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成绩单翻译 在线等

siyuan2010wish 2008-01-21 13:56:55 432  浏览
  • 生物工艺实验1《分子生物学》课程论文《生物工艺学》教学实习基因工程原理生物工艺学1《微生物遗传学》课程论文生物工程综合教学实习生物工艺实验2生物反应器生物工艺学2生物工程综合... 生物工艺实验1 《分子生物学》课程论文 《生物工艺学》教学实习 基因工程原理 生物工艺学1 《微生物遗传学》课程论文 生物工程综合教学实习 生物工艺实验2 生物反应器 生物工艺学2 生物工程综合专业实践 《生物反应器》课程设计 生物工程实习模块2 展开



  • 野草过客丁 2008-01-22 00:00:00
    Experimental of bio-technology Papers of Molecular Biology Teaching Practice of Biotechnology Principles of genetic engineering Biotechnology




  • duzhao杰 2008-01-22 00:00:00
    生物工艺实验1 Biological Technology Experiments1 《分子生物学》课程论文 course work of Molecular Biology 《生物工艺学》教学实习 practice teaching of Biotechnology 基因工程原理 genetic engineering philosophy 生物工艺学1 Biotechnology1 《微生物遗传学》课程论文 course work of Microbial Genetics 生物工程综合教学实习 integrated practice teaching of biological engineering 生物工艺实验2 Biological Technology Experiments2 生物反应器 bioreactor 生物工艺学2 Biotechnology2 生物工程综合专业实践 integrated & Specialized practice of biological engineering 《生物反应器》课程设计 curriculum project of Bioreactor 生物工程实习模块2 practice teaching of biological engineering module2






成绩单翻译 在线等
生物工艺实验1《分子生物学》课程论文《生物工艺学》教学实习基因工程原理生物工艺学1《微生物遗传学》课程论文生物工程综合教学实习生物工艺实验2生物反应器生物工艺学2生物工程综合... 生物工艺实验1 《分子生物学》课程论文 《生物工艺学》教学实习 基因工程原理 生物工艺学1 《微生物遗传学》课程论文 生物工程综合教学实习 生物工艺实验2 生物反应器 生物工艺学2 生物工程综合专业实践 《生物反应器》课程设计 生物工程实习模块2 展开
2008-01-21 13:56:55 432 2
由于为系列产品,在性质上有类似处,在某些行业可以相互替代。乙烯胺主要用于表面活性剂,环氧树脂固化剂,农药原料,医药原料,洗涤助剂,聚酰胺树脂,造纸助剂,润滑油添加剂,水处理剂原料,染料固色剂,粘合剂原料等方面。 我国乙二胺主要用于生产农药(... 由于为系列产品,在性质上有类似处,在某些行业可以相互替代。乙烯胺主要用于表面活性剂,环氧树脂固化剂,农药原料,医药原料,洗涤助剂,聚酰胺树脂,造纸助剂,润滑油添加剂,水处理剂原料,染料固色剂,粘合剂原料等方面。 我国乙二胺主要用于生产农药(森锰锌、代森锌、代森胺及杀虫剂、除草剂、杀菌剂),表面活性剂(生成双硬脂酸酰胺,烷基咪唑啉、双酰胺,与环氧乙烷,环氧丙烷合成非离子表面活性剂),环氧树脂固化剂(聚酰胺树脂,环氧固化剂,羟乙基乙二胺等),洗涤助剂(乙二胺四乙酸及其钠盐系列螯合剂),医药原料(氨茶碱,洗必泰,鼻眼净,灭虫灵等),水处理剂(乙二胺四甲叉膦酸盐,乙脒基乙叉二膦酸),缓蚀剂(环脒聚合物)染料固色剂,照相材料定影液及润滑油添加剂等。其中农药,螯合剂,表面活性剂及环氧固化剂占用量的70%以上。 2000年全年乙二胺用量为11140吨,预计今年将达到14000吨。 二乙烯三胺主要和环氧氯丙烷以及己二酸配套生产湿强剂——一种造纸助剂,主要作用是提高潮湿纸张的强度,以利于加工或使用;其他方面的用途软片(烷基咪唑啉,柔软剂),环氧固化剂,缓蚀剂、印染助剂,水处理剂(二乙烯三胺五甲叉膦酸),农药菌毒清等。 三乙烯四胺主要用于用途有两方面,环氧固化剂(包括聚酰胺树脂)和无灰分散剂,其他方面用途包括沥青乳化剂,水处理,缓蚀剂,表面活性剂等。 四乙烯五胺主要用于生产无灰分散剂,其他方面用途包括沥青乳化剂,破乳剂,环氧固化剂,离子交换树脂,助滤剂等。 展开
2008-04-15 05:48:45 498 1
it is no good crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收 请直译这个句子。谢谢
2013-04-04 01:50:20 493 6
帮忙翻译 化工文献 在线等 拒绝使用自动翻译
Nano-sized Beta zeolites, with a crystal size of 80–100 nm, were synthesized via surface wet method. The nano-sized Hbeta zeolites exhibit much higher activity and stability in the Friedel–Crafts acylation of anisole and toluene with acet... Nano-sized Beta zeolites, with a crystal size of 80–100 nm, were synthesized via surface wet method. The nano-sized Hbeta zeolites exhibit much higher activity and stability in the Friedel–Crafts acylation of anisole and toluene with acetic anhydride than theconventional zeolites of largeparticle size.The smallcrystalsize of nano-sized zeolitesmay bringon more accessible activesites and then enhance the catalytic activity. The exposed pore openings in nano-sized zeolites allow a fast desorption of heavy products from the catalyst and can then reduce the occupancy of active sites by the adsorption of products ,this can then alleviate the catalyst deactivation and improve the catalyst stability deactivation and improve the catalyst stability. 急用 在线等 拒绝用自动翻译 因为这个谁都会 如果有超级好用的自动在线翻译或软件也可以推荐 展开
