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小蕾蕾啊_ 2013-01-11 00:00:58 481  浏览
  • 药品清单 序号 名称 纯度 序号 名称 纯度 1 硫酸 98% 16 氯化钡 AR 2 盐酸 38% 17 氯化铵 AR 3 硝酸 68% 18 氧化铁(Fe2O3、Fe3O4) AR 4 氢氧化钠 AR 19 氧化铜 AR 5 氧化钙 AR 20 二氧化锰 AR 6 双氧水 10% 21 ... 药品清单 序号 名称 纯度 序号 名称 纯度 1 硫酸 98% 16 氯化钡 AR 2 盐酸 38% 17 氯化铵 AR 3 硝酸 68% 18 氧化铁(Fe2O3、Fe3O4) AR 4 氢氧化钠 AR 19 氧化铜 AR 5 氧化钙 AR 20 二氧化锰 AR 6 双氧水 10% 21 酚酞 AR 7 硝酸银 AR 22 碘酊 8 锌粒 AR 23 无水乙醇 AR×2 9 硫粉 AR 24 医用酒精 95%×2 10 镁带 AR 25 另附:PH试纸、酚酞、石蕊、活性炭 11 红磷 AR 26 12 高锰酸钾 AR 27 13 硫酸铜 AR 28 14 碳酸氢钠 29 15 氯化钾 30 仪器清单 序号 名称 规格 个数 序号 名称 规格 个数 1 试管 18*180 2 25 安全漏斗 2 2 试管 15*150 12 26 玻璃棒 粗、细 3 3 试管 15*75 10 27 锥形瓶 2 4 试管夹 3 28 有孔橡胶塞 2、3、6号 6 5 试管架 2 29 无孔橡胶塞 2、3、6号 6 6 试管刷 2 30 镊子 3 7 铁架台 3 31 坩埚钳 3 8 广口瓶 200ml 32 32 石棉网 3 9 白细口瓶 200ml 32 33 护目镜 2 10 棕细口瓶 200ml 16 34 药匙 2 11 脱脂棉 3 35 燃烧匙 2 12 直玻璃管 5 36 水槽 1 13 酒精灯 3 37 烧杯 50ml 3 14 酒精喷灯 1 38 烧杯 100ml 3 15 多用滴管 3 39 烧杯 200ml 3 16 白滴瓶 16 40 烧杯 400ml 3 17 棕滴瓶 16 41 烧杯 500ml 3 18 单球干燥管 2 42 量筒 50ml 1 19 集气瓶 8 43 量筒 100ml 2 20 圆底烧瓶 2 44 导管 直、弯、排水集气管 各6 21 平底烧瓶 2 45 胶手套 2 22 蒸发皿 3 46 止水夹 5 23 滤纸 16 47 胶管 1 6 24 漏斗 2 48 天平 500克 1 展开



  • 干净林涣 2013-01-12 00:00:00




  • 認住这个秘密 2013-01-12 00:00:00




  • 风生水起V587 2013-01-13 00:00:00
    100以上 1000一下吧




  • wlgxin 2013-01-18 00:00:00
    2000以内 化学试剂很便宜的,玻璃器皿可能贵点,看你要多少数量了啊!






