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丹凤一生苦命 2011-12-03 23:45:31 281  浏览
  • 希望有中英文对照的.....不胜感激==... 希望有中英文对照的.....不胜感激= = 展开



  • jiang1231997 2011-12-04 00:00:00
    【基本介绍】   蜡制的固体照明用品,通常做成圆柱形,中有棉纱芯,称为烛芯,燃点纱芯以发光。普通蜡烛的外观为圆柱形、固体、乳白色。不管何种蜡烛都是手感滑腻,难溶于水,密度比水小。   蜡烛常与烛台搭配用以起到装饰的作用,另外有些容器同样能够起到烛台的作用,比如像放飘蜡的玻璃器皿,点蜡熏精油的小香炉,经过处理的竹筒等等。目前烛台除了为蜡烛服务以外,更多的也作为家装摆设的一部分。 【主要分类】   蜡烛生产的种类有很多,按照使用目的一般可以分为日用照明蜡烛(普通蜡烛)和工艺品蜡烛(特殊用途蜡烛)两大类。照明蜡烛比较简单,一般就是白色的竿状蜡烛。工艺蜡烛又可细分很多种,首先又可分为果冻工艺蜡烛和薰香工艺蜡烛两类。一般因加入配料而显各种颜色(如生日蜡烛),形状也因需要做成各种形式(如螺旋状、数字形等),可融新颖性、装饰性、观赏性、功能性于一体。   另外,蜡烛也可分为粗面蜡和光面蜡两种,一般粗面蜡的表面常带有味道,上面有一层白霜,不同的粗面蜡会带来不同的气味,比如在卧室就可以放一些熏衣草味的蜡烛,起到催眠、镇静的作用,在卫生间可以放海洋气味的蜡烛,夏天还可以放一些松味的蜡烛驱赶蚊虫;而光面蜡没有味道,蜡体表面很光滑,容易做出很美的造型。   蜡烛按照形状一般可以分为挤压圆柱蜡、尖竹蜡、火炬蜡、飘蜡、圆头蜡、平头蜡等,颜色也有很多种。这些蜡烛在使用时有些比较讲究,比如尖竹蜡,适合在吃饭的时候插在烛台上,摆在饭桌中间,特别在西餐中常用,如果家里装修是欧式风格,也可以摆放在客厅当作装饰品。飘蜡常见于酒吧,在一个容器器皿里倒上水,把飘蜡放在水面上,它就浮在水面上,暗暗的烛光下别有一番情调。飘蜡在年轻人的家中使用的比较多,特别是情侣间,烛光晚餐不仅可以用尖竹蜡,飘蜡也会带来不错的效果。   另外,同种蜡烛也分很多尺寸,比如挤压圆柱蜡就有四个尺寸:8×25厘米,8×20厘米,7×15厘米,7×10厘米。 【历史发展】   现在一般认为蜡烛起源于原始时代的火把,原始人把脂肪或者蜡一类的东西涂在树皮或木片上,捆扎在一起,做成了照明用的火把。也有传说在先秦上古时期,有人把艾蒿和芦苇扎成一束,然后蘸上一些油脂点燃作照明用,后来又有人把一根空心的芦苇用布缠上,里面灌上蜜蜡点燃。   大约在公元前3世纪出现的蜜蜡可能是今日所见蜡烛的雏形,在西方,有一段时期,寺院中都养蜂,用来自制蜜蜡,这主要是因为天主教认为蜜蜡是处女受胎的象征,所以便把蜜蜡视为纯洁之光,供奉在教堂的祭坛上。从现存文献看,蜜蜡在我国产生的时间大致与西方相同,日本是在奈良时代(公元710~784年)从我国传入这种蜡烛的。   蜡烛的普及经历了一个很长的历史时期,《西京杂记》中记载,汉朝时南越向高帝进贡的贡品当中有蜡烛,有说法认为当时在寒食节禁火的时候君王赏赐给侯爵以上的官员、上品官员以蜡烛,说明当时的蜡烛极为稀少。到了南北朝时期蜡烛稍微应用得普遍了一些,但也主要是在上层社会,而不是一般的百姓家照明用的。唐朝时也记载了在晋州上贡时的贡品当中有蜡烛,另外唐朝的官员还专门设置一个官员来管宫廷蜡烛。宋朝记载有当时和西夏的边境贸易中,交易的用品就有蜡烛。蜡烛作为外贸、对外交换的一种东西,说明虽然当时用的比较普遍,但还是比较珍贵的。到了明清以后,蜡烛才渐渐地走入了寻常百姓家,人们日常生活中使用的也比较多了,但是一般的灯具,像油灯、火把依然不能和蜡烛同日而语。   和现代蜡烛相比,古代蜡烛有许多不足之处。唐代诗人李商隐有“何当共剪西窗烛”的诗句。诗人为什么要剪烛呢?当时蜡烛烛芯是用棉线搓成的,直立在火焰的ZX,由于无法烧尽而炭化,所以必须不时地用剪刀将残留的烛心末端剪掉。这无疑是一件麻烦的事,1820年,法国人强巴歇列发明了三根棉线编成的烛芯,使烛芯燃烧时自然松开,末端正好翘到火焰外侧,因而可以完全燃烧。   但蜡烛还有待进一步完善,它的材料一般是有许多缺点的动物油脂,解决这一难题的是米歇尔·欧仁·舍夫勒尔(MicheI Eugene Chevreul)等人。1809年6月至7月间,法国化学家米歇尔·欧仁·舍夫勒尔收到一家纺织厂的来信,请他分析、确定他们寄来的一个软皂样品的成份。他拿着这封信思索了很长时间,心想:要研究肥皂,看来还得从原料油脂入手。在仪器设备非常简单、朴素的学校实验,他研究了皂化过程中需要使用的各种油脂。经过大量实验,他diyi次发现了这样的事实:在一切油脂中,不论其来源如何,脂肪酸的含量均占95%,其余的5%则是皂化过程中生成的甘油。通过研究他搞清了皂化过程的本质,同时他还有一项重大的发现:当时用油脂做成的蜡烛,由于里面有甘油,燃烧时火焰带烟,气味难闻。若改用硬脂酸做成蜡烛,燃烧时不仅火焰明亮,而且几乎没有黑烟, 不污染空气。舍夫勒尔把他的发现告诉盖·吕萨克(Joseph LouisGay-Lussac),并建议两人共同研究如何具体解决这个问题。他们用强碱把油脂皂化,再把得到的肥皂用盐酸分解,担取出硬脂酸。这是一种白色物质,手摸着有油腻感,用它制成的蜡烛质地很软,价钱更加便宜。1825年,舍夫勒尔和盖·吕萨克获得了生产石蜡硬脂蜡烛的ZL。石蜡硬脂蜡烛的出现,在人类照明史上开创了一个新时代。后来,有人在北美洲发现了大油田,于是可从石油中提炼出大量的石蜡,较理想的蜡烛因此在得到了普及、推广。   在古代尚未使用电力的情况下,蜡烛的照明作用尤为重要。但在高科技迅猛发展的今天,人们在日常生活中已经一般不再使用蜡烛了,蜡烛则更多的被赋予了感情色彩,例如情侣相约、生日晚餐、对亡灵的悼念、对未来的祈祷等等,特别是在纪念日和喜庆的日子里,人们便会点起蜡烛。另外,蜡烛也常会作为一种物理或化学实验的用品。 [introduction ] Waxy solid lighting products, usually made of cylindrical, with cotton yarn core, known as the core yarn, light to light. Ordinary candles for the appearance of the cylindrical, solid, milky white. No matter what the candles are creamy feel, insoluble in water, a lower density than water. Candle and candlestick with often used to play the role of decoration, and some containers can also play the role of candlestick, such as on the floating wax glass, wax smoked oil incense burners, the processed bamboo and so on. The current holders except for the candle service beyond, more as a part of home furnishings. The main classification [ ] There are many types of candles in the production, in accordance with the purpose of use can be divided into general household lighting candles ( candles ) and crafts candles ( candles two categories of special purpose ). Lighting candles is relatively simple, is usually a white rod shaped