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4605857 2018-12-02 14:16:37 286  浏览





2018-12-02 14:16:37 286 0
2016-11-21 11:17:49 625 1
什么是TOD 关于环境方面的
2007-11-12 16:59:36 379 2
我们学校说要在校门口安个红外线电子检测仪,用来检测看我们进校门的时候有没有带手机,还有mp4等电子产品.我想问下真的有这种检测仪么?有的话这个检测仪有什么性能能?手机在关机或者将电板拿掉的情况下那个东西也能检测到么?mp4关机后能检测到么?这个东西... 我们学校说要在校门口安个红外线电子检测仪,用来检测看我们进校门的时候有没有带手机,还有mp4等电子产品.我想问下真的有这种检测仪么?有的话这个检测仪有什么性能能?手机在关机或者将电板拿掉的情况下那个东西也能检测到么?mp4关机后能检测到么?这个东西大概是什么原理? 展开
2008-09-05 18:44:00 389 1
急求关于三聚氰胺事件的案例分析!!! 管理学科方面的
2011-01-07 06:45:13 413 1
2006-03-28 16:21:21 389 2
急需关于服装类的外文参考文献,哪位高人请帮忙~~~~要3-6篇... 急需关于服装类的外文参考文献,哪位高人请帮忙~~~~ 要3-6篇 展开
2018-11-20 03:55:58 203 0
求一篇关于超声波传感器的毕业论文 论文内容不要是它的发展前景或广泛应用 Z好细致到某一样用途 例如利用单片机的超声波测液位 不用写的太细致几千字的 写个细致的提纲就行或写个大概需要找资料写个名字我自己找 悬赏分数虽不高 但能帮我搞定这个难题 全部分... 求一篇关于超声波传感器的毕业论文 论文内容不要是它的发展前景或广泛应用 Z好细致到某一样用途 例如利用单片机的超声波测液位 不用写的太细致几千字的 写个细致的提纲就行或写个大概需要找资料写个名字我自己找 悬赏分数虽不高 但能帮我搞定这个难题 全部分数300奉上 急求 谢谢 展开
2010-03-25 18:53:53 608 3
2012-09-16 06:47:20 303 2
关于锅炉炉水磷酸根突然消失,急,急,急 碱度,电导率,都上升
2012-09-28 21:16:26 831 3
2013-11-18 03:52:35 252 1
我用tek的示波器想保存图片,但是保存成了csv格式,显示的是数据,我能把它转化为图片格式么?... 我用tek的示波器想保存图片,但是保存成了csv格式,显示的是数据,我能把它转化为图片格式么? 展开
2009-12-02 04:14:19 507 3
2011-05-04 11:32:16 359 2
环境问题 地理 急!!
变暖温室效应? 北京的环境问题(e.g.:北京今年很冷但没下雪,沙尘暴......) 分析造成该环境问题的原因 并探索解决该环境问题应采取的对策 P.S:字数越多越好
2009-02-06 08:16:43 302 5
求医学影像技术 论文题目 关于MRI方面的
2011-01-11 07:21:01 318 1
急求: 要求: ⑴.设计一个简易数字频率计,用于测量数字信号的频率并显示,用一个开关控制频率计的起动和停止,并可对频率计置数。 ⑵.测频范围为0.1Hz到9999Hz。 ⑶.测量所需时基时间可调,分1秒和10秒两档。 ⑷.能连续循环测量显示,若用1秒档时要求6秒完... 急求: 要求: ⑴.设计一个简易数字频率计,用于测量数字信号的频率并显示,用一个开关控制频率计的起动和停止,并可对频率计置数。 ⑵.测频范围为0.1Hz到9999Hz。 ⑶.测量所需时基时间可调,分1秒和10秒两档。 ⑷.能连续循环测量显示,若用1秒档时要求6秒完成一个循环,其中1秒计数测量;4秒显示结果;1秒清零。然后依次循环。10秒档则60秒完成一个循环。 常见的元器件选择: •74160(74161),10进制(16进制)计数器•555,•7474 双D触发器•7400(2输入端,4与非门),•7404(6非门),•7408(2输入,4与门)•7420(4输入,2与非门), •7432(2输入端,4或门),•7421(4输入端,双与门),•7411(3输入端,3与门),•7410(3输入端,3与非门),•7402(2输入端,4或非门),•7427(3输入端,3或非门), 展开
2014-06-07 23:28:34 499 2
REAL-TIME KINEMATIC GPS Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) is Trimble Navigation's Site Surveyor System available as a standard option upgrade to Trimble's 4000 series SE and SSE receivers. The Medicine Bow National Forest uses 4000 SSE and SE rece... REAL-TIME KINEMATIC GPS Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) is Trimble Navigation's Site Surveyor System available as a standard option upgrade to Trimble's 4000 series SE and SSE receivers. The Medicine Bow National Forest uses 4000 SSE and SE receivers in it's Boundary Management program. The use of RTK enables a surveyor to determine a corner's position, establish a corner without having to make traditional corner moves or to mark and post line as quickly as the surveyor could walk, all without having to post-process the data. The surveyor using RTK can perform corner search within a meter or a couple of centimeters of the true location without the need to traverse down