2009-05-31 04:30:04 394 4
各位大神,麻烦帮小弟翻译,急,在线等。。。。论文,不要机器 翻译的
本文采用氧化还原法制备了具有较高增强因子的银溶胶,以该银溶胶为活性基底,研究了L-苯丙氨酸(L-Phe)的表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)。同时分析了L-Phe在银溶胶中的吸附状态及其与银溶胶的相互作用。研究结果表明:(1)L-Phe分子中的羧基、芳环或杂环、氨基和... 本文采用氧化还原法制备了具有较高增强因子的银溶胶,以该银溶胶为活性基底,研究了L-苯丙氨酸(L-Phe)的表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)。同时分析了L-Phe在银溶胶中的吸附状态及其与银溶胶的相互作用。研究结果表明:(1)L-Phe分子中的羧基、芳环或杂环、氨基和银溶胶发生了吸附作用,因而表现出表面增强拉曼效应;(2)与其常规拉曼光谱相比,SERS峰强和峰位均有一定变化;(3)L-Phe浓度为2×10-5~1×10-2mo1/L 范围,其SERS强度呈先增大后减小的变化趋势,当浓度为1×10-3mo1/L时的SERS强度Z大。 本论文为了解氨基酸在银溶胶中的SERS增强机制与规律提供,为更深入的进行氨基酸乃至生物大分子的SERS奠定了基础 展开
2011-06-19 10:06:36 226 1
The incorporation of silicon from the quartz-made growth chamber, characteristic of NIRIM-type reactor is insignificant in our samples, if any. The peak at 1.681 eV from the Si–V defect is totally absent from our films (not shown here), wh... The incorporation of silicon from the quartz-made growth chamber, characteristic of NIRIM-type reactor is insignificant in our samples, if any. The peak at 1.681 eV from the Si–V defect is totally absent from our films (not shown here), which supports the good quality of these films. The improvement of the crystalline quality of {111} films is explained by the weak ion bombardment of the sample during its growth outside the plasma ball. Raman measurements (not shown in this work) have also confirmed the high crystalline quality of our films, in particular in the low doping range. Very high boron concentrations (up to 5×1021 cm−3) have been reached at this growth position, outside the plasma ball. 展开
2010-03-12 07:46:42 399 2
M基因是传染性支气管炎病毒重要的免疫原基因之一,M基因上可能存在重要的抗原决定簇,且在进化过程中具有高度保守性。本研究在对IBV结构蛋白基因分析研究的基础上,选取IBV的M基因,通过PCR扩增在两端引入BamHⅠ酶切位点,经酶切插入“自杀性”DNA疫苗载体pSC... M基因是传染性支气管炎病毒重要的免疫原基因之一,M基因上可能存在重要的抗原决定簇,且在进化过程中具有高度保守性。本研究在对IBV结构蛋白基因分析研究的基础上,选取IBV的M基因,通过PCR扩增在两端引入BamHⅠ酶切位点,经酶切插入“自杀性”DNA疫苗载体pSCA1 CMV IE启动子之下的克隆位点,构建了“自杀性”DNA疫苗表达质粒pSCA1-M。经由菌落PCR、酶切及测序鉴定目的基因被成功克隆至载体pSCA1,且方向正确。分别取等量的重组质粒pSCA1-M、常规IBV M基因DNA疫苗pcDNAM及空载体pSCA1转染Vero细胞。48h后经间接免疫荧光试验观察发现,pSCA1-M以及pcDNAM转染组细胞浆均可见特异性亮绿色荧光,pSCA1空载体组无荧光为阴性。这证实“自杀性”DNA疫苗载体能成功表达M基因。而pSCA1-M组所发荧光细胞数比pcDNAM组少,说明的“自杀性”DNA疫苗转染率低于常规DNA疫苗。 为评价IBV “自杀性”DNA疫苗的免疫效果,分别用构建的“自杀性”DNA疫苗pSCA1-M、常规DNA疫苗pcDNAM、空载体pSCA1和IBV灭活疫苗免疫非免疫健康雏鸡,并设对照组注射等量的PBS液。自免疫后每隔一周各组鸡只采血分离血清连续五周,采用流式细胞仪(FACS)和间接ELISA试验分别对宿主外周血T淋巴细胞亚类CD3+、CD4+、CD8+和特异性抗IBV血清IgG的动态变化进行检测,并在第五周后以IBV强毒株进行攻毒保护实验。间接ELISA试验检测结果表明,我们构建的“自杀性”DNA疫苗能刺激机体产生针对IBV的特异性血清抗体,免疫后第三周上升到峰值,随后开始下降,其抗体水平与常规IBV DNA疫苗相当,低于灭活疫苗。T淋巴细胞亚类动态变化结果显示,“自杀性”DNA疫苗pSCA1-M组CD3+、CD4+、CD8+各T淋巴细胞数量均高于其余各组,表现为差异显著(P<0.01或P<0.05)。但在第4周左右有一个明显的下降,之后又略有回升。这说明“自杀性”DNA疫苗能诱导机体产生高于常规DNA疫苗和灭活疫苗的细胞免疫,但随着宿主细胞的凋亡迅速下降。攻毒保护试验结果统计,pSCA1-M组鸡只发病率为12%,保护率为50%;pcDNAM组鸡只发病率为13%,保护率略低于pSCA1-M,为40%;空载体组发病率(75%)<对照组(85%),攻毒保护率两组相同为25%;灭活苗组无鸡只发病死亡。对强毒的抵抗力单基因的“自杀性”DNA疫苗与常规DNA疫苗相当(40%)<灭活苗()。 本研究采用IBV M基因构建“自杀性”DNA疫苗对鸡进行免疫,并对其免疫效果进行评价,在国内外还未见报道。可为研制IBV “自杀性”DNA疫苗提供了基础材料和科学依据。 专业词汇不要翻译! 展开