candle. Technology candles can be subdivided lots, first can be divided into jelly candles and incense candles two. Generally due to the addition of ingredients and a variety of colors ( such as birthday candles ), shape and also because of the need to made into various forms ( such as spiral, digital form ), but financial novelty, decorative, ornamental, functional integration. In addition, the candle can be divided into rough wax and smooth wax two, general rough wax surface often with taste, which has a layer of frost, different rough wax will bring different odors, such as in the bedroom can put some lavender candles, play a hypnotic, sedative effect, can be placed in the bathroom scent of the sea of candles, summer can also put some pine scented candle mosquitoes; and no taste smooth wax, wax body surface is very smooth, easy to make a very beautiful shape. According to the shape of the candle can generally be divided into extrusion cylinder wax, wax, wax torch tip bamboo, floating wax, wax, wax round flat, there are many kinds of colors. These candles in use some more attention, such as bamboo needle wax, for when you eat in candlesticks, placed at the dinner table, especially in the Western common, if the home decoration is a European style, can also be placed in the living room as a decoration. Floating wax is common in bars, in a container vessel pour water, the floating wax on the surface, it will float on the water surface, secretly do not have a romantic candlelight. Floating wax in the young man's home use more, especially between lovers, candlelight dinner can not only use sharp bamboo candle, floating wax will bring good effect. In addition, the same candle can be divided into many dimensions, such as extrusion wax cylinder has four dimensions: 8 x 25 cm, 8 x 20 cm, 7 cm x 15, 7 x 10 cm. [ history ] It is now generally accepted that the candles originated in primitive torches, primitive man fat or wax type things on bark or wood, banding together, made for the lighting of the torch. Also has a legend in the ancient times, people put mugwort and reed a bundle, and then dipped in some oil light for lighting, and later to a hollow reed cloth wrapped with beeswax, which ignited. In about third Century BC the beeswax may be seen today in the west, candle shape, for a time, temple in beekeeping, used self-made wax, this is mainly because of the Catholic church that Mila is a virgin conception symbol, so he left the beeswax as pure light, enshrined in the church altar. From the existing literature, the wax in our country have roughly same time with the west, Japan in the Nara period ( AD 710 to 784 years ) from China into the candle. Candle popularity experienced a long historical period," notes Xijing" recorded in the Han Dynasty, Nanyue to the Gao Di tribute tributes are candles, was believed at that time in the cold food festival fire ban when king sent Marquis above officials, top officials to candles, indicating that the candle is extremely scarce. In the northern and Southern Dynasties period slightly more common candle application some, but mostly in the upper class society, and not the general common people home lighting used. Tang Zhaoshi also recorded a tribute in Jinzhou 's offerings are candles, in addition the Tang Dynasty officials also specially set up a court officials to tube candle. The Song Dynasty records then and the border trade, trading goods with candle. A candle as foreign trade, foreign exchange of