the line. For some survey applications traditional kinematic GPS field procedures are preferred, since many points can be observed in a short period of time with occupation times of a minute or less. However until now, kinematic surveying required post-processing before the results were available. This made field stakeout of corner positions, corner search, line marking and posting, and evaluation of coordinate accuracy in the field impossible to do using kinematic techniques (Curry et al 1993). Now, the use of RTK technology makes these impossible traditional kinematic tasks possible. What is RTK? RTK is currently carrier phase observations processed (corrected) in real-time resulting in position coordinates to a 1-2 centimeter accuracy level being available to the surveyor in the field. In other words, what the surveyor sees is what he gets. RTK, consists of two or more GPS receivers, three or more radio-modems, a "fixed-plate initializer" , and a handheld survey data collector/computer (TDC1). In RTK, one receiver occupies a known reference station and broadcasts a correction message (Compact Measurement Record or CMR2) to one or more roving receivers. The roving receivers process the information to solve the WGS-84 vectors by solving the integers in real-time within the receiver to produce an accurate position relative to the reference station. Precision of RTK is +/-2 cm + 2 ppm, with 1 ppm equating to 1 mm per 1 km (Trimble Navigation, 1993). The TDC1 is used to graphically display the processed results of the surveyors current position on the ground at that moment. The TDC1 has the capability for the surveyor to navigate within a couple of centimeters to a known or unknown coordinate position using Local, State Plane or Geographic coordinates. In real-time positions may be logged in the field, inverses performed, attributes (features) recorded, azimuths and distances between points calculated, and corners located. RTK, as with traditional kinematic GPS procedures, currently requires continuous satellite lock to be maintained. This restriction allows for RTK to be most effective in a non-canopied, no obstructions environment. 展开
2009-06-04 09:20:37 480 1
关于示波器 ~~急
1.测量一个Vp-p=2V的信号,如果要使其再显示屏的垂直方向上尽可能大,但又不能超出显示屏的有效位置,则Y轴灵敏度开关应放在什么位置中?2.要测量一个f=200HZ的信号,如果要求信号在水... 1.测量一个Vp-p=2V的信号,如果要使其再显示屏的垂直方向上尽可能大,但又不能超出显示屏的有效位置,则Y轴灵敏度开关应放在什么位置中? 2.要测量一个f=200HZ的信号,如果要求信号在水平方向上现实两个周期的波形,则示波器水平速度旋钮应调到什么位置?? 3.示波器输入端的“交流”(AC),“直流”(DC)耦合方式分别表示什么含义? 谢谢啦 ~ 展开
2011-05-08 04:46:39 394 1
急!急!急!求一篇关于提高石油采收率的方法及效果分析的论文,1W字左右~Z好有大纲!如果写的好~在追加50分!!高手们帮帮忙啊!小弟马上就毕业了~急啊!... 急!急!急!求一篇关于提高石油采收率的方法及效果分析的论文,1W字左右~Z好有大纲!如果写的好~在追加50分!!高手们帮帮忙啊!小弟马上就毕业了~急啊! 展开
2009-03-27 01:12:50 351 2
求ZY台的一个纪录片,大概是五一。节左右放的,,关于水的,我当时看叫《水漫世界》,但是在网上又没找到,主要内容说现在水平面一直在上升,其原因及对未来水会淹没世界的分析。。... 求ZY台的一个纪录片,大概是五一。节左右放的,,关于水的,我当时看叫《水漫世界》,但是在网上又没找到,主要内容说现在水平面一直在上升,其原因及对未来水会淹没世界的分析。。谢谢!! 展开
2012-04-30 18:10:04 326 1


