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abc兰丽容 2012-05-27 19:59:17 210  浏览
  • 胡志强法庆衍洪宝林等.随机振动实验应用技术[M].北京:ZG计量出版社.1996.125-130.ZG机械工业联合会.JB/T8288-2001.中华人民共和国机械行业标准.液压振动台.2001陈章位,于慧君.振动... 胡志强 法庆衍 洪宝林等. 随机振动实验应用技术[M]. 北京: ZG计量出版社. 1996. 125-130. ZG机械工业联合会. JB/T 8288-2001. 中华人民共和国机械行业标准. 液压振动台. 2001 陈章位, 于慧君. 振动控制技术现状与进展[J]. 振动与冲击. 2009, 28(3): 73-77, 86, 200. 展开



  • 轻狂小和尚ux 2012-05-28 00:00:00
    Hu Fa Qing Yan Hong Baolin. Random vibration test applications [M] Beijing: China Metrology Publishing House 1996. 125-130. China Machinery Industry Federation. JB / T 8288-2001. The People's Republic of China Machinery Industry Standard. Hydraulic vibration table. Chen Chang-Yu Huijun vibration control technology status and progress [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2009, 28 (3): 73-77, 86, 200.




  • 灾织涟匈絮代 2012-05-28 00:00:00
    这个是文献吧 论文文献不用翻译的 而且作者都有专门的译法 并不是自己翻译的就对的




  • tjueos 2012-05-28 00:00:00
    HuZhiJiang method from a HongBaoLin etc. Random vibration experiment technology application [M]. Beijing: China metrology press. 1996. 125-130. The China machinery industry federation. JB/T 8288-2001. The People's Republic of mechanical industry standard. Hydraulic vibration table. 2001 ChenZhang a, YuHui jun. Vibration control technical status and progress [J]. J vibration and impact. 2009, 28 (3) : 73-77,, 86, 200.




  • 沉默毫不保留 2012-05-28 00:00:00
    胡志强 法庆衍 洪宝林等. 随机振动实验应用技术[M]. 北京: ZG计量出版社. 1996. 125-130. HuZhiJiang method from a HongBaoLin etc. Random vibration experiment technology application [M]. Beijing: China metrology press. 1996. 125-130. ZG机械工业联合会. JB/T 8288-2001. 中华人民共和国机械行业标准. 液压振动台. 2001 The China machinery industry federation. JB/T 8288-2001. The People's Republic of mechanical industry standard. Hydraulic vibration table. 2001 陈章位, 于慧君. 振动控制技术现状与进展[J]. 振动与冲击. 2009, 28(3): 73-77, 86, 200. ChenZhang a, YuHui jun. Vibration control technical status and progress [J]. J vibration and impact. 2009, 28 (3) : 73-77,, 86, 200.






胡志强法庆衍洪宝林等.随机振动实验应用技术[M].北京:ZG计量出版社.1996.125-130.ZG机械工业联合会.JB/T8288-2001.中华人民共和国机械行业标准.液压振动台.2001陈章位,于慧君.振动... 胡志强 法庆衍 洪宝林等. 随机振动实验应用技术[M]. 北京: ZG计量出版社. 1996. 125-130. ZG机械工业联合会. JB/T 8288-2001. 中华人民共和国机械行业标准. 液压振动台. 2001 陈章位, 于慧君. 振动控制技术现状与进展[J]. 振动与冲击. 2009, 28(3): 73-77, 86, 200. 展开
2012-05-27 19:59:17 210 4
Practical applications of colossal magnetoresistive(CMR) oxides are limited by the large magnetic fields and/or low temperature required to observe a significant change in electric resistivity[1-5]. In recent years,research on tunneling mag... Practical applications of colossal magnetoresistive(CMR) oxides are limited by the large magnetic fields and/or low temperature required to observe a significant change in electric resistivity[1-5]. In recent years,research on tunneling magnetoresistance(TMR) is a very active field because of its scientific interest and potential technological applications[6].Polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 perovskite is a candidate for magnetic sensors owing to its high ferromagnetic transition temperature …(Tc~420K)and the half-metallic electronic band structure predicted theoretically [7]. The conduction electrons in this compound are expected to be highly spin-polarized even at room temperature. More recently, perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 with nanometer grain size showed large magnetoresistance(~20%) at a low magnetic field of 4k Oe and at room temperature[8].Dai et al.[9]observed two different ordered structures in polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 perovskite: the double perovskite and the superstructure with tripled c-axis(ST).In this paper, another new layered structure of body-centered tetragonal phase (BT) is reported for the polycrystalline magnetoresistive Sr2FeMoO6 sample. Ceramic samples of Sr2FeMoO6 were prepared by standard solid state reaction. Stoichiometric materials of SrCO3,Fe2O3 and MoO3 were mechanically mixed, and then calcined at 950℃ for 4h in air.The calcined mixture was then ball-milled and made into pellets followed by sintering at 1250℃for 4h in carbon monoxide atmosphere.Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) specimens were prepared by mechanical polishing,dimpling and ion milling.Electron diffraction patterns were taken at 120kV using a Phillips CM12 electron microscope, and high resolution TEM imaging was conducted using JEOL 2010 microscope. Energy dispersion of X-rays(EDX) was conducted by TEM attached with EDAX PV9100. 展开
2009-05-20 03:06:41 406 1
LABVIEW 虚拟仪器 高手帮我翻译下好吗?
