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hhsgsls3688 2012-12-17 08:04:49 354  浏览



  • 奈何桥_002 2012-12-18 00:00:00
    环球科学报道 蟑螂因为它们顽固而声名狼藉,人们常常无奈地感叹:就算经历了核战,蟑螂也有可能生存下来。研究证明,这些人的感慨也不无道理。蟑螂没有头,也依然可以存活一个星期。在美国马萨诸塞州的阿默斯特大学里,研究蟑螂进化的生理学者和生物化学家约瑟夫.孔克解释说,明白了为什么蟑螂以及其他一些昆虫,没有头也能生存,就能明白为什么人类不行。如果人类被砍掉头颅,马上就会流血,血压降低,妨碍了氧和养料的传输,无法供应给维持生命所需的组织。孔克写道:“你会死于流血过多。” 赵交中ezgupke2o






2012-12-17 08:04:49 354 1
2016-04-09 01:25:52 343 1
对于测量户外仪表箱体位置倾斜,移动用哪种光纤传感的方式测量比较适合~在线等!... 对于测量户外仪表箱体位置倾斜,移动用哪种光纤传感的方式测量比较适合~在线等! 展开
2014-03-03 02:16:19 339 3
1、要求:(1)信号发生器能产生正弦波、方波和三角波种周期性波形。(2)输出信号频率在100Hz~1MHz内可调。(3)在1K负载下,输出正弦波信号的电压峰-峰在0~5V可调。(4)输出信号波... 1、要求: (1)信号发生器能产生正弦波、方波和三角波 种周期性波形。 (2)输出信号频率在100Hz~1MHz内可调。 (3)在1K负载下,输出正弦波信号的电压峰-峰在0~5V可调。 (4)输出信号波形无明显失真。 (5)自制稳压电源。 2、发挥部分(可选): (1)可实时显示输出信号的类型、幅度、频率。 展开
2009-04-25 02:08:35 344 2
2014-09-22 01:05:31 387 4
2014-09-22 11:10:07 482 2
虚拟仪器是一种新的测试与测控技术,近年来得到了迅速发展,基于虚拟仪器的机器视觉系统就是其领域的一个重要分支。本文围绕基于虚拟仪器的机器视觉有关理论和其在玻璃瓶口缺陷检测中... 虚拟仪器是一种新的测试与测控技术,近年来得到了迅速发展,基于虚拟仪器的机器视觉系统就是其领域的一个重要分支。本文围绕基于虚拟仪器的机器视觉有关理论和其在玻璃瓶口缺陷检测中的具体应用进行了研究。 针对玻璃瓶这一对象检测的高精度、高准确度、实时性的特点,本文提出了一种基于LabVIEW的数字图像处理检测方案,并在设计过程中解决了一系列关键问题:利用硬件和软件的编程实现了对玻璃瓶口的缺陷监测;使用阈值进行图像的二值化处理,并进行开启、闭合以增强图像质量;使用Vision Builder AI对有故障的图像进行故障特征识别; 通过理论研究与实验,证明了本文所提出的玻璃瓶口缺陷监测方法是有效和可行的,为其机器视觉检测的进一步研究和开发奠定了很好的基础 请用专业术语,不要用在线翻译。谢谢····好可以多加分 展开
2008-06-10 11:03:29 394 3
2010-05-02 20:14:20 350 1
有听说过一种通过控制加热功率的百分比输出来控制烘箱温度的方法!请问是使用寿命仪表或者元件来实现的!!!!求高手帮忙!或者有没有其他方法通过控制加热功率来实现烘箱的温控!!... 有听说过一种通过控制加热功率的百分比输出来控制烘箱温度的方法!请问是使用寿命仪表或者元件来实现的!!!!求高手帮忙! 或者有没有其他方法通过控制加热功率来实现烘箱的温控!!!!!!请告诉帮忙! 展开
2016-02-15 21:10:22 335 1
LabVIEWisapowerfulandcomplexprogrammingenvironment.LabVIEWisshortforLaboratoryVirtualInstrumentEngineeringWorkbench.Itisapowerfulandflexibleinstrumentationandanalysissoft... LabVIEW is a powerful and complex programming environment. LabVIEW is short for Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench. It is a powerful and flexible instrumentation and analysis software development application created by the folks at National Instruments—a company that creates hardware and software products that leverage computer technology to help engineers and scientists take measurements, control processes, and analyze and storem data. National Instruments was founded over twenty-five years ago in Austin, Texas by James Truchard (known as Dr. T), Jeffrey Kodosky, and William Nowlin. At the time, all three men were working on sonar applications for the U.S. Navy at the Applied Research Laboratories at The University of Texas at Austin. Searching for a way to connect test equipment to DEC PDP-11 computers, Dr. T decided to develop an interface bus. He recruited Jeff and Bill to join him in his endeavor, and together they successfully developed LabVIEW and the notion of a “virtual instrument.” In the process they managed to infuse their new company—National Instruments—with an entrepreneurial spirit that still pervades the company today. Engineers and scientists in research, development, production, test, and service industries as diverse as automotive, semiconductor, aerospace, electronics, chemical, telecommunications, and pharmaceutical have used and continue touse LabVIEW to support their work. LabVIEW is a major player in the