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BCEIA 2023 大会报告

来源:仪器网-展会报道      分类:商机 2023-07-20 09:26:57 225阅读次数


薛其坤,理学博士,教授,中国科学院院士。国际著名实验物理学家,主要研究方向为扫描隧道显微学、分子束外延、拓扑绝缘量子态和高温超导电性等。曾获国家自然科学一等奖1项,获国家自然科学二等奖2项,获第三世界科学院物理奖、陈嘉庚科学奖、国家特支计划杰出人才、求是杰出科学家奖、何梁何利科学与技术成就奖、未来科学大奖-物质科学奖、(首届)全国创新争先奖章、菲列兹·伦敦纪念奖、北京市突出贡献中关村奖和复旦-中植科学奖等奖励与荣誉。2005年11月当选为中国科学院院士;2017年起任北京量子信息科学研究院院长。目前为中国物理学会副理事长、美国物理学会会士,是国际著名期刊Surface Science Reports、Nano Letters、Applied Physics Letters、Journal of Applied Physics和 AIP Advances等的编委,National Science Review副主编和Surface Review & Letters主编。


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 90% of cancer incidence is closely associated with environmental pollution. Carcinogenic transformation is typically a multistep process that sees cells progress from normal, to pre-cancerous, and finally to the cancerous stage. This progression reflects molecular changes within the cells as a result of interaction between genes and pollutants. Common viruses, including the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and the human papillomavirus (HPV), are environmental factors that impact upon specific cancer incidence. It is noteworthy that incidence of cancer in the world exhibits national and regional differences that are likely to reflect the interplay between genetic and environmental factors. In the U.S., oral cancer is by far the most prominent head and neck cancer; nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC)’s incidence is only 8% of that of oral cancer. By contrast, in China NPC outpaces oral cancer by 200%. Even within China, NPC is largely concentrated in the southeastern regions, including Guangdong and Hong Kong. This highly regional distribution of NPC incidence emphasizes the importance of environmental contribution. This contribution and impact to the proteome will be explored and discussed.


Siu is Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Windsor. Prior to his appointment at Windsor, Siu was Distinguished Research Professor (2007 – 2014) and NSERC / SCIEX Senior Industrial Research Chair in Analytical Mass Spectrometry (1998 – 2012) at York University. Siu has published > 290 papers (Google Scholar, July 18, 2023: h-index, 68; i10-index, 234; total citations, 14,306; # papers cited ≥ 100 times, 40) and has given > 500 presentations, of which > 50% are in the invited, keynote and plenary category. He is a Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada and the Royal Society of Canada. Siu has received multiple awards, as well as funding and grants from many agencies and organizations totalling > $ 22 million. The oral cancer biomarkers that Siu and his collaborators and identified have now been commercialized and offered as a prognostic test (Straticyte: www.proteocyte.com) for lesions that may transform into cancers.


脑科学研究包括“读、释、写、仿”四个方面,是一门高度交叉的新兴前沿学科。为开发“读、释、写、仿”工具,团队于2017年成功研发了2.2克微型化双光子显微镜,实现了在自由行为小鼠观察大脑神经元活动,开启脑科学研究的新范式。2021年,第二代微型化双光子显微镜问世,实现了三维空间中近千个神经元的功能成像,开启了在自由行为动物研究大脑神经元结构和功能的新范式。 2023年成功研发了2.17克的微型化三光子显微镜,首次实现对自由行为中小鼠的大脑全皮层和海马神经元功能成像,为揭示大脑深部神经机制提供了又一利器。为支撑中国的“脑计划”,我们建设了“南京脑观象台”,由相关领域专家领衔,正在开展脑科学“探索计划”项目,主题涉及皮质工作记忆、睡眠、自闭症、抑郁症、神经药理学和神经元再生等。





长期致力于钙信号、线粒体生物医学领域的研究,以及高端生物医学仪器的自主创制。主要学术贡献为 ① 发现细胞钙信号基本单位—“钙火花”(Calcium Spark),原始论文曾被誉为100多年来十篇最杰出的心肌研究论文之一; ② 发现线粒体 “超氧炫”又称“线粒体炫”(Mitoflash),揭示其在能量代谢、学习记忆及衰老生物学中的信号功能;③率团队研发2.2克微型双光子显微镜,实现了在自由活动小鼠观察大脑神经元活动,开启脑科学研究的新范式。该项成果获“2017年中国科学十大进展”,并入选Nature Methods“2018年度方法”。此外,获国际心脏学会“Research Achievement Award”(2016),国家自然科学奖二等奖 (2017),何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖(2020),北京大学2021年度国华杰出学者奖(2021),中国专 利优秀奖(2022)等。


Polysaccharide particles such like agarose particles have been widely used in protein separation and purification as chromatographic packing materials by biological scientists and in industry. However, the limitation of conventional agarose particles is that the separation resolution is limited due to their broad size distribution. Furthermore, the particles with large size are usually used for industrial separation and purification to avoid the increase of back-pressure, which also limit the separation resolution. On the other hand, the particulate vaccine such like virus-like particle (VLP) has attracted more and more attention, conventional agarose particles with small pore size not only limited the adsorption of VLP, but also enhanced the disassociation of VLP, resulting very low activity recovery of VLP.

