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飘林00700 2014-09-13 01:15:39 311  浏览



  • 回旋木马594 2014-09-14 00:00:00
    初二物理题 1.在下列实验中,能看到物体实象的是 A.用放大镜观察蚂蚁 B.坐在电影院里看电影 C.对着平面镜看自己的象 D.欣赏玻璃钢水中的金鱼 这道题应该是C吧.就是有点犯迷糊.C的象是发生漫反射到人们眼中的,但它成象到光屏上,应该是实象吧? 2.小张的照相机有三个不同焦距的镜头(28MM,50MM,200MM)若他想在近处拍摄一高楼的全貌,应选用 A.28MM的镜头 B.50MM的镜头 C.200MM的镜头 D.三个都可以 选A还是D? 简述理由,谢谢! 3.某班同学在拍摄毕业照时,照相机镜头上停着一只苍蝇,则拍出来的照片 A.会有一只正立,放大的苍蝇 B.不会出现苍蝇,但会有一个大黑点 C.不会出现苍蝇,但比正常情况下暗些 D.会有一只倒立,放大的苍蝇 选B还是C呢? 我感觉是B吧? 对吗? 4.人的眼睛中什么相当于快门. 好象书里没学. 5.视网膜到晶状体的距离是不变的,眼睛是靠改变___的焦距看清远,近不同的物体的. 6.如果将碎成两半的透镜拼合在一起成实象,如果将上下两半透镜左右移开一小段距离,这时呈现在光屏上的象是怎样的?






2014-09-13 01:15:39 311 1
2013-09-17 15:03:27 305 1
2013-08-27 04:18:42 504 4
2018-06-25 04:49:12 344 3
2017-05-15 19:39:56 260 1
2016-08-03 12:29:26 524 3
2018-12-16 12:31:10 251 0
2018-12-05 15:08:05 315 0
本人急需水质采样器,好的水质采样器,水质采样器供应商,谁知采样器工厂级别的,说实在的只要谁知采样器性价比啊,够高的水质采样器供应商,我就喜欢!!!... 本人急需水质采样器,好的水质采样器,水质采样器供应商,谁知采样器工厂级别的,说实在的只要谁知采样器性价比啊,够高的水质采样器供应商,我就喜欢!!! 展开
2010-08-16 02:24:19 541 4
Experiment SiO2 films with a thickness of 300 nm were grown on (100) p-Si substrates, with a resistivity of 4 W cm, using thermal oxidation at 1,000 C, for 90 min. Monte Carlo simulationcode (TRIM) was used to calculate the adequate ene... Experiment SiO2 films with a thickness of 300 nm were grown on (100) p-Si substrates, with a resistivity of 4 W cm, using thermal oxidation at 1,000 C, for 90 min. Monte Carlo simulationcode (TRIM) was used to calculate the adequate energy in order to place the maximum Ge concentration at the middle of the SiO2 film. SiO2 matrices were implanted with Ge74+ ions at RT, with 250 keV energy, using implantation doses of [0.5, 0.8, 1, 2, 3 and 4] · 1016 cm–2. After ion implantation, the samples were annealed at 1,000 C for 1 h in a forming gas atmosphere to precipitate Ge and to form the nanocrystallites. Raman spectra were obtained using a triple grating T- 64000 Jobin-Yvon spectrometer, with 1 cm–1 spectral resolution. The 514 nm line of the argon laser was used to excite the samples. All samples were measured at RT; the laser power on the sample was 9 mW. The diameter of the laser spot was 50 lm and the integration time was 30 min. The resonant Raman spectra were obtained in the backscattering configuration. The orientation of the Si substrate is fundamental to polarize the laser light, allowing the second-order Raman Si peak, at about 300 cm–1, to be suppressed not masking the Raman peaks corresponding to Ge-nc. PL spectra were measured at RT with a 240 nm excitation source, using a Spex Fluoromax spectrometer with a R298 Hamamatsu photomultiplier. Compositional analysis of the