药品清单 序号 名称 纯度 序号 名称 纯度 1 硫酸 98% 16 氯化钡 AR 2 盐酸 38% 17 氯化铵 AR 3 硝酸 68% 18 氧化铁(Fe2O3、Fe3O4) AR 4 氢氧化钠 AR 19 氧化铜 AR 5 氧化钙 AR 20 二氧化锰 AR 6 双氧水 10% 21 ... 药品清单 序号 名称 纯度 序号 名称 纯度 1 硫酸 98% 16 氯化钡 AR 2 盐酸 38% 17 氯化铵 AR 3 硝酸 68% 18 氧化铁(Fe2O3、Fe3O4) AR 4 氢氧化钠 AR 19 氧化铜 AR 5 氧化钙 AR 20 二氧化锰 AR 6 双氧水 10% 21 酚酞 AR 7 硝酸银 AR 22 碘酊 8 锌粒 AR 23 无水乙醇 AR×2 9 硫粉 AR 24 医用酒精 95%×2 10 镁带 AR 25 另附:PH试纸、酚酞、石蕊、活性炭 11 红磷 AR 26 12 高锰酸钾 AR 27 13 硫酸铜 AR 28 14 碳酸氢钠 29 15 氯化钾 30 仪器清单 序号 名称 规格 个数 序号 名称 规格 个数 1 试管 18*180 2 25 安全漏斗 2 2 试管 15*150 12 26 玻璃棒 粗、细 3 3 试管 15*75 10 27 锥形瓶 2 4 试管夹 3 28 有孔橡胶塞 2、3、6号 6 5 试管架 2 29 无孔橡胶塞 2、3、6号 6 6 试管刷 2 30 镊子 3 7 铁架台 3 31 坩埚钳 3 8 广口瓶 200ml 32 32 石棉网 3 9 白细口瓶 200ml 32 33 护目镜 2 10 棕细口瓶 200ml 16 34 药匙 2 11 脱脂棉 3 35 燃烧匙 2 12 直玻璃管 5 36 水槽 1 13 酒精灯 3 37 烧杯 50ml 3 14 酒精喷灯 1 38 烧杯 100ml 3 15 多用滴管 3 39 烧杯 200ml 3 16 白滴瓶 16 40 烧杯 400ml 3 17 棕滴瓶 16 41 烧杯 500ml 3 18 单球干燥管 2 42 量筒 50ml 1 19 集气瓶 8 43 量筒 100ml 2 20 圆底烧瓶 2 44 导管 直、弯、排水集气管 各6 21 平底烧瓶 2 45 胶手套 2 22 蒸发皿 3 46 止水夹 5 23 滤纸 16 47 胶管 1 6 24 漏斗 2 48 天平 500克 1 展开
2013-01-11 00:00:58 481 4
气缸已经买回来了,要给客户配空压机! 气缸参数:缸径¢200mm、行程1800mm、推动负载Z大300kg、气管¢16mm 速度要求在Z多40秒一个来回 知道的请不吝赐教,谢谢!
2012-02-26 14:22:18 491 3
LabVIEWTM(LaboratoryVirtualInstrumentEngineeringWorkbench)isapowerfulinstrumentationandanalysisprogramminglanguageforPCsrunningMicrosoftWindows,SunSPARCstations,AppleMaci... LabVIEWTM (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) is a powerful instrumentation and analysis programming language for PCs running Microsoft Windows, Sun SPARCstations, Apple Macintosh computers, Concurrent PowerMax, and HP-UX workstations. LabVIEW departs from the sequential nature of traditional programming languages and features a graphical programming environment and all the tools needed for data acquisition, analysis, and presentation. With this graphical programming language, called “G,” you can program in a block diagram notation, the natural design notation of scientists and engineers. After you create a block diagram program, LabVIEW compiles it into machine code. LabVIEW integrates data acquisition, analysis, and presentation in one system. For acquiring data and controlling instruments, LabVIEW supports RS-232/422, IEEE 488 (GPIB), and VXI, including Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) functions, as well as plug-in data acquisition (DAQ) boards. An instrument library with drivers for hundreds of instruments simplifies instrument control applications. For analyzing data, the extensive Analysis library contains functions for signal generation, signal processing, filters, windows, statistics, regression, linear algebra, and array arithmetic. Because LabVIEW is graphical in nature, it is inherently a data presentation package. LabVIEW can generate charts, graphs, and customized, user-defined graphics. 尽量翻的好一点,谢谢 能不能对GOOGLE自动翻译过的稍加修改下 展开
2008-03-24 08:56:44 496 4
···until TLC analysis indicated the absence of dipolarophile.
2008-10-25 07:34:06 353 2
2013-11-15 06:29:38 431 2
