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Quantum Design中国用户科研成果快报(2022年第4期)

来源:QUANTUM量子科学仪器贸易(北京)有限公司      分类:商机 2022-05-24 21:48:07 329阅读次数

Quantum Design中国用户科研成果快报(2022年第4期)

《Quantum Design中国用户科研成果快报》是由Quantum Design中国定期汇总Quantum Design中国用户(包括综合物性测量PPMS、全新一代磁学测量系统MPMS3用户等)在众多研究领域的近期科研成果,为大家的相关科学研究提供参考。


1. A Generic Sacrificial Layer for Wide-Range Freestanding Oxides with Modulated Magnetic Anisotropy. Advanced Functional Materials (2022) 清华大学 于浦等.

2. Weyl Semimetal States Generated Extraordinary Quasi-Linear Magnetoresistance and Nernst Thermoelectric Power Factor in Polycrystalline NbP. Advanced Functional Materials (2022)  武汉理工大学 唐新峰等.

3. Mechanistic understanding of the charge storage processes in FeF2 aggregates assembled with cylindrical nanoparticles as a cathode material for lithium‐ion batteries by in situ magnetometry. Carbon Energy (2022)  青岛大学 李强等.

4. Customizing Heterointerfaces in Multilevel Hollow Architecture Constructed by Magnetic Spindle Arrays Using the Polymerizing-Etching Strategy for Boosting Microwave Absorption. Adv Sci (Weinh) (2022)  复旦大学 车仁超等.

5. Engineering Magnetic Anisotropy and Emergent Multidirectional Soft Ferromagnetism in Ultrathin Freestanding LaMnO3 Films. ACS Nano (2022)  中科大 陆亚林等.

6. Quantum Critical Magnetic Excitations in Spin-1/2 and Spin-1 Chain Systems. Physical Review X (2022)  复旦大学 李世燕等.

7. Magnetic 3d-4f Chiral Clusters Showing Multimetal Site Magneto-Chiral Dichroism. J Am Chem Soc (2022)   厦门大学 郑兰荪等.

8. Greatly enhanced methanol oxidation reaction of CoPt truncated octahedral nanoparticles by external magnetic fields. Energy & Environmental Materials (2022)  北京科技大学 王守国等.

9. Anomalous Structural Evolution and Glassy Lattice in Mixed-Halide Hybrid Perovskites. Small (2022)  中科大 李晓光等.

10. An experimental strategy for evaluating the energy performance of metal–organic framework-based carbon dioxide adsorbents. Chemical Engineering Journal (2022)  中科院大连化物所 史全等.

11. Revealing interfacial space charge storage of Li+/Na+/K+ by operando magnetometry. Science Bulletin (2022)   青岛大学 李强等.

12. Vortex tuning magnetization configurations in porous Fe3O4 nanotube with wide microwave absorption frequency. Nano Research (2022)   复旦大学 车仁超等.

13. Realizing Ferromagnetism in a Field‐Effect Transistor Based on VSe2 Thin Flakes. Advanced Electronic Materials (2022)  中科大 陈仙辉等.

14. Direct evidence of mutual control of ferroelectric polarization and magnetization in Y-type hexaferrite BaSrCo2Fe12-xAlxO22 ceramics. Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2022)  华南师大 曾敏等.

15. Electronic reconstruction induced inverted hysteresis loop in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 superlattices. Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2022)   山东大学 颜世申等.

16. Stabilization and superconductivity of AlB2-type nonstoichiometric molybdenum diboride by Sc doping. Ceramics International (2022)  浙江大学 曹光旱等.

17. Dielectric properties and magnetoelectric coupling in polar magnet (Fe,Zn)2Mo3O8. Ceramics International (2022)   华南师大 曾敏等.

18. Structure and the enhanced ferromagnetism in single phase Sr4Fe5CoO13-δ ceramic. Ceramics International (2022)  中科大 陆亚林等.

