上降低荧光背景,很适合含水的生物体系的检测。合适的增强基底对获得优质的增强信号很重要。近年来在食品,生物,医学,环境等方面应用广泛 文章综述了近几年来表面增强拉曼光谱些应用... 表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)使得拉曼信号得以若干数量级的增强,能在一定程度上降低荧光背景,很适合含水的生物体系的检测。合适的增强基底对获得优质的增强信号很重要。近年来在食品,生物,医学,环境等方面应用广泛 文章综述了近几年来表面增强拉曼光谱些应用领域的研究进展并对其应用前景做了展望。 翻译成英文 展开
2012-05-04 05:19:02 352 4
2012-05-15 00:37:07 492 6
ThisitemissettleinDiezelengines,operatingspeedinover1100rmbisbetween300~500Kpaandtheminimomis10Kpa.R~100kohmU~5VEnginerunning65-105Degreecantigradeuptomaximom125degreewit... This item is settle in Diezel engines, operating speed inover 1100 rmb is between 300~500Kpa and the minimom is 10 Kpa. R~100 k ohm U~5 V Engine running 65-105 Degree cantigrade up to maximom 125 degree with engine load. 展开
2009-04-22 10:12:57 277 3
2018-12-17 07:11:14 724 0
1.掌握量热装置的基本组合及电热补偿法测定热效应的基本原理2.用电热补偿法测定KNO3或KCL在不同浓度水溶液中的积分溶解热3.用作图法求KNO3或KCL在水中的微分冲淡,积分冲淡热和微分溶... 1.掌握量热装置的基本组合及电热补偿法测定热效应的基本原理 2.用电热补偿法测定KNO3或KCL在不同浓度水溶液中的积分溶解热 3.用作图法求KNO3或KCL在水中的微分冲淡,积分冲淡热和微分溶解热 还有:1。测定蔗糖转化的反应速率常数和半衰期 2.掌握旋光仪的使用方法 不要用翻译网站翻啊······麻烦各位了 展开
2008-03-29 00:43:16 307 1