Since its advent in the early 1970s the logic analyser has become arguably the most important single piece of test equipment in the digital designer’s armoury. It is now a far more versatile instrument than its early predecessors, still ... Since its advent in the early 1970s the logic analyser has become arguably the most important single piece of test equipment in the digital designer’s armoury. It is now a far more versatile instrument than its early predecessors, still offering a complete solution to today’s ever more complex digital design and measurement challenges. As with most modern test equipment, the ongoing development of logic analysers has been fuelled by continual improvements in microprocessor technology, allowing cost-effective implementation of advanced measurement techniques. This continual development has been driven, to a great extent, by the need to be able to debug complex microprocessor-based or highspeed state machine designs. As the inclusion of microprocessor or VLSl components into circuit design becomes more and more routine, the instrument manufacturer must maintain the logic analyser as a user-friendly, relatively-low-cost solution to modern digital design and test problems. In addition, however, as these components increase in both complexity and performance, the instrument manufacturer must be able to support state-of-the-art measurement techniques, while still offering the digital design engineer the same depth of general-purpose circuit analysis.Clearly, as design complexity increases, an increasing volume of measurement data must be represented and manipulated in such a way that it can be quickly and easily interpreted by the engineer. The basic logic analyser provides a means of monitoring software execution, digital hardware operation and, more importantly to many, the interaction between the two. Being the only instrument that can comprehensively bridge this notional divide between hardware and software, the logic analyser is often given the role of arbitrator in the search for that elusive system bug. 展开
2009-03-04 01:55:50 594 1
2012-06-22 10:23:36 350 4
HR82BPMQRS:110msQT/QTcB:344/401msPR:128msP:108msRR/PP:720/730msP/QRS/T:65/58/40度分析报告:12SL-InterpretationNormalsinusrhythmNonspecifieTwaveabonaormalityAbnormalECG是什... HR 82 BPM QRS: 110ms QT/QTcB : 344/401 ms PR: 128ms P: 108 ms RR/PP : 720 / 730 ms P/QRS/T: 65 /58 /40 度 分析报告: 12SL - Interpretation Normal sinus rhythm Nonspecifie T wave abonaormality Abnormal ECG 是什么病? 展开
2009-11-01 17:39:39 279 2
我的侄子,6个月大,被医院确诊为先天性白内障,手术半个月了,尚未植入晶体,现出现,瞳仁恢复不完整,一个大一个小,有点向上,拉长,类似于椭圆形,跪求大夫,这是不是术后正常反应... 我的侄子,6个月大,被医院确诊为先天性白内障,手术半个月了,尚未植入晶体,现出现,瞳仁恢复不完整,一个大一个小,有点向上,拉长,类似于椭圆形,跪求大夫,这是不是术后正常反应,还是其他的什么症状,希望能理解一个大人的心情,谢谢,感激涕零 当地医生说孩子还太小要等2岁再植入人工晶体,现在医生是给配了2000度的眼镜,看样是术后并发症了~~有没有解决的办法,跪求 展开
2007-02-22 16:16:20 290 2
谁帮我做这个产品的测量夹具 产品:手机玻璃 要三长两宽,圆及到边的距离,长孔及到边的距离,和两孔距,及外形和圆倒角。
2013-05-19 18:42:04 464 1
农村院子里打了水井,水不苦,但放一会变黄。做了水质分析,但看不懂,求助这水能饮用和浇地吗?哪些指标超标了,需要注意什么?... 农村院子里打了水井,水不苦,但放一会变黄。做了水质分析,但看不懂,求助这水能饮用和浇地吗?哪些指标超标了,需要注意什么? 展开
2015-06-23 02:33:12 262 1
2016-06-07 01:44:01 313 1
日本生产的 WJ-6D型CO2培养箱 图片 还有各种牙齿的图片,如修牙的照片,,反正各种关于牙齿的照片都行…… 快点发啊!!!
2006-03-31 10:59:06 404 1
谁帮我想一个关于温度计的谜语... 谁帮我想一个关于温度计的谜语 展开
2012-12-18 23:08:08 304 6
2014-08-23 09:19:34 355 1
2011-09-09 11:44:02 783 2
2011-10-26 13:46:54 743 2
snapper frames是什么东西啊?谁帮帮忙
snapper frames是什么东西啊?谁帮帮忙
2008-09-04 00:03:44 482 4
2018-08-12 14:12:44 463 2
2011-09-17 20:06:32 422 2