4.VIRTUALINSTRUMENTAfoundationofthecontrolsystemdesignistheconceptofvirtualinstruments.Intraditionalobservatorysystemdesign,instrumentsaretypicallyconsideredentitieswhose... 4. VIRTUAL INSTRUMENT A foundation of the control system design is the concept of virtual instruments. In traditional observatory system design, instruments are typically considered entities whose design and components are fixed well in advance of actual use of the instrument. The approach works quite well when the role of the instrument is well understood with respect to the experiments it is to be used for. It also fits well with a system design where the instruments must be mounted on the telescope (e.g. mounting at the Cassegrain focus), or exposed to the external environment - since the instrument is static, it can be more easily enclosed. However, this approach has some drawbacks in a laboratory style environment such as that provided by the ATST multiple-bench coude lab. In particular, providing the flexibility to explore new experiments results in a significant effort to adapt existing instruments to meet the requirements of the new experiment. The Virtual Instrument Model has been developed to address this issue, by abstracting the concept of an instrument from the specifics of the components used within that instrument. This allows the configuration of an instrument to be quickly adapted to meet the changes required by different experiments or changes to the laboratory environment. It should be noted that the virtual instrument is not a revolutionary concept but rather is the formalization of ideas often used in laboratory style experimentation. In the virtual instrument model, it is the experiment that drives the virtual instrument's 'design'. 4.1. EXPERIMENTS AND INSTRUMENTS Experiments are the heart of ATST operations and the control system is designed with this in mind. A laboratory style environment provides flexible support to carry out Experiments that are likely not understood or defined at the time the laboratory itself is designed. An Experiment undertaken at the ATST requires a Virtual Instrument. 不要机器翻译的 要人工的 谢谢大家 展开
2008-01-28 20:42:17 376 1
2016-10-01 02:11:08 327 2
能不能帮我翻译一下这几句话啊? (1)HeterOgeneous Green Catalyst for Oxidation of Cyclohexene and Cyclooctene with Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Host(Nanocavity of Y—zeolite)/Guest(N4一Cu(II) Schif Base Complex)Nanocomposite... 能不能帮我翻译一下这几句话啊? (1)HeterOgeneous Green Catalyst for Oxidation of Cyclohexene and Cyclooctene with Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Host(Nanocavity of Y—zeolite)/Guest(N4一Cu(II) Schif Base Complex)Nanocomposite Material (2)Department of Chemistry,Faculty of Science,Alzahra University Vanak,Tehran,P.O .1993891176,Iran (3)Department of Chemistry,K.N Toosi University of Technology, Tehran P O.Box 16315-1618.Iran (4)Incorporation of copper(II)in NaY(metal exchanged Y-zeolite 谢谢啦! 展开
2012-11-21 13:35:40 339 3
Experimental Method All experiments were carried out in a high-pressure CO2 apparatus (Speed-SFE from Applied Separations) (see Figure 1) with a 300-mL extractor designed for a maximum pressure of 690 bar and a maximum temperature of 2... Experimental Method All experiments were carried out in a high-pressure CO2 apparatus (Speed-SFE from Applied Separations) (see Figure 1) with a 300-mL extractor designed for a maximum pressure of 690 bar and a maximum temperature of 250 °C. The volume of the extractor had to be reduced to 50 mL by a metallic cylinder, which tightens to the extractor wall, because as preliminary tests showed the equilibrium cell has to be completely filled with