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孙可微001 2018-11-15 06:08:41 185  浏览





2018-11-15 06:08:41 185 0
Definitions: APQP ASDE BOM EPR ESWP Advanced Product Quality Planning Advanced Supplier Development Engineer Bill of Material Early Program Review Early Sourcing Work Plan. A report including Commodity Classification (Metals,... Definitions: APQP ASDE BOM EPR ESWP Advanced Product Quality Planning Advanced Supplier Development Engineer Bill of Material Early Program Review Early Sourcing Work Plan. A report including Commodity Classification (Metals, Non- Metals, Electrical/electronics), source-required dates, cost targets, and production tooling kick-off required dates for all purchased components. The document representing the European ESWP is On Track, the NA is PPTM. Procedure # VP-014 LRR On Track PPAP PPTM PSW RPC SDE SOP SPE VPDS vTPS Procedure: Launch Readiness Review European version of the Early Sourcing Work Plan (ESWP) Production Part Approval Process Purchased Parts Tracking Matrix (ESWP/PPTM): The North American version of the ESWP. The ESWP/PPTM is an Access Database maintained by NA Program Purchasing (vTPS) to capture all Forward Model Purchase Component information. Part Submission Warrant Regional Program Coordinator is a function within SPE in Europe and South America. Supplier Development Engineer Start Of Production (sometimes referred to as Job 1) Supplier Performance Engineer (combined ASD and SD Engineer) Visteon Product Development System , PD/Program Management Gateway process used to manage the successful launch of new model programs. The North American data storage system which holds all PPTM/ESWP data. vTPS is an Access Database Responsibility: Process Map/Flowchart (1) Lead: RPC/SPE (EU & SA) (1) Lead – ASDE (NA & Asia) Conduct High Impact Assessment assign ASD / SP engineer on formal W/support from: Program sourcing and / or change of BOM. Buyer PD Engineer Program Manager – All Regions (2) Notes/Deliverables (1) Inputs:  ESWP or local equivalent from VP-040 Project Supply Management Outputs:  High Impact Assessment Form (VF-014a or local equivalent) Notes:  Conduct High Impact Assessment and record results per local work instructions (2) Lead: RPC/SPE (EU & SA) Lead – ASDE (NA & Asia) W/support from: Program Buyer - All Regions, Buyer - All Regions (3) Lead: Program Buyer (NA & EU & Asia) Lead: RPC/SPE (SA) (4) No No (2) Is the part High Impact? (3) Can Supplier achieve PSW Timing? Yes Go to Step # 5. Yes Go to Step # 8. (3) Notes:  Record PPAP status on local tracking system. (4) Hard Copies of This Document are Uncontrolled Page 2 of 4 (4) Acceptable risk to Yes 展开
2008-07-24 01:42:57 546 1
Agilent 1200 急~!急~~!急~~!
Agilent1200所有的模块都是绿色的,可是一直显示未就绪有人说是除了DAD,还配置了ELSD,虽然在工作站的模块已经将ELSD移除,但是在程序中没有移除Accesspoint,且ELSD的连接管线和电脑... Agilent 1200 所有的模块都是绿色的,可是一直显示未就绪 有人说是除了DAD,还配置了ELSD,虽然在工作站的模块已经将ELSD移除,但是在程序中没有移除Access point,且ELSD的连接管线和电脑是连着的,所以仪器要等到ELSD就绪了才会进样,但是我们ELSD都没有打开,就一直就进不了样了 我想问的是这个Access point在哪里移除呢~ 展开
2010-12-26 00:28:23 535 2
纳米材料改性PVC(polyvinylchloride,聚氯乙烯)树脂能改善其力学性能,近年来成为研究的热点。本文提出了,添加纳米TiO2使PVC增强增韧的实验方法。试想通过此法,改善PVC的力学性能。... 纳米材料改性PVC (polyvinyl chloride,聚氯乙烯)树脂能改善其力学性能,近年来成为研究的热点。本文提出了,添加纳米TiO2使PVC增强增韧的实验方法。试想通过此法,改善PVC的力学性能。设计了实验过程。Z后通过拉伸实验、冲击实验、维卡软化点温度的测定和低温试验,证明了添加纳米TiO2对材料力学性能的影响,并找出纳米TiO2对PVC材料性能改进的一些规律。研究结果表明:选择适当的加工助剂,加入纳米TiO2后PVC的强度和韧性都得到改善,从而达到PVC增强增韧的作用。 展开
2007-06-17 03:49:16 417 4
食品安全法学习心得,急 急 急
2017-09-22 21:05:32 394 1
请求各位大侠帮帮忙,我的空压气罐安装的是电接点压力表,接点信号线DC24V,我们更换的表都是 AC220和AC380的表,可是现在问题来了,我的接点接通后,待压力下降后断不开误差达到0.15MPa。这个怎么处理呀!是不是电压的原因呀!跪求大家帮帮忙
2015-07-06 21:14:28 417 1
急! 谁能帮我弄到SONY摄像机CCD-TR705E使用说明
急! 谁能帮我弄到SONY摄像机CCD-TR705E使用说明(经典老机型) 什么地方可以弄到要说清楚,,
2014-07-20 04:15:11 377 1
2010-01-09 15:10:45 235 1
2018-11-20 16:06:29 329 0
上海佑科dds-11a 电导率的说明书,急,急,急,急
2018-12-02 14:39:49 335 0
2009-04-25 05:35:29 288 1
2010-02-04 16:29:26 263 2
灯可以组什么词? 急 !急 !急 !
2013-12-04 06:09:11 337 3
2016-07-27 13:17:24 1039 3
一张图是蓖麻油的分子结构. 一张图是蓖麻油的红外光谱图.
2018-12-07 19:33:59 359 0
What's therole of the Supercapacitor? The supercapacitor resembles a regular capacitorwith the exception that it offers very high capacitance in a small package.Energy storage is by means of static charge rather than of an electro-che... What's therole of the Supercapacitor? The supercapacitor resembles a regular capacitorwith the exception that it offers very high capacitance in a small package.Energy storage is by means of static charge rather than of an electro-chemicalprocess that is inherent to the battery. Applying a voltage differential on thepositive and negative plates charges the supercapacitor. This concept issimilar to an electrical charge that builds up when walking on a carpet. Thesupercapacitor concept has been around for a number of years. Newer designsallow higher capacities in a smaller size. Whereas a regular capacitor consists ofconductive foils and a dry separator, the supercapacitor crosses into batterytechnology by using special electrodes and some electrolyte. There are threetypes of electrode materials suitable for the supercapacitor. They are: highsurface area activated carbons, metal oxide and conducting polymers. The highsurface electrode material, also called Double Layer Capacitor (DLC), is leastcostly to manufacture and is the most common. It stores the energy in thedouble layer formed near the carbon electrode surface. 展开
2013-06-11 09:00:02 454 3
财务分析计算题 急!! 急!!
某企业的有关资料为,流动负债5万元,速动比率1.5,流动比率2.5,销售成本8万元,则该企业年末存货周转次数为( ). A 1.2次 B 1.6次 C 2次 D3次 请说明计算步骤和公式,谢谢。
2011-05-25 01:08:41 323 3
请问 网桥怎么老是掉线?急 急 急 !!谢谢
2014-01-15 01:40:18 191 2
放射性同位素在细胞内出现在哪几个部位? 急 急 急
2010-11-05 09:42:34 379 2
2018-12-01 16:54:30 211 0