19. Slow magnetic relaxation in a trigonal-planar mononuclear Fe(II) complex. Dalton Transactions (2022)   南京大学 宋友等.

20. Double-dome superconductivity under pressure in the V-based kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A=Rb and K). Physical Review B (2022)  复旦大学 李世燕等.

21. NdAlSi: A magnetic Weyl semimetal candidate with rich magnetic phases and atypical transport properties. Physical Review B (2022)  中科院物理所 陈根富等.

22. Critical behavior and phase diagram of layered ferromagnetic FeTa3S6 single crystals. Physical Review B (2022)   中科大 王中平等.

23. Angle dependent field-driven reorientation transitions in uniaxial antiferromagnet MnBi2Te4 single crystal. Applied Physics Letters (2022)  重庆大学 周小元等.

24. Degradation Effect and Magnetoelectric Transport Properties in CrBr3 Devices. Materials (2022)   北京科技大学 王守国等.

25. A disorder-sensitive emergent vortex phase identified in high-Tc superconductor (Li,Fe)OHFeSe. Superconductor Science and Technology (2022)   中科院物理所 董晓莉等.

26. Abnormal Magnetoresistance Transport Properties of van der Waals Antiferromagnetic FeNbTe2. Frontiers in Physics (2022)  中南大学 郭光华等.

27. Fully understanding the performance of nanocrystalline ternary Pr-Fe-B alloys with three typical phase constitutions. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2022)  华南理工大学 刘仲武等.

28. Large magnetocaloric effect in antiferromagnetic ternary carbide Dy2Cr2C3 around liquid hydrogen temperature. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2022)  中科院金属所 张志东等.

29. Effect of Cr, N co-doping on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2022)   山西师范大学 许小红等.

30. Superconducting dome associated with the suppression and re-emergence of charge density wave states upon sulfur substitution in CuIr2Te4 chalcogenides. J Phys Condens Matter (2022)   中科院物理所 程金光等.

31. Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties in the Non-stoichiometric Fe2+xTa1-x (x = 0–0.25) Alloys. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (2022)  杭州电子科技大学 李领伟等.

32. Anomalous Hall effect of facing-target sputtered ferrimagnetic Mn4N epitaxial films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Chinese Physics B (2022)  天津大学 米文博等.

33. A highly polar hybrid perovskite of [FCH2CH3NH3][Mn(HCOO)3]. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie (2022)  北京大学 王哲明等.

34. Compositional Dependence of Epitaxial L10‐MnxGa Magnetic Properties as Probed by 57Mn/Fe and 119In/Sn Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy. physica status solidi (b) (2022)  中科院半导体所 赵建华等.

清华大学 于浦等

A Generic Sacrificial Layer for Wide-Range Freestanding Oxides with Modulated Magnetic Anisotropy. Advanced Functional Materials (2022) 



PPMS Resistivity + MPMS

The magnetic properties of all samples, including temperature-dependent magnetization (M-T) and magnetic hysteresis loops (M-H), were measured using a 7 T Magnetic Property Measurement System (Quantum Design). Electronic transport measurements were conducted in a standard Hall bar geometry with a 9 T PPMS DynaCool system (Quantum Design). 

武汉理工大学 唐新峰

Weyl Semimetal States Generated Extraordinary Quasi-Linear Magnetoresistance and Nernst Thermoelectric Power Factor in Polycrystalline NbP. Advanced Functional Materials (2022)


Weyl半金属具有不饱和、巨大磁阻MR以及巨大的能斯特 效应等新奇输运现象,在磁电传感器和横向热电转换方面具有潜在应用前景。这些新奇现象源于Weyl半金属态,即电子和空穴能带共存并具有线性能带色散关系。然而,以往的研究主要集中在小尺寸的单晶上,限制了Weyl半金属的实际应用。本文发现在制备的厘米尺寸多晶Weyl半金属NbP中存在不饱和、准线性MR以及巨大的能斯特功率因子PFxy  。在60 K以下,磁场高达55 T时,不寻常磁阻高达≈2×104%,并延续到高温,结构无序导致的经典线性MR理论可以解释该材料中的反常准线性MR。多晶NbP在9 T、220 K时,能斯特PFxy 最大可达74.81 μW cm–1 K–2 ,是其纵向热电功率因数PFxx 的1.5倍。由于Weyl半金属NbP为多晶材料,适于大规模生产,可应用于磁电传感器和横向热电转换领域。

