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银牌会员 第 9 年






When the temperature humidity controller shows the condition of abnormal humidity, how ?

恒温箱主要用于测试和确定电工、电子及其他产品及材料进行高温、低温、交变湿热度或恒定试验的温度环境变化后的参数及性能。Thermostat is main used for testing and determining the parameters and performance of electrical and electronic and other products and materials after the temperature environment changes in high and low temperature alternating humidity and heat degree or constant test.

【检查步骤 Check Steps

  1. 查看控制机房的欠水超温保护器,是否设定在150℃的位置。

    Check whether the under-water and over-temperature protector in the control unit is set at the position of 150 Celsius.

  2. 查看机房内,管路是否过脏,造成水流不顺。

    Check the unit, whether the pipeline is too dirty, causing water flow.

  3. 查看上水箱是否有水,如果没有水,再查看下水箱是否有水。

    Check whether has water in top water tank, if not, same to check the bottom water tank.

  4. 查看是否湿度部份的固态继电器烧毁短路: 如果加热器未烧毁,使用三用电表交流电压档,电压档位开到600伏特的位置,将红黑棒分别放在线号标注为H的那一颗固态继电器交流两侧,将湿度部份的湿度设定值设置0%,此时湿度部份的固态继电器的指示灯不会亮起,如果量测的电压值没有变化,维持在10V以下代表固态继电器烧毁呈现短路状态。或者首先将湿度部份设定值设为0%,再看机房内加湿桶是否水在煮沸状态。

    Check if the humidity of solid state relay burned short-circuit: if heater is not burning, used three meters ac voltage, the position of the gear drive voltage to 600 volts, will be red and black on the annotation of line number for H that a solid state relay communication on both sides, set the humidity of humidity value 0%, humidity at this time of the light on the solid state relay can't light up, if the measured voltage value did not change, keep under 10 v represents the solid state relay burned present state of short circuit Or the first set of 0% humidity part of the set value, then see whether humidifying barrels of water inside the room in the boiling state.

【解决办法 Solutions

  1. 1、将欠水超温保护器转至150℃的位置。

    Turn under-water over-temperature protector to position 150 Celsius.

  2. 2、首先将机台后方总电源关上,然后将加湿桶下方的排水阀,打开到与管路平行的位置,带上水箱的水都排光的时候,利用板手将加湿桶打开,将内部因长期做湿度的水垢清除,然后将硅胶管路拔除,在水中搓洗。保养完毕后按照拆除的方式,反方向装回去。装置完毕后,需将加湿桶下方的排水阀,关闭到与管路垂直的位置,然后再将机台后方总电源打开。

    Firstly to turn off the total power supply behind the machine, then open the drainage valve under the humidifying barrel, till to a position parallel to the pipe line. Water shortage from top water tank, open the humidifying barrel by the spanner, scale removal and silica gel tube was removed, clean in water. After the maintenance in accordance with the demolition mode, put it back in the opposite direction, after installation, turn on the drainage valve with the pipeline on the vertical position, then turn on the total power supply.

  3. 3、下水箱都无水,将下水箱加水,即可解决。上水箱如果没有水,下水箱有水,则为下水箱打水马达坏掉,通知皓天黄工维修客服部门上门进行维修; 

    There is no water in the bottom tank, will add water in that tank, solve it ! If there is no water in the top tank, there is water in bottom tank, the bottom tank to drain water, means the motor broken. So inform the maintenance customer service department of Haotian company to conduct on-site.

  4. 4、更换湿度部份的固态继电器(线号标注为H的那一颗固态继电器),或者通知黄工售后上门进行维修。

    Replace the solid state relay of the humidity part (the one marked with line No. H), or notify the after sales staff to conduct on-site maintenance.


