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Asia圣树s 2018-11-10 13:47:50 462  浏览





2018-11-10 13:47:50 462 0
1.平常应该吃什么?不应该吃什么?2.什么药物(市场能买到的?)3.有什么主义的事项?4.病理... 1.平常应该吃什么?不应该吃什么? 2.什么药物(市场能买到的?) 3.有什么主义的事项? 4.病理 展开
2007-05-07 12:53:51 218 3
病情描述(发病时间、主要症状等): 白细胞 - 0Cell/uL 酮体 + - 0.5mmol/L 亚硝酸盐 - 尿胆原 +2 66umol/ 胆红素 +1 8.6umol/L 蛋白质 +1 0.3g/L 葡萄糖 - 0mmol/L 尿比重 1.020 PH 6.5 隐血 - 肌(酉千) ... 病情描述(发病时间、主要症状等): 白细胞 - 0Cell/uL 酮体 + - 0.5mmol/L 亚硝酸盐 - 尿胆原 +2 66umol/ 胆红素 +1 8.6umol/L 蛋白质 +1 0.3g/L 葡萄糖 - 0mmol/L 尿比重 1.020 PH 6.5 隐血 - 肌(酉千) >=26.4mmol/L 尿钙 2.5mmol/L 微白蛋白 >=100mg/L 展开
2012-04-26 07:03:03 333 1
Definitions: APQP ASDE BOM EPR ESWP Advanced Product Quality Planning Advanced Supplier Development Engineer Bill of Material Early Program Review Early Sourcing Work Plan. A report including Commodity Classification (Metals,... Definitions: APQP ASDE BOM EPR ESWP Advanced Product Quality Planning Advanced Supplier Development Engineer Bill of Material Early Program Review Early Sourcing Work Plan. A report including Commodity Classification (Metals, Non- Metals, Electrical/electronics), source-required dates, cost targets, and production tooling kick-off required dates for all purchased components. The document representing the European ESWP is On Track, the NA is PPTM. Procedure # VP-014 LRR On Track PPAP PPTM PSW RPC SDE SOP SPE VPDS vTPS Procedure: Launch Readiness Review European version of the Early Sourcing Work Plan (ESWP) Production Part Approval Process Purchased Parts Tracking Matrix (ESWP/PPTM): The North American version of the ESWP. The ESWP/PPTM is an Access Database maintained by NA Program Purchasing (vTPS) to capture all Forward Model Purchase Component information. Part Submission Warrant Regional Program Coordinator is a function within SPE in Europe and South America. Supplier Development Engineer Start Of Production (sometimes referred to as Job 1) Supplier Performance Engineer (combined ASD and SD Engineer) Visteon Product Development System , PD/Program Management Gateway process used to manage the successful launch of new model programs. The North American data storage system which holds all PPTM/ESWP data. vTPS is an Access Database Responsibility: Process Map/Flowchart (1) Lead: RPC/SPE (EU & SA) (1) Lead – ASDE (NA & Asia) Conduct High Impact Assessment assign ASD / SP engineer on formal W/support from: Program sourcing and / or change of BOM. Buyer PD Engineer Program Manager – All Regions (2) Notes/Deliverables (1) Inputs:  ESWP or local equivalent from VP-040 Project Supply Management Outputs:  High Impact Assessment Form (VF-014a or local equivalent) Notes:  Conduct High Impact Assessment and record results per local work instructions (2) Lead: RPC/SPE (EU & SA) Lead – ASDE (NA & Asia) W/support from: Program Buyer - All Regions, Buyer - All Regions (3) Lead: Program Buyer (NA & EU & Asia) Lead: RPC/SPE (SA) (4) No No (2) Is the part High Impact? (3) Can Supplier achieve PSW Timing? Yes Go to Step # 5. Yes Go to Step # 8. (3) Notes:  Record PPAP status on local tracking system. (4) Hard Copies of This Document are Uncontrolled Page 2 of 4 (4) Acceptable risk to Yes 展开
2008-07-24 01:42:57 546 1
ph05660493031 谁能帮我查一下物流信息
2018-12-07 02:34:46 310 0
摘要: 在物质文明飞速发展的今天,传感器技术作为一门新兴学科已经得到了大规模的开发和应用。现在随着科学技术的进步以及电子计算机、机器人、自动控制技术和单片机嵌入系统的迅速发展,迫切需要形形的传感器。显而易见,传感器在现代科学技术领域中占... 摘要: 在物质文明飞速发展的今天,传感器技术作为一门新兴学科已经得到了大规模的开发和应用。现在随着科学技术的进步以及电子计算机、机器人、自动控制技术和单片机嵌入系统的迅速发展,迫切需要形形的传感器。显而易见,传感器在现代科学技术领域中占有极其重要的地位。了解、掌握和应用传感器已成为电子专业技术人员的必需技能。 本文以酒精测试仪为例,详细阐述了气体传感器的工作原理,并与实际电路相结合,对其具体工作过程进行了分析探讨,对以气敏元件为基础构成的传感器的未来发展趋势与应用也有所探讨。 酒精测试仪主要应用于交通JC测试司机是否有酒后驾驶的情况出现,从而避免交通隐患,保证车辆安全行驶。与之相关的气体传感器设备如:有毒气体报警器、自动去湿装置、自动空气净化换气扇等也逐渐出现在人们的视线中,可见传感器技术在人们日常生活中所起的作用越来越大。通过阅读本文,读者可以了解到气体传感器的工作原理、理论基础和实际应用。 关键词:气体传感器 酒精 半导体气敏元件 展开
2007-05-28 05:49:44 335 1
多点,把味道也写进来。。... 多点,把味道也写进来。。 展开
2017-12-15 08:06:49 454 2