area of testing and measurements, industrial automation, and data analysis. For example, scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory used LabVIEW to analyze and display Mars Pathfinder Sojourner rover engineering data, including the position and temperature of the rover, how much power remained in the rover’s battery, and generally to monitor Sojourner’s overall health. LabVIEW provides an extensive library of virtual instruments and functions to help you in your programming. It includes conventional program debugging tools with which you can set breakpoints, single-step through the program, and animate the execution so you can observe the flow of data. 毕业设计急用,望高手帮忙翻译一下 展开
2007-06-12 15:44:11 606 2
逻辑难题 高手帮忙 急。。。。。
有3顶白帽子和2定黑帽子。让甲、乙、丙3人同向列成一队,然后分别给他们各戴上一顶白帽子。丙可以看见甲乙,乙可以看到甲,甲则看不到乙丙。他们3人中,谁可以正确推导出自己头上所戴... 有3顶白帽子和2定黑帽子。让甲、乙、丙3人同向列成一队,然后分别给他们各戴上一顶白帽子。丙可以看见甲乙,乙可以看到甲,甲则看不到乙丙。他们3人中,谁可以正确推导出自己头上所戴的帽子的颜色? 答案是甲,我想知道为什么??? 展开
2010-07-24 03:42:23 283 6
ThequalitysystemofthecompanyisinconformitywithISO9002.Makingcomprehensiveuseofbiotechnology,thecompanyspecializesinmanufacturingandsellingC-4seriesorganicacidsandchiralpr... The quality system of the company is in conformity with ISO 9002 . Making comprehensive use ofbiotechnology, the company specializes in manufacturing and selling C-4series organic acids and chiral products. These products are widely used in many fields such as food, phamaceutical and chemical industries, and are well accepted by the overseas markets. The man products are L-Malic acid , DL-Malic acid, L(+)-Tartaric acid , Fumaric acid, Maleic acid and other organic acids. Annual productivity amounts to 20,000 tones. The company has become an important manufacturer of C-4 series organic acids in the world . All the products of the company have respectively met the different international aadvanced standards such as Food chemicals Codex, U.S. Pharmacopoeia ,British Pharmacopoeia and the products have obtained Star-K Kosher certificate. Above 70% of the Companys products are exported to Japan, Europe, Australias, the United states and middle East , and they are renown and well recognized in the international markets. The company will devote itself to research and development of enzyme technology and organic electrochemistry. It will continuously introduce new food additives, chiral pharmaceutical intermediates, chiral auxiliaries and chiral drugs. Depending on superior quality, good service and high reputation, the company is willing to establish a long-term mutually beneficial business partnership with overseas customers and continue contribute to the happy life of humans. 展开
2009-09-17 10:19:02 497 2
2014-12-30 20:20:43 328 1
Therefore, combining the results from the SEM, EDS, and XRD pattern, the phase composition of GWZM852 alloy could be inferred to include an a-Mg matrix and large block-shaped Mg12Zn(Y,Gd) phases distributed in a discontinuous network wi... Therefore, combining the results from the SEM, EDS, and XRD pattern, the phase composition of GWZM852 alloy could be inferred to include an a-Mg matrix and large block-shaped Mg12Zn(Y,Gd) phases distributed in a discontinuous network with some small block- and rod-shaped eutectic phases scattered at the edge of the Mg12Zn(Y, Gd) phases. 展开
