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急急急求,,,ielts写作流程图 净水过滤器工作原理 , 沙丘形成

wuji360 2010-04-20 00:46:40 541  浏览
  • 急求ielts写作流程图 :净水过滤器工作原理 , 沙丘形成 的范文,非常急。只要正确的就行,不管抄哪,在下找不到啊。奇怪。



  • 王小从 2010-04-24 00:00:00
    我需要看图啊 有个建议 如果你英语还有点水平的话 参考 IELTS书后的例文。稍加改动就可。




  • 橙花花244 2010-04-21 00:00:00
    我也考雅思 你可以原图发给我 既然是流程图我得见图啊。




  • xyl_gril 2010-05-01 00:00:00
    雅思流程图范文 《蚕丝制作》 Sample: As is displayed in the first diagram, the life cycle of the silkworm can be categorized into 4 main stages. First, the life of the silkworm starts from eggs propagated by the moth, and it takes 10 days for each egg to become a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry leaves. Silkworm larva continues to grow in 4 to 6 weeks, then wrapping itself with silk thread to construct a cocoon in the next 3 to 8 weeks. A moth can be produced from the cocoon in 16 days. The life cycle begins again from then on. Focusing on the second diagram, it illustrates the 5 main steps of the procedure of producing silk cloth. Well generated cocoons will be selected firstly. Before the silk thread can be unwound, cocoons have to be boiled in hot water. One cocoon can produce approximately 300 to 900 metres of silk thread. The unwound thread will be dyed afterwards to be weaved into silk cloth. Overall, the two diagrams reveal the stage of producing cocoons in the life cycle of the silkworm can be used to make silk cloth through 5 simple steps. Cambridge IELTS 6 Version: The first diagram shows that there are four main stages in the life of the silk worm. First of all, eggs are produced by the moth and it takes ten days for each egg to become a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry leaves. This stage lasts for up to six weeks until the larva produces a cocoon of silk thread around itself. After a period of about three weeks, the adult moths eventually emerge from these cocoons and the life cycle begins again. The cocoons are the raw material used for the production of silk cloth. Once selected, they are boiled in water and the threads can be separated in the unwinding stage. Each thread is between 300 and 900 metres long, which means they can be twisted together, dyed and then used to produce cloth in the weaving stage. Overall, the diagrams show that the cocoon stage of the silkworm can be used to produce silk cloth through a very simple process. 《户外取水》 The chart describes how water is obtained outdoors. According to the figure, the first step of obtaining water outdoors is to find a hole with green plants on its bottom. Next, remove the green plants in the middle and put a container there. Then, cover the hole with a plastic sheet and place two stones on both ends of it to secure its position. A third stone is laid on the middle of the plastic sheet so that the middle part is also the lowest part. When the sun shines on the green plants in the hole, water evaporates from these plants. The vapor rises up and then cools down to form water drops on the plastic sheet. When there is more and more water, it flows along the sheet to accumulate on the lowest part. Finally, water falls down into the container directly under the middle stone. Thus, water is collected successfully through evaporation from green plants. 《房屋不同季节的构造》 As is displayed in the flow chart, the principles of insulation in cool and warm climate respectively differ to a large extent. As to the situation of cool climate, we adopt the high-angled roof in order to be nearly parallel with the direction of the sun so that the direct exposition to the heat of sun is lessened as much as we can. By this, the temperature of the material won’t fluctuate within a large range. Meanwhile, thermal building material could enhance the heat storage insulation, preventing outflow, thus reduction of heat. Adversely, in warm climate, reflective building material is indispensable with overhands for shade. The direction of the roof is almost vertical to the direction of the sun to lead to external insulation reflection. By this, ventilation would result in the removal of heat storage rather than reduction. Through the different working principles of ventilation, we are fascinated by the masterpieces of modern science and technology. 