Fig. 1 shows that diamond particles are dispersed in the copper matrix. Since the diamond particles are easy to be stripped off during mechanical polishing, small pits are left on the surface of samples. When the samples were analyzed b... Fig. 1 shows that diamond particles are dispersed in the copper matrix. Since the diamond particles are easy to be stripped off during mechanical polishing, small pits are left on the surface of samples. When the samples were analyzed by electron probe for carbon, the particles displayed high carbon peaks, as shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 exhibits the analyzed result for extracted product of the copper–diamond composite by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. It is shown that three dif- fraction peaks exist, shown as A, B and C, respectively. The interplanar distances corresponding to the three peaks and standard ones for diamond are compared in Table 1. The measured values of the interplanar distances are in good agreement with the standard ones, demon- strating that the extracted product should be the carbon in diamond state. Fig. 4(a) gives a TEM micrograph showing distribution and morphology of diamond particles (indicated as A, B, and C) in the copper–diamond composite. The calibration of interplanar distance for diffraction rings in Fig. 4(b) was given in Table 2. Compared to Table 1, it is also demon- strated that the calibrated interplanar distances for the diffraction rings conform to the standard ones of diamond. Therefore, it is believed that the graphitization of diamond particles hardly occurs after sintering at 1150–1220 K in the copper–diamond composite. Although diamond is a metastable allotropic modifica- tion of carbon, the graphitization of diamond particles in the copper–diamond composite did not occur, or the degree of graphitization was too small to be found. It is believed that the beginning temperature of graphi- tization would be associated with the purity of diamond powders. The impurities such as some metallic elements reduce the beginning temperature of diamond graphitiza- tion. When diamond is fabricated by the static synthesis method, Fe and Ni are often used as catalysts and are present in diamond as impurities to decrease the beginning temperature of graphitization [6]. It is understandable that both for the graphitization and its reverse reactions, their activation energies can be decreased by catalytic agents. Compared with the diamond fabricated by static synthesis, the diamond powders prepared by explosion method do not contain metallic impurities, thus leading to an obvious increase in the beginning temperature of graphitization. Hence, the detonation synthetic diamond might be more resistant to graphitization and probably suitable for the electric contact materials. 展开
2011-03-22 08:43:56 358 2
血液细胞分析仪检验报告 谁能帮我分析一下
腰部长了蛇盘疮化验血液结果如下很多值都不正常谁能帮我分析一下(男性57岁)WBC白细胞数目4.9(4.0-10)Lymph#淋巴细胞数目2.1(0.8-4.0)Mid#中间细胞数目0.2(0.1-0.9)Gran#中性粒细胞... 腰部长了蛇盘疮 化验血液结果如下 很多值都不正常 谁能帮我分析一下(男性 57岁) WBC 白细胞数目 4.9 (4.0-10) Lymph#淋巴细胞数目 2.1 (0.8-4.0) Mid #中间细胞数目 0.2 (0.1-0.9) Gran# 中性粒细胞数目 2.6 (2.0-2.7) Lymph% 篱笆细胞百分比 H 42.1 (20-40) Mid %中间细胞百分比 5.8 (3.0-9.0) Gran% 中性粒细胞百分比 52.1 (50-70) HGB血红蛋白 142 (110-160) RBC红细胞数目 5.04 (3.5-5.5) HCT红细胞压积 H 50.1 (37-50.0) MCV 平均红细胞体积 H 99.5 (82.0-95.0) MCH平均红细胞血红蛋白含量 28.1 (27-31) MCHC 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度 L 283 (320-360) RDW-CV 红细胞分布宽度变异系数 12.8 (11.5-14.5) RDW-SD 红细胞分布宽度标准差 47 (35-56) PLT 血小板数目 L 94 (100-300) MPV 平均血小板体积 9.3 (7.0-11.0) PDW血小板分布宽度 L 14.6 (15.0-17.0) PCT 血小板压积 L 0.087 (0.108-0.282) 展开
2013-06-25 23:29:27 260 1
2018-06-01 04:45:19 440 1
*尿胆红 + - 16 UMOL/L 胆红素 - 酮体 - *血 + - 10 CELLS/UL 蛋白质 - 亚硝酸盐 - 白细胞 - 葡萄糖 - 比重 1.030 PH 6.0 微蛋白 -
2007-12-12 05:31:31 215 2
2017-04-29 00:11:42 428 1
2012-08-31 11:08:01 261 1
2016-10-24 00:12:15 400 3
论文题目: Operational ability evaluation for the new Armored troops based on the neural network 急用,谢谢!!
