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2020-10-26 10:28:34 297  浏览
  • 振动耐磨试验机英文翻译是什么?







2020-10-26 10:28:34 297 0


2020-10-26 10:26:59 208 0


2020-09-29 09:22:06 118 0


2020-09-29 09:21:06 101 0


2020-09-29 09:21:31 106 0
2015-08-03 00:35:52 200 1


2020-09-29 09:22:40 168 0


2020-11-02 13:42:12 469 0
“光电传感器” 的英文翻译是什么
光电传感器 英文怎么说??
2007-05-31 02:26:21 619 5
9.3Anti-collisionsystemsSomeanti-collisionsystemsworkusingtheprinciplesof:–sonar;–radar;–lowfrequencynear-fieldinduction.MiscellaneousSonarAlthoughtheprincipleisverygo... 9.3 Anti-collision systems Some anti-collision systems work using the principles of: – sonar; – radar; – low frequency near-field induction. Miscellaneous Sonar Although the principle is very good, there is the danger with this system that a strong wind can blow the sonar waves away. Radar Radar usually uses advanced microwave or Doppler radar technology combined with some digital signal processing. Safety circuits are builtin, and the system can sense objects up to a distance of about 40 m. The maximum crane travel speed is about 200 mmin. The radar beam which is sent out will be reflected by solid objects and will be received by the same radar antenna. It can measure the distance between two objects and also the speed with which the object is approaching the sensed object. Low-frequency near-field induction system These low frequency systems work at a frequency of approximately 90 to 220 kHz and have a working maximum range of about 30 m. A transmitter and antenna is installed on the first crane and a receiver and antenna on the adjacent crane. With this system it is possible to install three distance steps between the cranes, which should be respected. For example: – at 30 m distance an audible signal is given; – at 20 m distance the crane speed is decreased; – at 5 m distance the final stop signal is given. 不要机器翻译,通顺流畅点 展开
2009-10-25 14:54:56 494 6
我国是山药生产的主要国家,随着人们对山药的需求逐渐增加,山药也逐渐增多。由于山药是一种水分高达70%以上的蔬菜,。而且山药在成熟以后皮薄易发生破皮现象,时间长会引起腐烂,导... 我国是山药生产的主要国家,随着人们对山药的需求逐渐增加,山药也逐渐增多。由于山药是一种水分高达70%以上的蔬菜,。而且山药在成熟以后皮薄易发生破皮现象,时间长会引起腐烂,导致储存期变短。山药的干燥质量对山药的品质有重要的影响。这些年来,山药的干燥方法已由原始的晾干、风干等自然方法变得更加科学、方便和易控。为了增强山药的品质,保证山药不因腐烂而浪费,推动山药产业的发展。本文采取了热风、微波和真空三种干燥方法对新鲜的山药切片实行干燥特征研究,根据感官评价、复水率、多糖得率的测定得处,三种干燥方法的干燥速度差别很大,:从感官评价来说,山药品质Z佳的是利用真空干燥处理后。微波干燥是三种干燥方式中用时Z短的,而且经过微波干燥的方法处理后山药的复水率Z大,多糖率也Z高。综合来说,对于山药这种果蔬微波干燥是三种干燥方法中效果Z好的,其次是真空干燥,Z后是热风干燥。 这段话求翻译 不要翻译软件翻译出来的 语句不通 展开
2016-05-19 09:08:51 587 1
LabVIEW是美国国家仪器公司(AINLISRMNS简称NI)推出的基于G语言的虚拟仪器软件开发平台,它使用的是图形化编辑语言G编写程序,产生的程序是框图的形式。它主要的方便就是,一个硬件的情... LabVIEW是美国国家仪器公司(AINLISRMNS简称NI) 推出的基于G语言的虚拟仪器软件开发平台, 它使用的是图形化编辑语言G编写程序,产生的程序是框图的形式。它主要的方便就是,一个硬件的情况下,可以通过改变软件,就可以实现不同的仪器仪表的功能,非常方便,是相当于软件即硬件! 在现今这个社会,在城市的飞速发展,高楼耸立,电梯是一个不可缺少的东西,它会给人类的工作生活带来很多方便之处,进而节约许多时间,更加促进了当今都市的急速发展。 现在基于LabVIEW强大的仪器仪表功能,可以用LabVIEW模拟电梯运行本文主要介绍了LabVIEW虚拟仪器的概述和模拟电梯运行的步骤,以及编写程序所运用的几种算法之间的比较。 关键词:电梯 LabVIEW 模拟 翻译的好 会加分的 在线翻译复制粘贴请绕行 谢谢合作 在线翻译不行的 不需要再次强调了!! 展开
2010-06-02 02:07:38 535 2