2007-04-27 09:13:38 440 1
AnemailwithanAccountActivationLinkhasbeensenttotheemailaddressyou'veprovided.Ifyoucan'tfindtheemailinyourinbox,pleasecheckyour"Spam"folderassomeemailfilterswillmistakenly... An email with an Account Activation Link has been sent to the email address you've provided. If you can't find the email in your inbox, please check your "Spam" folder as some email filters will mistakenly redirect this automatically generated message to that folder. Click on the link in the email to automatically activate your account and you'll be on your way! 展开
2007-09-07 03:19:11 556 5
为什么在初中的过滤实验中,过滤时,漏斗下端管口要紧贴烧杯内壁?漏斗中液面为什么应低于滤纸边缘?经过滤的液体,仍然浑浊的原因是?进一步处理的方法?... 为什么在初中的过滤实验中,过滤时,漏斗下端管口要紧贴烧杯内壁? 漏斗中液面为什么应低于滤纸边缘? 经过滤的液体,仍然浑浊的原因是 ? 进一步处理的方法? 展开
2012-04-12 02:33:01 536 6
2015-05-10 13:32:12 313 3
2008-10-28 05:27:04 513 2
2009-07-25 12:11:39 229 1
Impeller-Type Sampler For Flow Controlled Sampling (Proportional to Flow): The Impeller-Type Sampler is installed as an integral part of the pipeline. No outside power or control is required. This Impeller-Type Sampler for flow-controlled... Impeller-Type Sampler For Flow Controlled Sampling (Proportional to Flow): The Impeller-Type Sampler is installed as an integral part of the pipeline. No outside power or control is required. This Impeller-Type Sampler for flow-controlled sampling features an impeller-driven sampling probe and sample circulation return probe assembled to a blind flange and mounted on a tee-flanged outlet positioned inside pipeline. This system incorporates a rotary sampling valve, McFarland-Tritan, LLC sample volume regulator, inlet probe, return probe piping with shut-off valves and fluid pressure regulator. Rotary sampling valve and fluid-powered impeller control sampling frequency. Adjustable sample volume regulator, from 0 to 2.5 cubic centimeters controls sample size. Rotary sampling valve alternately connects the volume regulator to the probe for filling or to the sample container for emptying. Rotary sample valve, sample volume regulator and probe arrangement are designed to permit passage of sand and BS&W through the sampler without clogging or damage. No check valves are required- eliminating the potential for cutting or plugging. This fluid sampling system will mount on blind flange without tee or on existing pipelines by addition of a saddle, flanged outlet and hot tap. A 24-inch sampler is provided for lines above 24 inches-customer should advise dimension from center of pipeline to face of the sampler-mounting flange. The Impeller-Type Sampler can be supplied mounted on flanged side outlet of a plain end tee, beveled for welding into the pipeline. Flange size and pressure