material. Otherwise, diffusion is the limiting factor and time for reaching equilibrium was too long. The extraction vessel was filled with compressed CO2 by an air-driven pump at closed outlet valves and under static conditions, which means desired pressure and temperature; the cell was incubated for 15 h, maintaining these conditions to reach equilibrium. In preliminary experiments the equilibrium time of 15 h was determined to reach equilibrium. CO2 Sampling. At equilibrium a CO2 phase sample is taken by opening the outlet valve and expanding a certain amount of CO2-substance mixture into a cooling trap filled with toluene, which has the highest solubility for the measured substances under atmospheric conditions. The pure gaseous CO2 passes a rotameter, showing the actual flow rate, and a gas flowmeter for determining the expanded CO2 amount. The content of the cooling trap was filled up with toluene to 30 mL and analyzed by a gas chromatographic method using an electron capture detector (GC-ECD). With the mass of expanded CO2 and composition of the cooling trap solubility at a certain pressure and temperature was calculated. Sampling was repeated four times at a given pressure and temperature and the standard deviation was lower than 5%. Gas Chromatographic Method. The tolueneflame retardant mixture of CO2 sampling was analyzed in a gas chromatograph (HP 5890 Serie II) with an ECD using a capillary column (type HP-1, 12 m  0.2 mm  0.2 ím). The injector temperature was held constant at 290 °C and the detector temperature at 300 °C. The oven temperature was held constant at 290 °C. Calibration with different amounts of HBCD and TBBA in toluene has been done before determining the linear range of calibration line and retention time of substances 展开
2008-06-04 17:17:07 486 1
2012-08-22 00:29:53 420 4
患者信息:女 48岁 河北 衡水 病情描述(发病时间、主要症状等): 具体 酮体 - 葡萄糖 - 比重 1.025 PH 6.0 胆红素 - 尿胆原 3.3μmol/l 潜血 - 蛋白质 - VC 0.0mmol/l 亚硝酸盐- 白细胞 1+ 70cells/ul 想... 患者信息:女 48岁 河北 衡水 病情描述(发病时间、主要症状等): 具体 酮体 - 葡萄糖 - 比重 1.025 PH 6.0 胆红素 - 尿胆原 3.3μmol/l 潜血 - 蛋白质 - VC 0.0mmol/l 亚硝酸盐- 白细胞 1+ 70cells/ul 想得到怎样的帮助: 分析下,有什么问题么 曾经ZL情况及是否有过敏、遗传病史: 否 展开
2012-08-08 02:59:22 399 3
帮我翻译下8种有机锡化物的名字! 谢谢 !
帮我翻译下8种有机锡化物的名字!谢谢!Monobutyltin/Monooctyltin/Dibutyltin/Dioctytlin/Triphenyltin/Triphenyltin/Tricyclohexyltin/Tetrabutyltin.... 帮我翻译下8种有机锡化物的名字! 谢谢 !Monobutyltin/Monooctyltin/Dibutyltin/ Dioctytlin/Triphenyltin/Triphenyltin/Tricyclohexyltin/Tetrabutyltin. 展开
2009-07-21 06:25:05 525 1
2017-04-19 16:01:40 414 2
2007-08-05 01:05:26 853 4
哪位高手能帮我翻译一下 谢谢了
3.3. Microbial mapping The intensity of resonance Raman spectra of Cyt c allows for integration times below one second. Microbial mapping of an area of 50×50 μm2 with a resolution of 500 nm/pixel (10,000 single spectra) can be perform... 3.3. Microbial mapping The intensity of resonance Raman spectra of Cyt c allows for integration times below one second. Microbial mapping of an area of 50×50 μm2 with a resolution of 500 nm/pixel (10,000 single spectra) can be performed in less than 3 h. A further reduction of the measuring duration by a factor of 10 can be achieved by utilisation of an EMCCD camera (Coates et al., 2004). Microbial mapping was done on granules from two different sequencing batch reactors (SBR) (Gaul et al., 2006). The SBRs are used to analyse control parameters for the anaerobic ammonium oxidation. Fig. 7 shows two different microbial colonies in the same granulum. A graphical analysis of the spectroscopic data at 750 cm-1 (dominant resonant Raman band of Cyt c) and 2900 cm-1 (CH stretching mode) differentiated the two colonies. One colony shows stronger Raman signals