SiO2 matrix was carried out using a DIGILAB infra-red Fourier transform spectrometer. The system was purged with dry N2 to reduce the infrared (IR) absorption from H2O and CO2. Transmittance measurements were carried out within the 400– 4,000 cm–1 range at 300 K. The beam spot size was about 5 mm diameter and the resolution was 4 cm–1. In all cases a non-processed Si substrate sample was used as a reference. Results and discussions Figure 1 presents the Raman spectra of the films implanted with various doses [0.5; 0.8; 1; 2; 3; 4] · 1016 cm–2, followed by annealing forming-gas, (92% N2 + 8% H2) at 1,000 C, for 1 h. The position of the peak for bulk Ge was determined at 302.4 cm–1 and this value is used to compare with Ge-nc peaks. The Raman spectra of the implanted samples clearly show three bands: 210–280, 304 and 430 cm–1. The first one, 210–280 cm–1, is associated with amorphous Ge compounds. Such band was expected as the samples have been annealed at 1,000 C, therefore above the Ge melting temperature (938.3 C) [10]. At this temperature, Ge precipitates as liquid droplets inside a viscous oxide matrix. The second band was near 304 cm–1, and can be associated with Ge-nc. This band is in good agreement with the work reported by Wu et al. [11]. Finally, the third band at 430 cm–1 is related to local Si–Si vibrations [12]. 展开
2018-12-06 19:16:01 317 0
2015-05-01 17:50:23 263 2
设计基本要求: (1)能够测试外部输入频率10~2000HZ范围的方波信号 (2)将测试的数据在显示终端上进行显示 (3)可以设定检测频率值,当输入的频率符合设定值可以出现声光提示 (4)要求精度在0.2HZ
2018-11-24 04:44:29 348 0
JSZ3-A 时间继电器 跪求!!!!!!!!!!!!!
有ON 和 UP 俩个指示灯 我需要的是延时断开功能 为什么时间到就是断不开呢 俩个指示灯全亮着呢 具体点说 我用延时断开 控制总电路 只要它一断 工作停止 。现在的问题是时间到了 断不开 还嗡嗡的响 这是怎么回事 线路接线 全对 没问题 请高手回答我一下... 有ON 和 UP 俩个指示灯 我需要的是延时断开功能 为什么时间到就是断不开呢 俩个指示灯全亮着呢 具体点说 我用延时断开 控制总电路 只要它一断 工作停止 。现在的问题是时间到了 断不开 还嗡嗡的响 这是怎么回事 线路接线 全对 没问题 请高手回答我一下 还有 这个时间继电器是刚买的!难道是时间继电器坏了!!! 展开
2011-07-31 13:43:15 426 1
2013-12-03 02:47:00 296 3
2018-06-28 14:21:33 309 1
2017-02-21 01:42:43 292 3
2015-12-11 12:10:07 404 2
男,29岁,我在o4年体检出有过结核性胸膜炎,当时没有在意,后来病情恶化,被送往医院急救,然后于 05年4月在省人民医院接受住院ZL,双侧结核性胸膜炎,胸腔壁增厚,当时,左肺已经基本全部是水, 右肺器质病变,已经形成实心体,左肺抽水,右肺不能抽... 男,29岁,我在o4年体检出有过结核性胸膜炎,当时没有在意,后来病情恶化,被送往医院急救,然后于 05年4月在省人民医院接受住院ZL,双侧结核性胸膜炎,胸腔壁增厚,当时,左肺已经基本全部是水, 右肺器质病变,已经形成实心体,左肺抽水,右肺不能抽水,以胸闷半月为主诉入院,院外CT见左侧大量 胸腔积液,右侧胸膜均匀性实变影,厚约20-40mm不等,查体:体温38.0,营养差,口唇无发绀,右侧胸 廓塌陷,听诊右肺呼吸音消失,左肺呼吸音减弱,入院检查发现患者患慢活肝(HB),体质差,又有慢性 肝病,小三阳,胸膜活检病理诊断结核,抗酸阳性!B超示右侧胸水已沉积为固体物,无法抽出。反复抽 左侧胸水但患者胆小,抽水胸膜反应晕倒N次,给镇静剂无效。所以水抽的不是很理想。持綍服抗痨药物 一年余。目前吃的是吡嗪酰胺片、盐酸乙胺丁醇片、利福平胶囊、异烟肼片,益肝灵。再度拍片见下 。 近期作X片医生说让我做手术,因为我的右肺已经开始粘连,而且胸腔右侧塌陷,,所以医生说要手术, 将右肺沉淀的蛋白质清除出去,但是我身体不是很好,我该怎么办??????有没有更好地解决办法? ??我不想做手术 另外,我还有贫血 展开
2006-06-15 07:17:31 428 1