rating are matched to line requirements. Sample volume regulator capacity: 0 to 10 cubic centimeters. Special volume regulators available for large sample sizes. Accessories include sample container, sheet-metal house, companion flanges, and studs and gasket. Fluid flow provides the power and controls the sampling rate. Changes in the sampling rate are directly proportional to changes in the flow rate in the pipeline. Installed in horizontal or vertical lines in accordance with API sampling standards. 展开
2018-12-08 13:02:40 515 0
101A-101.insidesiliconegripper(seesample)2.relaxedwaistband(seesample)3.waistshapingpanel(seesample)4.21/2widerelaxedflaredhem5.crotchpanelshouldbemediummattecontrol6.f... 101A-10 1.inside silicone gripper(see sample) 2.relaxed waist band(see sample) 3.waist shaping panel(see sample) 4.2 1/2 wide relaxed flared hem 5.crotch panel should be medium matte control 6.firm butt lift panel 7.relaxed waist band(see sample) 8.waist shaping panel(see sample) 9.firm butt lift bands 10.3/8 matte plush flat elastic with shiny coverstitch(see sample) 11.front ring sliders 12.3/8 fold-over matte plush elastic 13.waist shaping panels(see sample) 14.relaxed blind hem with silicone gripper inside(see sample) 15.cup construction see reference sample 16.satin covered removable straps 17.back ring sliders 18.relaxed blind with silicone gripper inside(see reference sample sent in october) 19.hook and eye closure(see reference sample) 101B-105B 1.3/8 fold-over matte elastic 2.matte underbust panels(see sample) 3.matte n'shine jacquard 4.waist shaping panels(see sample) 5.relaxed flared waist with silicone gripper inside(see sample) 6.waist shaping panel(see sample) 7.2 1/2 wide relaxed hem 8.firm shine butt lift panels 9.relaxed flared waist with silicone gripper inside(see sample) 10.waist shaping panel(see sample) 11.3/8 matte flat elastic w/ shiny coverstitch 12.firm shine butt lift panels 13.front ring sliders 14.3/8 fold-over matte plush elastic 15.waist shaping panels(see sample) 16.relaxed blind hem with silicone gripper inside(see sample) 17.cup construction see reference sample 18.satin covered removable straps 19.back ring sliders 20.relaxed blind with silicone gripper inside(see reference sample sent in october) 21.hook and eye closure(see reference sample) 我需要懂英语的服装专业的......不是你这些机翻的................... 展开
2012-02-28 00:07:30 436 3
大学有机化学 在线等急
2018-08-01 09:09:38 333 1
1、马铃薯块茎如经日晒,表面可变成绿色,这一现象是由于:A白色体转变为叶绿体;B白色体转变为有色体;C叶绿体转变为有色体;D质体转变为有色体。完全不明白。。2、下列处理不能加快... 1、马铃薯块茎如经日晒,表面可变成绿色,这一现象是由于:A白色体转变为叶绿体;B白色体转变为有色体;C叶绿体转变为有色体;D质体转变为有色体。完全不明白。。 2、下列处理不能加快细胞质流动的是:A放温水中;B灯光照射;C切割实验材料;D加2,4-二硝基苯酚YZ细胞呼吸作用。关键在C和D,都是什么意思? 3、某同学在显微镜下观察自制的洋葱根尖有丝分裂临时装片,发现细胞重叠严重,从制作装片过程分析,Z早可能出现的问题是:A载玻片上没滴清水;B解离的时间不够;C没有将根尖压碎;D取材不好。为什么是B不是D? 4、下列哪种物质单位质量的含糖量Z多:脱脂棉,苹果,面粉,鲜牛肉。脱脂棉是什么。。比苹果还多。。 5、将面团包在纱布中在清水中搓洗,粘留在纱布上的黏稠物质和洗出的白浆分别都是什么? 多谢!!!在线等! 展开
2012-01-30 16:47:35 314 3
2018-12-06 01:22:40 253 0
2018-12-04 18:29:09 317 0