at 750 cm-1 (blue frame). Whereas the other microorganisms have more amount of methyl or methylene groups (yellow frame). After the graphical analysis above, an average spectrum was constructed for each colony. The resulting averaged spectra were transferred to our Raman database of wastewater bacteria created by OPUS. The software recognized the microorganisms Fig. 5. Time series of N. eutropha Nm 57 which is captured by optical tweezers. Time difference between spectra: 1 s; Laser power: 9 mW. The bleaching effect due to photo-dissociation caused by laser radiation is easy to see. Fig. 6. The spectral heterogeneity of hierarchical clusteringis strongly dependent to the integration time. Bacteria from the same strain are only groupedtogether if the exposure time was the same. 246 R. P?tzold et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 72 (2008) 241–248 in the left colony as anammox bacteria, those in the upper right corner as Nitrosomonas. 展开
2008-11-08 00:52:54 365 2
AretheurbansoilsofGuangzhoupolluted?Inareviewofheavymetalpollutionofsoilsinchina,chenetal.(1999)suggestedthat“Heavy-metalsoilpolltionisdefinedasthephenomenawheretheheavy... Are the urban soils of Guangzhou polluted? In a review of heavy metal pollution of soils in china,chen et al.(1999) suggested that“Heavy-metal soil polltion is defined as the phenomena where the heavy-metal content in soils exceeds natural background levels and causes ecological destruction and deterioration of environmental quality” Table 6 compares the Guangzhou date with some background date and also some critical and trigger limits derived from the Netherlands and U.K. It can be seen from Table 6 that all top soil heavy metals,with the exception of Ni in the Park,are above the average value for Guangdong province. They also,again with the exception on Ni in the park,exceed the values for samples from Hainan Island,which affords a“clean”baseline data sea for the region. what is also of interest is that if the rations of heavy metal content for roadside sites in Guangzhou are compared to the Hainan data in from of a ratio then ratios of 3.09,1.04,4.16,1.84 and 1.59 are obtained for Cu,Ni,Zi,Pb and Cu respectively. With the exception of the 4.16 for Zn they are not dissimilar to rations of roadside to park top soil reported previously for Guangzhou. This suggests that the roadside to park comparison for soils in Guangzhou may pick up enhancement of heavy metals associated with vehicular traffic. 展开
2009-06-21 09:02:15 266 1
LabVIEWTM(LaboratoryVirtualInstrumentEngineeringWorkbench)isapowerfulinstrumentationandanalysisprogramminglanguageforPCsrunningMicrosoftWindows,SunSPARCstations,AppleMaci... LabVIEWTM (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) is a powerful instrumentation and analysis programming language for PCs running Microsoft Windows, Sun SPARCstations, Apple Macintosh computers, Concurrent PowerMax, and HP-UX workstations. LabVIEW departs from the sequential nature of traditional programming languages and features a graphical programming environment and all the tools needed for data acquisition, analysis, and presentation. With this graphical programming language, called “G,” you can program in a block diagram notation, the natural design notation of scientists and engineers. After you create a block diagram program, LabVIEW compiles it into machine code. LabVIEW integrates data acquisition, analysis, and presentation in one system. For acquiring data and controlling instruments, LabVIEW supports RS-232/422, IEEE 488 (GPIB), and VXI, including Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) functions, as well as plug-in data acquisition (DAQ) boards. An instrument library with drivers for hundreds of instruments simplifies instrument control applications. For analyzing data, the extensive Analysis library contains functions for signal generation, signal processing, filters, windows, statistics, regression, linear algebra, and array arithmetic. Because LabVIEW is graphical in nature, it is inherently a data presentation package. LabVIEW can generate charts, graphs, and customized, user-defined graphics. 尽量翻的好一点,谢谢 能不能对GOOGLE自动翻译过的稍加修改下 展开