We have developed a novel membrane process to prepare uniform agarose particle. By this technique we can control the CV (coefficient of variation) value which representing the size distribution around 15%, and we can prepare small uniform particles with high agarose concentration. Therefore, we can use small particles instead of large particles, and increase the separation resolution and flow rate of chromatography.

We have developed a new process to prepare giga-porous particle with pore size controllable between 100nm to 500 nm, and we found that it not only increased the loading amount of VLP, but also avoided the disassociation of VLP. This was because large pore size weakened the multi-site interaction between VLP and pore. This novel particle has been used for production of particulate vaccine instead of ultra-high speed centrifugation technique, much higher recovery was achieved.


马光辉,中国科学院院士,美国医学与生物工程院(AIMBE)fellow,生化工程国家重 点实验室主任。国家杰出青年获得者,基金委创新群体首席,中国颗粒学会副理事长,中国化学会会士、中国化工学会会士、中国微米纳米技术学会会士、中国化工学会生物化工专业委员会副主任委员、中国生物工程学会生物基材料专业委员会主任委员。研究方向为均一生物微球和微囊的制备及其在生化工程和医学工程中的应用,研究和开发用于生化分离、药物载体、免疫佐剂(疫苗递送系统)、细胞培养微载体、酶固定化载体等创新产品。在Nat. Mater., Sci. Transl. Med., Nat. Nanotechnol., Nat. Biomed. Eng., Sci. Adv., Nat. Commun., JACS, Adv. Mater.等国际著名学术期刊上发表SCI论文500余篇。出版中英文专著12部,撰写学术书章节22篇。中国发明专 利授权81项,国际专 利授权12项,专 利技术和产品在国内外500多家单位得到应用。获国家技术发明二等奖、北京市科学技术一等奖、中国化工学会科学技术奖基础研究成果奖一等奖、中国颗粒学会自然科学奖一等奖、中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明一等奖、侯德榜化工科技创新奖、“中国科协全国优秀科技工作者”称号。


Phenomics is the systematic study of the continuum of gene-environment interactions throughout life and the measurement of the emergent physical and chemical properties that result from these interactions and define individual and population phenotypes in health and disease. In molecular phenomics we are concerned with the chemical and biochemical signatures (metabolites, proteins, transcripts etc. of cells and biofluids and how these change in characteristic ways during the onset, development, and recovery from disease. Advanced technologies such as LC-MS and NMR spectroscopy provide convenient multivariate signatures for a wide variety of metabolites and are a rich source of molecular phenomic data. I will illustrate the integrative use of multiple phenomic technologies for studying the COVID-19 patient journey using collections of samples from multiple populations round the world and demonstrate a translational analytical strategy for population level monitoring and assessment of Long COVID and functional biochemical recovery from the disease together with new diagnostic models and markers for clinical deployment. The analytical and informatic strategies developed and employed here are also suitable to help in future pandemic preparedness in world that is likely to be dominated by novel emergent zoonotic threats for decades to come.


A pioneer in biological NMR spectroscopy, metabolic phenotyping and precision systems medicine, Nicholson’s major research focus is on the development of diagnostic and prognostic molecular phenotyping technologies as applied to personalised healthcare, metabolic disease, and population phenotyping. Professor Nicholson obtained his PhD from King’s College London in 1980. After a series of academic appointments in Pharmacology and Chemistry at Birkbeck and University College London, he was made full Professor of Biological Chemistry in 1992. He was appointed as Professor and Head of Biological Chemistry at Imperial College London in 1998, Head the Department of Surgery and Cancer (2009-2018), Director for the Centre for Gut and Digestive Health, and Director of the MRC-NIHR National Phenome Centre (2012-2018), Emeritus Professor (2018-to date). He became the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences at Murdoch University and Director of the Australian National Phenome Centre in Perth, Western Australia in 2019. Since 2020 he has been leading an international group working on the metabolic sequelae and long-term complications of COVID-19. He is a “Highly-Cited” Researcher in Pharmacology and Toxicology and Cross-Field Science 2013-2023 (Clarivate H index = 141, Google H = 164, 116K citations) and has received various research prizes including: The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Silver (1992) and Gold (1997) Medals for Analytical Science and Analytical Chemistry; The UK Chromatographic Society Jubilee Silver Medal (1994); Pfizer International Prize for Chemical and Medicinal Technology (2002); RSC medal for Chemical Biology (2003); RSC Interdisciplinary Prize (2008); Pfizer Global Research Prize for Chemistry (2006) and the Semmelweis-Budapest Prize for Biomedicine (2010). He holds multiple visiting, and Honorary Professorships including Fudan University, Shanghai, The Mayo Clinic, University of New South Wales, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, University of Western Australia, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, and Dalian. He was elected, Fellow of The UK Academy of Medical Sciences in 2010; Honorary Lifetime Fellow of the International Metabolomics Society in 2012; Honorary Lifetime Member of the US Society of Toxicology in 2013; Albert Einstein Honorary Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2014; Elected Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (London, 2018); Honorary Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa (Hong Kong Baptist University, 2020). His research group currently specialises in the discovery and development of immuno-metabolic models of inflammatory diseases and their translational application in the clinic.