PPMS Resistivity

The measurements of electrical resistivity (ρxx) and Hall resistivity (ρyx) in the range of 2–300 K and up to 9 T were carried out in a Quantum Design Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS-9). Thermoelectric properties under magnetic fields and the Nernst thermopower in the range of 30–300 K were measured using a custom-built cryogenic physical properties measurement platform based on the PPMS-9T, including the Seebeck coefficient (Sxx) and thermal conductivity (κxx) as well as the Nernst thermopower (Sxy).

青岛大学 李强

Mechanistic understanding of the charge storage processes in FeF2 aggregates assembled with cylindrical nanoparticles as a cathode material for lithium‐ion batteries by in situ magnetometry. Carbon Energy (2022)


过渡金属氟化物(TMFs)正极材料在电化学储能方面表现出非凡的潜力,但由于电池内部环境的复杂和不断变化,其电化学反应机制仍存在争议。在此,我们设计了一种新颖的柱状纳米粒子氟化铁(FeF2)聚集体作为正极材料,构建了FeF2锂离子电池(LIBs),并采用先进的原位磁强计实时监测循环过程中的本征电子结构。结果表明,FeF2锂电池在常规电压1.0 ~ 4.0 V范围内工作时,FeF2并未完全参与转换反应,相应的FeF2转化率可进一步估算获得。重要的是,我们首先通过监测不同电压范围内的磁响应,发现FeF2正极中存在自旋极化表面电容。本研究为研究TMFs的转换机制提供了一种新颖的方法,为未来基于自旋极化表面电容的能量系统的人工设计提供了重要参考。


We assembled a flexible soft package battery with a long strip geometry using the prepared FeF2 aggregates as the working electrode in argon‐filled glove box, and then placed it inside a quantum design PPMS at room temperature (300 K). The magnetic moment was monitored through a Quantum Design PPMS agnetometer at room temperature (300 K).

复旦大学 车仁超

Customizing Heterointerfaces in Multilevel Hollow Architecture Constructed by Magnetic Spindle Arrays Using the Polymerizing-Etching Strategy for Boosting Microwave Absorption. Adv Sci (Weinh) (2022)


异质界面工程是调控电磁功能材料的有效手段,但异质界面对微波吸收MA的作用机制尚不清楚。在这项工作中,通过一步协同聚合-刻蚀策略,在多层多孔结构中定制了丰富的电磁异质界面。其中可控还原工艺可将FeOOH@polydopamine前驱体转化为Fe/Fe3O4@C的纺锤形结构。并在Fe/Fe3O4@C这一多孔纺锤阵列上实现了令人印象深刻的电磁异质结构,诱发了强界面极化。高分散的Fe/Fe3O4纳米颗粒在纺锤内形成多维度磁性网络,增强入射微波的作用和磁损耗容量。此外,分层中空结构和电磁协同元件有利于吸波材料与空气介质的阻抗匹配。此外,本文还对MA电磁异质界面的形成机理进行了系统的研究。因此,制备的层次化Fe/Fe3O4@C具有显著的MA性能,最大反射损耗为−55.4 dB,吸收带宽为4.2 GHz。因此,本研究不仅展示了多层中空结构的协同设计策略,而且为高效电磁功能材料的异质界面工程提供了基础指导。


The hysteresis loops were performed with a superconducting quantum interference device (MPMS(SQUID) VSM) magnetometer (Quantum Design Company). 