2013-03-13 08:33:03 359 4
2016-12-04 00:23:52 599 1
2017-04-15 01:49:29 270 1
有一种设备的噪音为3米处55分贝,如果五台这种设备放在一起,那所产生的噪音是多大?求公式及原理?请详细解答,会增加悬赏的,拜托了,高手们... 有一种设备的噪音为3米处55分贝,如果五台这种设备放在一起,那所产生的噪音是多大?求公式及原理?请详细解答,会增加悬赏的,拜托了,高手们 展开
2013-08-31 01:54:22 885 2
请高手帮忙翻译一下 3
2.2.1. Physical and physicochemical characterization The particle size distribution of the Ch-zeolite was determined using a laser diffraction equipment (CILASk 1064) and standard wet sieving (Mesh Tylerk series). Scanning electron mic... 2.2.1. Physical and physicochemical characterization The particle size distribution of the Ch-zeolite was determined using a laser diffraction equipment (CILASk 1064) and standard wet sieving (Mesh Tylerk series). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM-PHILIPSk XL20) was used for photomicrographs as well as to analyse the Ch-zeolite composition (Energy Dispersion X-ray, EDX). The sample was initially placed in a vacuum chamber for coating with a thin layer (few nanometers) of gold (Au). The specific surface area of the material was measured by the methylene blue technique and by nitrogen gas adsorption methods, with the latter also providing information about particle porosity. In the methylene blue adsorption method, aqueous solutions (50 ml) of methylene blue (100 mg l 1) were agitated using an orbital shaker (Marconik) for an hour at room temperature in the presence of different quantities of the Ch-zeolite (0.05–0.3 g). The suspensions were then allowed to settle for 23 h and the resulting supernatants were centrifuged at 5000 rpm before the analysis of the residual methylene blue concentration. Results obtained correspond to averaged values of three different experiments. The specific surface area was evaluated by the Langmuir model, assuming the formation, at high concentrations, of a dye monolayer and 1.08 nm2 molecule 1, for the cross-sectional area (Van den Hul and Lyklema, 1968). The Ch-zeolite specific surface area was evaluated by the nitrogen gas adsorption method, using automated equipment (Autosorb 1-Quantachrome Instrumentsk), employing multipoint BET isotherm adsorption data fitting. Also from these data, the porosity of the material was evaluated through parameters such as volume of total pores (d < 206 nm), surface area and volume of micropores (d < 2 nm; Micropore Analysis Method). Zeta potential measurements for the natural and ammonia loaded zeolite, as a function of medium pH, were determined using a Zeta Plusk equipment (Brookhaven Instruments). Suspensions (0.01% v/v) of the Ch-zeolite, previously sieved below 37 Am (400 Mesh Tylerk), in a 10 3 mol l 1 solution of KNO3 were used and the medium pH was controlled with the addition of HNO3 (pH< 7) and KOH (pH>7), separately. For the Ch-zeolite saturated with ammonia, suspensions of the material were prepared by the same procedure, except that the sample was loaded with 100 mg NH3–N l 1 of ammonia. 展开
2018-11-22 17:49:22 242 0
我的笔记本电脑风扇吸入很多灰尘和细毛絮,请问高手如何处理,谢谢!... 我的笔记本电脑风扇吸入很多灰尘和细毛絮,请问高手如何处理,谢谢! 展开
2007-02-10 15:48:38 538 2
如题,在大肠杆菌GB/T 4789.38 2008中,Z终的大肠杆菌数是根据LST肉汤阳性管数查MPN表得到的,那么后面的复发酵试验和生化试验是不是可以不用做的啊? 后面是不是就是为了验证以上检测的准确性的呢? 请高手赐教,不胜感激涕零
2010-05-10 10:10:32 496 1


