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梦想老鸟 2013-03-18 02:18:42 778  浏览
  • 1.我的Marker选的100bp是不是不合适?2.这两条带是线性和开环构型DNA??这两条带哪个是线性哪个开环构型DNA?超螺旋的为什么没有?... 1.我的Marker 选的100bp 是不是不合适? 2.这两条带是线性和开环构型DNA??这两条带哪个是线性哪个开环构型DNA?超螺旋的为什么没有? 展开



  • kongxinzhu空 2013-03-19 00:00:00
    1)选择分子量 跟你的质粒接近的marker,Z理想的是包含质粒分子量在内,但据我所知没有这样的marker。 2)你这个电泳图上样量太大了,一方面条带不整齐难以判断,另一方面你干嘛要纠结于几条带呢?一般说是3条带也是理论上的,但实际上,在菌体内复制的质粒就是一个连续的状态,什么样都有,电泳结果就可能造成条带的局部涂布。 所谓的三条带解释没有定论,现在一般认为是超螺旋、复制型(处于复制的半开环状态,即眼结构)和开环DNA(一条链断了),早先认为的 线状DNA后来被否,因为质粒很不容易断裂成线状的。顺序应该是超螺旋在Z前边,开环在后边。 凭经验,我估计你的超螺旋和复制型合并成你那个粗的涂抹带了,后边那个细的是少量的开环DNA。






1.我的Marker选的100bp是不是不合适?2.这两条带是线性和开环构型DNA??这两条带哪个是线性哪个开环构型DNA?超螺旋的为什么没有?... 1.我的Marker 选的100bp 是不是不合适? 2.这两条带是线性和开环构型DNA??这两条带哪个是线性哪个开环构型DNA?超螺旋的为什么没有? 展开
2013-03-18 02:18:42 778 1
质粒DNA 的电泳图谱为何有时只有一条带谱,有时又有2-3条带谱?
2011-06-15 02:15:22 977 3
2017-10-02 03:03:56 540 1
2018-11-22 16:28:47 579 0
2012-10-26 06:19:57 445 3
2012-10-22 17:22:08 345 2
2017-01-25 03:38:59 313 1
2018-11-26 11:21:59 868 0
2018-02-11 01:22:18 2448 1
2012-03-18 21:47:29 372 3
想知道溶液1的成分及其作用!溶液2,溶液3也想知道!哪位专家能帮帮忙啊?... 想知道溶液1的成分及其作用!溶液2,溶液3也想知道! 哪位专家能帮帮忙啊? 展开
2008-11-23 00:24:33 1185 3
因为用赛百盛公司的基因组DNA提取试剂盒效果不是很好,准备换用碱裂解的方法提取。但是碱裂解的方法查到的资料都是提取质粒DNA的,没有提取基因组DNA的方法。大家有知道的麻烦告诉我一... 因为用赛百盛公司的基因组DNA提取试剂盒效果不是很好,准备换用碱裂解的方法提取。但是碱裂解的方法查到的资料都是提取质粒DNA的,没有提取基因组DNA的方法。大家有知道的麻烦告诉我一声,谢谢! 另外,大家都是用那种提取基因组DNA的试剂盒提取啊?效果那些比较好? 谢谢大家了! 展开
2018-11-17 13:58:15 301 0
2015-04-24 02:54:04 420 2
2011-12-15 07:55:18 449 2
碱裂解法提取质粒后 电泳拖尾严重,是什么原因
2016-03-20 12:34:49 797 3
质粒dna的转化实验结果中出现1实验组和对照组均出现菌落,2实验组和对照组均无出现菌落3实验组有菌落和对照组无菌落,这各说明什么,何种原因?... 质粒dna的转化实验结果中出现1实验组和对照组均出现菌落,2实验组和对照组均无出现菌落3实验组有菌落和对照组无菌落,这各说明什么,何种原因? 展开
2010-04-21 12:18:11 703 2
2017-05-07 06:25:10 505 1
2017-12-15 22:25:43 1573 1
请哪位高人帮忙找道这篇的中文:PreparationofPlasmidDNAbyAlkalineLysiswithSDS:Minipreparation(题)或者帮忙翻译一下,要求不要用电脑直接翻译,总之通顺准确即可。急需截止25号。... 请哪位高人帮忙找道这篇的中文:Preparation of Plasmid DNA by Alkaline Lysis with SDS: Minipreparation(题) 或者帮忙翻译一下,要求不要用电脑直接翻译,总之通顺准确即可。急需截止25号。 原文如下: 1. Inoculate 2 ml of rich medium (LB, YT, or Terrific Broth) containing the appropriate antibiotic with a single colony of transformed bacteria. Incubate the culture overnight at 37°C with vigorous shaking. 2. Pour 1.5 ml of the culture into a microfuge tube. Centrifuge at maximum speed for 30 seconds at 4°C in a microfuge. Store the unused portion of the original culture at 4°C. 3. Remove the medium by aspiration, leaving the bacterial pellet as dry as possible. 4. Resuspend the bacterial pellet in 100 μl of ice-cold Alkaline lysis solution I by vigorous vortexing. 5. Add 200 μl of freshly prepared Alkaline lysis solution II to each bacterial suspension. Close the tube tightly, and mix the contents by inverting the tube rapidly five times. Do not vortex! Store the tube on ice. 6. Add 150 μl of ice-cold Alkaline lysis solution III. Close the tube and disperse Alkaline lysis solution III through the viscous bacterial lysate by inverting the tube several times. Store the tube on ice for 3-5 minutes. 7. Centrifuge the bacterial lysate at maximum speed for 5 minutes at 4°C in a microfuge. Transfer the supernatant to a fresh tube. 8. (Optional) Add an equal volume of phenol:chloroform. Mix the organic and aqueous phases by vortexing and then centrifuge the emulsion at maximum speed for 2 minutes at 4°C in a microfuge. Transfer the aqueous upper layer to a fresh tube. 9. Precipitate nucleic acids from the supernatant by adding 2 volumes of ethanol at room temperature. Mix the solution by vortexing and then allow the mixture to stand for 2 minutes at room temperature. 10. Collect the precipitated nucleic acids by centrifugation at maximum speed for 5 minutes at 4°C in a microfuge. 11. Remove the supernatant by gentle aspiration as described in Step 3 above. Stand the tube in an inverted position on a paper towel to allow all of the fluid to drain away. Use a Kimwipe or disposable pipette tip to remove any drops of fluid adhering to the walls of the tube. 12. Add 1 ml of 70% ethanol to the pellet and invert the closed tube several times. Recover the DNA by centrifugation at maximum speed for 2 minutes at 4°C in a microfuge. 13. Remove all of the supernatant by gentle aspiration as described in Step 3.Take care with this step, as the pellet sometimes does not adhere tightly to the tube. 14. Remove any beads of ethanol that form on the sides of the tube. Store the open tube at room temperature until the ethanol has evaporated and no fluid is visible in the tube (5-10 minutes). 15. Dissolve the nucleic acids in 50 μl of TE (pH 8.0) containing 20 μg/ml DNase-free RNase A (pancreatic RNase). Vortex the solution gently for a few seconds. Store the DNA solution at -20°C. 展开
2008-11-19 03:37:39 449 1
2018-03-24 16:49:52 330 1