a thing, although was used generally, but still relatively rare. To the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the candle was gradually took home of common common people, in the daily life of people is more also, but the general lighting, like oil lamps, torches and candles still can not be mentioned in the same breath. And compared to modern candle, candle has many deficiencies in ancient. The Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin" he Danggong to cut the window candle" verse. The poet why scissors candle? When the candle wick is made by twisting together with cotton thread, upright in the center of the fire, due to the inability to burn and carbonization, so must constantly use scissors to cut the residual core end cut. This is definitely a troublesome, 1820, French jampa break column invented three thread plaited wick, the wick combustion natural loose end up into the flame, just outside, and can complete combustion. But candles still remains to be perfected further, its material is generally have many shortcomings in animal fats, solve this one difficult problem is Michel Oren Schaeffler ( MicheI Eugene Chevreul ) et al. 1809 June to July, the French chemist Michel Oren Schaeffler received a textile factory letter, please his analysis, identify them to send a control sample. He took the letter to think for a long time, I thought: To study soap, I still have to start from the raw material oil. The equipment is very simple, simple experimental schools, he studied the saponification process requires the use of a variety of oils and fats. After a lot of experiments, the first time he discovered the fact : in all the fat, regardless of their origin, fatty acid were accounted for 95%, the remaining 5% is generated in the process of glycerin saponification. Through the research he found out what the essence of saponification process, at the same time he is also a major discovery: when using oil candles, which are due to glycerol, burning flame with smoke, smell. If change the stearic acid made candles, burning not only bright flame, and almost no black smoke, no air pollution. Schaeffler put his discoveries to Gay-Lussac ( Joseph LouisGay-Lussac ), and recommendations of the two joint research how to solve this problem. They use the alkali saponification, again to be the soap carry out decomposition with hydrochloric acid, stearic acid. This is a white substance, touched a greasy feeling, use it made of candle texture is soft, the price cheaper. In 1825, Schaeffler and Gay-Lussac obtained production paraffin stearic candle patent. Paraffin stearic candle lighting, in human history to create a new era. Later, people in North America discovered a large oil field, so it can be refined from oil of paraffin, ideal candle therefore has been popular in the global, promotion. In ancient times has been used in the absence of electrical power, lighting of the candles is particularly important role. But in the rapid development of high-tech today, people in daily life have generally no longer used candles, candle more endowed with emotional color, for example, couples enjoying birthday dinner, on the memorial for the future, prayer and so on, especially in the anniversary and festival days, people would point candle. In addition, the candle is also often used as a physical or chemical experiment supplies.






希望有中英文对照的.....不胜感激==... 希望有中英文对照的.....不胜感激= = 展开
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