《玻璃的再生》 As is displayed in the flow chart, the recycling process of glass is really a complex one. The overall process can be categorized into 3 stages. First, glass products in various forms are gathered in the Collection point, so that they are easily transported by special trucks or vans to the Cleaning plant, where they get sterilization by high-pressured water. There are three different channels in the Recycling plant, namely Brown, Green and Clear, which represent the colors of glass. After recycled in the furnace, glass products are melted into recycled liquid glass. Mixed with new liquid glass, the compound is finally moulded into solid glass, which, afterwards, will be sent to various customer supermarkets for selling. Thus, the glass will go to the customers for different purposes. Through a brief introduction of the circle of glass recycling, we come to realize that recycling plays a vital role in environmental protection and ecological preservation. 《化肥的制作》 As is shown in the flow chart, the process of recycling organic waste to produce compost is really a complex one. The whole process can be categorized into five stages. First of all, prepare a plastic container which has four holes for ventilating the air. There is a rule when putting waste into the container, food at the bottom within 15 centimeters high, grass at the middle and newspaper at the top within 15 centimeters high altogether, in order to make a optimum environment for different bacteria reproducing. In the following stage, we can witness nitrogen and water being put into the container. What's worth mentioning is that water is only added in a hot weather. Next, heat the waste and let the bacteria reproduce fastly, with which the organic waste can be decomposed and became garden fertiliser after 6 months. Subsequently, we can carry the compost out and move it to the garden, thus a new recycling can begin. In conclusion, using this way to turn the organic waste into garden fertiliser is environmentally friendly. By enlarging the number or volume of the container, we can dispose more waste at the same time. 《咖啡的制作》 The diagram shows the stages in the process of making chocolate. Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, which is grown in parts of South America, Africa and Indonesia. The tree produces large red pods which contain white cocoa beans. Firstly, when the pods are ripe, they are harvested, the beans are removed and they are fermented for several days in large wooden boxes. During the fermenting process, the beans turn brown. Next, the brown beans are spread in the sun to dry. They are then put in large sacks and transported by train or lorry. After this, the beans are taken to a chocolate factory where they are roasted in an oven at temperatures of between 250 and 350 degree Celsius. After being roasted, the beans are crushed and the outer shell is removed. This part is not needed for making chocolate. Finally, the inner part of the bean is pressed and liquid chocolate is produced. 《砖块的制作》Brick manufacturing The process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry can be outlined in seven consecutive steps. First the raw material, clay, which was just below the surface of soil in certain clay-rich areas has to be dug up by a digger. Then the lumps of clay are placed on a metal grid in order to break up the big chunks of clay into much smaller areas, which fall through the metal grid onto a roller, whose motion further segregates the bits of clay. Sand and water are added to make a homogenous mixture, which is then either formed in moulds or cut into brick-shaped pieces by means of a wire cutter. Those fresh bricks are then kept in a drying oven for at least 24 and a maximum of 48 hours, several dozens if not hundreds of bricks at a time. The dried bricks are then transferred to a so-called kiln, another type of high temperature oven. First they are kept at a moderate temperature of 200 ℃ -1300 ℃ . This process is followed by cooling down the finished bricks for 48 to 72 hours in a cooling chamber. Once the bricks have cooled down and have become hard, they get packaged and delivered to their final destination, be it a building site or storage. PS 这是一些我当时考雅思时找的范文,希望会对你有用。至于你说的那几个题目,都是考试的真题,而且都是比较新的题目,所以一般没有范文。不过我觉得你把我给你的这些范文研究一下,写流程图应该没有问题了。流程图本来考的概率就小,重复出现的可能不大,不一定要练习写原题。流程图么,重要的是掌握写作流程就好了。 如果还有什么问题可以直接问我,毕竟我也是只老烤鸭了~~哈哈 Good luck!






