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当前位置:仪器网>产品中心> 赛默飞世尔科技实验室产品>实验室耗材>微孔板>Pierce™ NeutrAvidin™ Coated Plates, Clear, 96-Well

Pierce™ NeutrAvidin™ Coated Plates, Clear, 96-Well






描述 Thermo Scientific NeutrAvidin Protein Coated Clear 96-Well Plates are pre-blocked and ready-to-use polystyrene plates for binding biotinylated antibodies or probes for ELISA and other target-specific assays.

Features of NeutrAvidin Protein Coated Clear 96-Well Plates:

• Clear plates for colorimetric detection methods
• Pre-blocked with Blocker BSA Buffer
• Easy and gentle immobilization of biotin-containing conjugates
• Low nonspecific binding
• No denaturing of the protein component of a conjugate upon binding
• Ideal for binding small biotinylated hydrophilic molecules (e.g., peptides) that typically exhibit poor binding to polystyrene
• Less expensive than streptavidin coated plates
• Lowest nonspecific binding properties of all biotin-binding proteins

Biotin-binding plates are ideal for applications when direct adsorption to polystyrene denatures antibodies or the target molecule. Streptavidin is the most popular and widely available biotin-binding protein for research methods. Streptavidin has an isoelectric point of 5 to 6, resulting in low nonspecific interactions. Thermo Scientific NeutrAvidin Protein is a deglycosylated form of avidin, which has a near-neutral pI (6.3), resulting in even lower nonspecific interactions. NeutrAvidin Protein has the additional advantage of lacking the bacterial RYD sequence found on streptavidin, which eliminates off-target binding to the RGD binding domain of adhesion receptors present in a variety of cells.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Plate Characteristics for Standard Capacity Biotin-Binding Plates
The coating and blocking volumes listed here are the most common varieties. Individual Part Nos. may be different." data-omni-action="View figure">

Plate Characteristics for Standard Capacity Biotin-Binding Plates