高手帮忙翻译下下面的文字,翻得好的会追加分数,请不要机翻 研究光在生物组织中的传播特性是生物医用光学的重要内容。它在医学上的应用有重要的理论以及实际意义,既可以无损地探测组织的光学性质参数,又可以用来成像。而生物组织折射率是组织的重要光学... 高手帮忙翻译下下面的文字,翻得好的会追加分数,请不要机翻 研究光在生物组织中的传播特性是生物医用光学的重要内容。它在医学上的应用有重要的理论以及实际意义,既可以无损地探测组织的光学性质参数,又可以用来成像。而生物组织折射率是组织的重要光学特性参数之一,这一数据的精确测量与否关系到生物组织光学众多研究的基础。 本论文根据全反射原理,克服了组织的强散射问题,设计了一个由白光光源,光纤,透镜,单等腰直角棱镜,光谱仪等构成的测量装置,通过测量临界状态时,白光进入直角棱镜的入射角A,以及棱镜的折射率N,再由公式计算出生物组织的折射率。 该实验的设计是使白光经棱镜散射,从中选取赤绿蓝三色不同波长的光进行测量。经过试验,所得生物组织折射率的数据资料基本与参考文献相同,用结果论证了该测量方法有效可行,为进一步完善生物组织光学的特性参数研究提供了又一方法。 展开
2009-05-18 09:34:25 546 1
Determination of the Illuminating Power of Chal-gas.—The value of coal-gas naturally depends chiefly on its .illuminating power. This can be determined in various ways. Of these, the most practically useful and easiest is the photometri... Determination of the Illuminating Power of Chal-gas.—The value of coal-gas naturally depends chiefly on its .illuminating power. This can be determined in various ways. Of these, the most practically useful and easiest is the photometric method, the amount of light emitted by a gas flame, burning at the rate of five cubic feet per hour, being compared with that given off by a standard sperm candle consuming 120 grains of sperm (7*79 grams) per hour. For this purpose, Btmsen's photometer, see Fig. 211, is employed. This depends upon the fact that the intensity of the illumination from a luminous point is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the illuminated surface from that point. For flames- of coal-gas or candles, this law is of course only approximately true, but sufficiently so for practical purposes, and it, therefore, serves as the basis of a useful, though not very accurate, method of testing the illuminating power of coal-gas. All that is neces-* savy is to ascertain the distances at which the standard candle and the gas-flame both produce the same illuminating effect; it then only remains to take the squares of these distances in the inverse order to obtain the relative illuminating power of the two sources of the light. In Bunsen's photometer, the surface illuminated by the candle- and gas-flames, consists of a diaphragm of paper, Fig. 211, which, with the exception of a small circle in. the centre, Fig. 212, has been painted over with a solution of spermaceti in benzene, which renders the whole surface, with the exception of the central disc, transparent. This diaphragm is placed in a frame fixed to a moveable slide, which fits on to the long divided tod of the photometer (o'o), Fig. 211. Over this frame is placed a black shade containing two pieces of mirror-plate ao fixed, that when the observer looks at the diaphragm in a direction at right angles to the divided rod, he sees in the two mirrors a reflection of each side of the waxed paper At the right hand extremity of the rod is fixed the standard candle, whilst at the other the gas flame is allowed to burn, the rate of its combustion being accurately determined by means of the experimental gas-meter (p). 展开
2009-02-19 01:05:05 475 1
2008-08-19 10:32:25 689 7
2018-12-02 18:42:27 271 0
2016-03-14 10:05:08 346 2
2015-01-28 21:08:22 565 1
请专业人士给出正确的翻译... 请专业人士给出正确的翻译 展开
2008-04-16 02:18:48 849 2
2018-12-02 14:32:51 387 0