急急急求,,,ielts写作流程图 净水过滤器工作原理 , 沙丘形成
急求ielts写作流程图 :净水过滤器工作原理 , 沙丘形成 的范文,非常急。只要正确的就行,不管抄哪,在下找不到啊。奇怪。
2010-04-20 00:46:40 541 3
2013-04-14 02:11:42 1325 3
2016-03-27 11:30:19 466 1
能说简单生动一点吗 不要大段大段复制的那种 ,谢谢了
2010-04-26 04:07:53 356 4
14、酵母菌的无性繁殖方式有( )。 A、芽殖 B、裂殖 C、 A、B均有 D、A、B均无 15、细菌常用( )法制片观察其菌体形态。 A、水浸片 B、印片 C、涂片 D、切片 16、细菌鞭毛的功能是( )。 A、交配 B、运动 C、... 14、酵母菌的无性繁殖方式有( )。 A、芽殖 B、裂殖 C、 A、B均有 D、A、B均无 15、细菌常用( )法制片观察其菌体形态。 A、水浸片 B、印片 C、涂片 D、切片 16、细菌鞭毛的功能是( )。 A、交配 B、运动 C、吸附 D、导向 17、制作酸奶的微生物学过程是( )。 A、乳酸发酵 B、丁酸发酵 C、酒精发酵 D、混合酸发酵 18、反硝化细菌在有氧条件下的产能方式是( )。 A、有氧呼吸 B、发酵作用 C、厌氧呼吸 (亦称无氧呼吸) D、硝化作用 19、培养基的灭菌通常用( )。 A、干热灭菌法 B、高压蒸汽灭菌法 C、紫外光照射法 D、加入化学杀菌剂 20、原核生物,通过有氧呼吸将一分子葡萄糖彻底氧化分解共可产生( )个ATP。 A、35 B、38 C、36 D、37 21、无氧呼吸是以( )作为Z终电子受体。 A、分子氧 B、氧化态无机物 C、底物降解的中间代谢产物 D、二氧化碳 22、在有机质过多的水稻田中,水稻会发生黑根烂根现象,这是由于( )引起。 A、反硝化作用 B、甲烷发酵 C、反硫化作用 D、硫化作用 23、根际微生物具有( )特点。 A、数量多,种类少 B、数量较少,种类多 C、数量多,种类多 D、B、数量少,种类少 24、土壤中三大类群微生物以数量多少排序为( ) 细菌>放线菌>真菌 B、细菌>真菌>放线菌 C、放线菌>真菌>细菌 D、真菌>细菌>放线菌 25、噬菌体属于病毒类别中的( ) A、微生物病毒 B、昆虫病毒 C、植物病毒 D、动物病毒 26、常用消毒酒精的浓度的( ) A、30% B、70% C、95% D、27、制备培养基Z常用的凝固剂为( ) A、硅胶 B、明胶 C、琼脂 D、纤维素 28、果汁、牛奶常用的灭菌方法为( ) A、巴氏消毒 B、干热灭菌 C、间歇灭菌 D、高压蒸汽灭菌 展开
2010-06-22 03:26:05 498 3
2018-03-25 04:01:06 460 1
2013-01-06 13:07:55 427 4
1、要求完成原理设计并通过软件仿真部分(1)RC桥式正弦波产生电路,频率分别为300Hz、1KHz、10KHz、500KHz,输出幅值300mV~5V可调、负载1KΩ。(2)占空比可调的矩形波电路,频率3KH... 1、要求完成原理设计并通过软件仿真部分 (1)RC桥式正弦波产生电路,频率分别为300Hz、1KHz、10KHz、500KHz,输出幅值300mV~5V可调、负载1KΩ。 (2)占空比可调的矩形波电路,频率3KHz,占空比可调范围10%~90%,输出幅值3V、负载1KΩ。 (3)占空比可调的三角波电路,频率1KHz,占空比可调范围10%~90%,输出幅值3V、负载1KΩ。 (4)多用信号源产生电路,分别产生正弦波、方波、三角波,频率范围100Hz~3KHz、输出幅值≥5V、负载电阻1KΩ。 软件仿真部分元器件不限,只要元器件库中有即可,但需要注意合理选取。 2、要求实际制作部分 上述(4)多用信号源产生电路,分别产生正弦波、方波、三角波,频率范围100Hz~3KHz、输出幅值≥5V、负载电阻1KΩ。 硬件制作部分核心元器件:uA741、LM324、9013,电阻电容不限。 展开
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求太原的宠物医院 急急急!!!
Z好是全天24小时营业的还有就是要靠近北营(普国电子城附近或者是美特好附近)的... Z好是全天24小时营业的 还有就是要靠近北营(普国电子城附近或者是美特好附近)的 展开
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介绍一空气过滤器的工作原理及结构,有图的更好 谢了!
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如题~... 如题~ 展开
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