中科大 陆亚林

Engineering Magnetic Anisotropy and Emergent Multidirectional Soft Ferromagnetism in Ultrathin Freestanding LaMnO3 Films. ACS Nano (2022) 


小矫顽场和弱磁各向异性的结合,使得软磁薄膜可应用于柔性自旋电子器件。然而,弱磁各向异性的软磁材料比较稀缺,特别是厚度只有几纳米甚至更薄的超薄软磁薄膜。本文中,我们在Si上合成了大面积、高质量、超薄自支撑LaMnO3薄膜,当薄膜厚度减小到4 nm时,面内和面外磁各向异性的消失,并均表现为软磁性,这一现象可以归因于LaMnO3薄膜中不同原子层中分别存在两种不同易磁化轴,相互抵消。光谱学测量显示,由于水溶解过程,大量氢渗透发生在薄膜表面,锰的价态从内部的3+变化到表面的接近2+。第 一性原理计算表明,当LaMnO3中Mn的价态由3+降低到2+价,会使得磁易轴由面内变为面外。我们的工作表明,超薄无基底的悬空薄膜可以表现出在体态材料中所没有的功能特性,同时与硅基器件兼容。


For obtaining samples measurable by SQUID-VSM (size ≤5 mm), we used a ceramic knife to slice the epitaxial film into small pieces of approximately 3×3 mm2. 

复旦大学 李世燕等

Quantum Critical Magnetic Excitations in Spin-1/2 and Spin-1 Chain Systems. Physical Review X (2022)


CoNb2O6处于简单和复杂的交汇处:一方面, CoNb2O6可以用横向磁场下的Ising链模型精确阐释,因此,它可以作为量子临界的原型;另一方面,弱但非零的链间耦合增加了系统的几何挫折,使材料相图复杂化。本文利用低温比热、热导率测量研究了CoNb2O6及其同构材料的NiNb2O6(自旋为1)的低能磁激发。发现在量子临界点附近,热导率被抑制,而由于无间隙磁激发,比热被增强,体现了比热的局域性质。这些结果突出了在自旋链的量子临界磁激发方面,几何阻挫的重要作用,这可能进一步解释了自旋1/2和自旋1系统的现象学之间的显著相似性。


The specific heat of NiNb2O6 was measured by the relaxation method in a Quantum Design physical property measurement system equipped with a dilution refrigerator. 

厦门大学 郑兰荪

Magnetic 3d-4f Chiral Clusters Showing Multimetal Site Magneto-Chiral Dichroism. J Am Chem Soc (2022)


在这里,我们报道了羟基桥接{Ln5Ni6} ((Ln3+ = Dy3+, Y3+)金属团簇、映体手性配体(R/S)-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)-serine)、 NiII 和 LnIII前驱体的分子自组装化合物。单晶衍射分析表明,这些化合物与具有螺旋手性的三明治3d-4f型异金属簇合物同构。{Dy5Ni6}的直流电磁测量表明DyIII 和NiII中心存在铁磁耦合,而 {Y5Ni6}的直流电磁测量表明NiII中心是反铁磁耦合和/或磁各向异性的。{Dy5Ni6}的磁手性二色性(MChD)测量实现了第一次在可见-近红外区域强烈的多金属位点MChD信号的实验观测。此外,MChD与自然和磁圆二向色性谱的比较首次明确地表明,与NiII d-d跃迁有关的MChD信号主要由自然旋光性驱动,而与DyIII f-f跃迁有关的MChD信号由磁旋光性驱动。


Magnetic measurements were carried out with a Quantum Design SQUID MPMS magnetometer working in the 2−300 K range.

北京科技大学 王守国

Greatly enhanced methanol oxidation reaction of CoPt truncated octahedral nanoparticles by external magnetic fields. Energy & Environmental Materials (2022)

标签:综合物性测量PPMS 磁学测量系统 氧化物自支撑薄膜 磁电传感器











作者简介:美国Quantum Design公司是知名科学仪器制造商,其研发生产的一系列磁学测量系统及综...[详细]
最近更新:2024-10-18 11:06:27
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