A reversed-phase ion-pairing high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPIPC) method for the separation of a complex mixture of heparin-derived oligosacchrides has been developed by a stepwise optimization of the mobile phase, in which the... A reversed-phase ion-pairing high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPIPC) method for the separation of a complex mixture of heparin-derived oligosacchrides has been developed by a stepwise optimization of the mobile phase, in which the concentration of ion-pairing reagent, mobile phase pH, and acetonitrile concentration were varied. The resolution of more than 30 oligosaccharide components was obtained, under optimized conditions, in an analysis time of less than 30 min. This represents the first RP-HPLC method that can separate a complex mixture of both small and large sulfated oligosaccharides in a single chromatographic step. The heparin-derived oligosaccharides, in this mixture, can also be separated under a second set of RP-HPIPC conditions using a volatile ion-pairing reagent, tributylammonium acetate, to aid in the recovery of individual sulfated oligosaccharides. Moreover, it was possible to replace sodium chloride gradient, required for eluting highly sulfated oligosaccharides, with a fixed, low concentration of a volatile salt, ammonium acetate, by utilizing an acetonitrile gradient. This solvent system might make it possible to directly interface this RP-HPIPC separation with mass spectral analysis. 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Ion-pairing reagents; Gradient elution; Oligosaccharides 展开
2010-06-01 05:49:52 613 4
高分求翻译 在线等 有点长请耐心点,我可以追加分阶段 大侠帮忙
1. NOTE The Effect of Lanthanide Oxides as a Support for Ruthenium Catalysts in Ammonia Synthesis 2. Ruthenium is known to show significant activity for ammonia synthesis, particularly when promoted with alkali metal compounds, some showin... 1. NOTE The Effect of Lanthanide Oxides as a Support for Ruthenium Catalysts in Ammonia Synthesis 2. Ruthenium is known to show significant activity for ammonia synthesis, particularly when promoted with alkali metal compounds, some showing greater activity than iron catalysts under atmospheric pressure (1, 2). In fact, ruthenium catalysts may be regarded as second-generation ammonia catalysts right alongside iron catalysts. Currently, a type of ruthenium catalyst is already being used in a commercial ammonia plant (3), proving its potential for promising applications in industry. 3. In conclusion, we found that lanthanide oxides (CeO2, Sm2O3, La2O3) were the most effective supports for ammonia synthesis. Furthermore, a significant increase in activity was observed by reduction at high temperatures. Among lanthanide oxides, Ru/Sm2O3 and Ru/La2O3 were found to be more active while only Ru/CeO2 maintained stable activity for a long period of time. Our further studies will focus on the role hydrogen poisoning playing in these systems. 展开
2009-06-04 01:23:43 314 3