2008-03-24 08:56:44 493 4
Followthesysteminstallationinstructionscarefullyandinthespecifiedorder.ThesoftwaremustbeinstalledonthecomputerbeforeconnectingtheUSBcable.2.1FacilitiesRequirementsFacilit... Follow the system installation instructions carefully and in the specified order. The software must be installed on the computer before connecting the USB cable. 2.1 Facilities Requirements Facilities requirements for the alpha-SE system are listed in Table 2-1 and the system dimensions are given in Fig. 2-1. As shown in Fig. 2-2, the alpha-SE tool requires a clear work area of 20 by 18 inches (500 by 460 mm), excluding the operator computer. 2.2 Unpacking the Hardware Opening the Shipping Container Move the alpha-SE shipping container to the area where the tool will be installed. Open the container and remove the top and side pieces of packing foam. Carefully remove all smaller components from the shipping container, verifying that you received all components, as shown in Fig. 2-3. Finally, remove the alpha-SE ellipsometer and position it on your clear 20” by 18” (510 by 460 mm) workspace. Caution: The alpha-SE ellipsometer without sample chuck weighs approximately 37 lbs. (16 kg.). Please find an assistant to lift the alpha-SE unit out of the shipping carton and on to clear work surface. 展开
2008-06-22 06:30:36 755 4
急 帮我翻译下这个摘要 有写好的 帮忙修改下
摘要:实验测定和比较了九顶山鸡不同品系鸡肉中微量元素的含量的差异。以及同种品系胸肌和腿肌中微量元素的差异。分析不同品系和同种品系之间微量元素的差异。根据生长性能、鸡的血缘... 摘要:实验测定和比较了九顶山鸡不同品系鸡肉中微量元素的含量的差异。以及同种品系胸肌和腿肌中微量元素的差异。分析不同品系和同种品系之间微量元素的差异。根据生长性能、鸡的血缘、生产性能等把九顶山鸡分为九顶山鸡Ⅰ号,九顶山鸡Ⅱ号,九顶山鸡Ⅲ号。以九顶山鸡腿部肌和胸肌为实验材料采用微波消解及等离子发射光谱仪(ICP)测定其cd、co微量元素的含量,并进行对比。其结果表明 Abstract: This study is to compare trace elements Jiudingshan chicken (Gus Gallus) and the differences between other species. in same strains Breast and leg muscles difference between the trace element. According to the growth performance, chicken's blood, production performance, etc. Species can be divided into types I and ll and lll Jiudingshan chicken (Gus Gallus). Experimental material as the legs and chest, using microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP) of the trace elements measured and compared. The results showed that: 展开
2011-04-30 03:09:01 401 2
···until TLC analysis indicated the absence of dipolarophile.
2008-10-25 07:34:06 350 2
本文简述了国内外有关大气生物气溶胶的研究现状及其展望。主要围绕生物气溶胶的研究意义,生物气溶胶的研究历史,生物气溶胶的种类及来源,生物气溶胶的浓度及粒径分布特征,生物气溶胶采样技术与检测,以及对生物气溶胶未来发展的展望等六个方面进行了阐述。... 本文简述了国内外有关大气生物气溶胶的研究现状及其展望。主要围绕生物气溶胶的研究意义,生物气溶胶的研究历史,生物气溶胶的种类及来源,生物气溶胶的浓度及粒径分布特征,生物气溶胶采样技术与检测,以及对生物气溶胶未来发展的展望等六个方面进行了阐述。ZD介绍生物气溶胶的分布特征。 展开
2008-07-14 09:45:18 365 3
请帮我翻译下下边几句话,十分感谢, 跪求通顺语句 给分
以烷基酚(AP)为目标分析物,用1:1(V/V)甲醇水溶液溶解,调pH=2~3,离心后过C18柱固相萃取,以正己烷洗脱,去除水层,在60℃下氮吹干,与衍生剂在90℃下反应30min,用GC-MS分析测... 以烷基酚(AP)为目标分析物,用1:1(V/V)甲醇水溶液溶解,调pH=2~3,离心后过C18柱固相萃取,以正己烷洗脱,去除水层,在60 ℃下氮吹干,与衍生剂在90 ℃下反应30 min,用GC-MS分析测定。以烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚(APEO)为目标分析物,样品直接溶解于甲醇后离心,真空抽取至近干后用甲醇洗涤收集,旋转蒸发浓缩至近干后转入容量瓶中定容之,取一定量用有机膜离心过滤, 用液相色谱与液质结合测定。AP的回收率在 85.2 %~109.7 % 之间,精密度在 2.27 %~6.57 % 之间(n=5);APEO的回收率在85.3 %~108.1 % 之间,精密度在2.68 %~5.95 %(n=5)。 展开
2011-06-06 02:19:24 319 3