2013-11-18 22:47:30 228 1
仪表的变差不能超出仪表的()a、相对误差b、引用误差c、允许误差测量某设备的温度,温度为400℃,要求误差不大于4℃,下列哪支温度计Z合适?()A0~600℃1.5级B.0~1500℃0.5级C.0~8... 仪表的变差不能超出仪表的( )a、相对误差 b、引用误差 c、允许误差 测量某设备的温度, 温度为400℃, 要求误差不大于4℃,下列哪支温度计Z合适?( )A 0~600℃ 1.5级 B. 0~1500℃ 0.5级 C. 0~800℃ 0.5级 D. 0~400℃ 0.2级 仪表的精度级别指的是仪表的( )A 引用误差 B. Z大误差 C.允许误差 D. 引用误差的Z大允许值 下列说法正确的是( )A 回差在数值上等于不灵敏区 B 灵敏度数值越大则仪表越灵敏C 灵敏限数值越大则仪表越灵敏 有一个变化范围为320——360kPa的压力,如果用A、B两台压力变送器进行测量,那么在正常情况下哪一台的测量准确度高些?压力变送器A:1级,0——600kPa。压力变送器B:1级,250——500kPa。 一台精度等级为0.5级的测量仪表,量程为0~1000℃。在正常情况下进行校验,其Z大误差为6℃,求该仪表的Z大引用误差、允许误差、仪表的精度是否合格。 某台差压计的Z大差压为1600mmH2O,精度等级为1级,试问该表Z大允许的误差是多少?若校验点为800mmH2O,那么该点差压允许变化的范围是多少? 测量范围 0~450℃的温度计,校验时某点上的误差为3.5℃,变(回)差为5℃, 其它各点均小于此值,问此表的实际精度应是多少?若原精度为1.0级,现在该仪表是否合格? 自动化仪表按能源分类及其信号形式。 单元组合式仪表是什么? 第二章 压力测量及变送 简述弹簧管压力表原理和游丝的作用。 简述压力仪表选型原则。 为减小仪表的相对误差,一般仪表应工作在量程的( ) a、<1/3 b、1/3—2/3 c、>2/3 校对0--1.6MPa,1.5级的工业压力表示时,应使用标准压力表( )a.0—1.6MPa,0.5级 b.0—2.5MPa,0.35级 c.0—4.0MPa,0.25级 某容器内的压力为0.8MPa。为了测量它,应选用量程为( )A.0—1MPa B.0—1.6MPa C.0—3.0MPa D.0—4.0MPa 某压力变送器的输出是电流信号。它相当于一个( )。A 受压力控制的电压源 B 受压力控制的电流源 C 受电压控制的电流源 D 受电流控制的电压源 某测量范围0~1.6Mpa的压力表,校验时发现在真实值1.2Mpa处的误差Z大,为0.18Mpa。试计算并判断该表是否符合精度1.5级的要求? 有一被测压力P=6.5MPa,用弹簧管压力计进行测量,要求测量值准确到1%,试选择一仪表的测量范围和精度等级? 第三章 物位测量及变送 差压式液位计使用中为何经常需要进行迁移?如何判断迁移方向? 测量高粘度、易结晶介质的液位,应选用下列哪种液位计?( ) a、浮筒式液位计 b、差压式液位计 c、法兰式差压液位计 采用差压式液位计测量液位, 其差压变送器的零点( )a. 需要进行正迁移 b. 需要进行负迁移 c. 视安装情况而定 浮筒式液位计是基于下列哪种工作原理工作的?( )a、恒浮力 b、变浮力 c、压差式 用单法兰液位计测量开口容器液位。液位计已经校好,后因维护需要,仪表安装位置下移了一段择用压力法测量开口容器液位时,液位的高低取决于( )A 取压点位置和容器横截面 B 取压点位置和介质密度 C 介质密度和横截面 浮球式液位计适合于如下哪一种情形的使用条件?( )A 介质粘度高、压力低、温度高 B 介质粘度高、压力低、温度低C 介质粘度低、压力高、温度低 D 介质粘度高、压力高、温度低 展开
2009-05-25 19:29:23 646 3
2018-11-14 13:53:04 317 0
2018-12-07 17:42:57 282 0
2011-08-17 17:14:26 402 1
所有的化工产品 名称 谁能提供
2018-12-08 14:52:04 314 0