作为生命体遗传物质的DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)分子其固有的双螺旋结构广为人知通过AGCT 碱基的精确配对与接近无限的排列组合承载了海量的生命遗传信息。然而DNA 不仅是一种遗传信息的载体,而且可以被视为一种分子信息材料。将 DNA 分子作为一种基础的分子砌块,通过精确的碱基编码,能够产生很多自然界不存在的核酸形态核酸信息材料已越来越多地被用于生物成像、药物载运、微纳制造等方向。在本报告中将就基于核酸信息材料发展分子机器和大数据存储进行介绍。


樊春海,中国科学院院士,上海交通大学王宽诚讲席教授,博士生导师,化学化工学院院长、转化医学研究院执行院长、国家转化医学科学中心唐仲英首席科学家。兼任美国化学会JACS-Au副主编,Angewandte Chemie, Accounts of Chemical Research, ACS Nano等十余份国际知名杂志编委,ChemPlusChem编委会共同主席。入选中国医学科学院学部委员,美国科学促进会(AAAS)、国际电化学学会(ISE)、美国医学和生物工程院(AIMBE)和英国皇 家化学会(RSC)会士,已发表国际学术论文600余篇,引用约6万次,H因子>120,自2014年起连续入选“全 球高被引科学家”。


近年来,新发突发疫情不断涌现,生物安全事故和生物恐怖事件页偶有发生,对于病原的精 准溯源的要求也越来越迫切。尤其是美国发生的白色粉末邮件的恐怖事件后,催生了微生物法医学这个新学科。对于病原的溯源,目前很大程度上依赖于基因组测序与生物信息学分析,但是,对于生物事故或生物恐怖袭击的溯源,还要分析生物剂中的其他微量成分,如培养基成分,生物剂表面修饰(如硅分子),稳定同位素等,溯源过程从采样、分析到出报告都要符合法律程序,才能使溯源结果具有法律支撑。该报告旨在讨论这些分析技术,分享溯源分析的研究进展。


杨瑞馥,博士,军事科学院军事医学研究院微生物流行病研究所 研究员。主要从事细菌菌基因组学、进化、溯源与致病机制研究、人体微生态与健康及益生菌及活菌药物研究。在NEJM,Science,Nature Genetics,Cell Metabolism, Nat Comm., PNAS等发表论文300余篇,被引27,000余次,H-index 73;中国营养学会益生菌益生元与健康专业委员会 主任委员。


Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) occur in ground and surface water sources across the globe, and proposed drinking water regulations are driving PFAS treatment technology development and implementation. This presentation will first address current treatment technologies, which utilize adsorption (liquid to solid phase transformation), membranes (liquid to liquid separations) or transformative (oxidation or reduction) processes. Examples will be provided how treatment process efficiencies for “real waters” and how the processes challenge analytical methods. Second, the presentation addresses end-of-life for residuals (e.g., activated carbon) that contains PFAS, which will require incineration. Tracking PFAS during incineration requires unique analytical approaches to track fluorinated aqueous, gaseous and solid-phase species. Overall, the presentation will demonstrate how to match PFAS analytical strategies to PFAS drinking water treatment processes.


Dr. Paul Westerhoff is a Regents Professor and Fulton Chair of Environmental Engineering in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment at Arizona State University. Since joining ASU he has held various administrative positions. After serving as the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Chair he was the Founding Director for the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, and served later as Associate & Vice Dean of Research in Engineering and ASU Vice Provost for Academic Programming. Dr. Westerhoff is the Deputy Director of a NSF ERC for Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment and co-Deputy Director of the NSF STC Science and Technologies for Phosphorus Sustainability Center. His research group addresses questions related to What pollutants exist in the environment? If they occur, do they matter? If they occur and matter, what do we do to address them? with a focus on pollutants in natural and engineered water systems. He has over 400 journal publications (H-index>100) and multiple patents. He is the recipient of the 2020 A.P. Black award, 2019 NWRI Clarke Prize, 2015 ASU Outstanding Doctoral Mentor, 2013 ARCADIS/AEESP Frontier in Research Award, and 2006 Paul L. Busch Award. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2023.


Understanding sources and sinks of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and the impact of policies to mitigate emissions provides a key tool for action against Climate Change. GHG emissions and uptake can be determined through measurement systems that include in situ measurement of GHG concentration at varying levels of spatial distribution. These measurements together with wind-speed measurements and numerical weather prediction and dispersion models can be used to determine spatially and time resolved GHG emissions and sinks. Maintaining a global system of such measurements, as envisaged, for example, by the WMO initiative on a coordinated global Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Infrastructure, requires close attention to quality assurance and equivalence of measurements from different sites. Significant emissions may lead to small changes in GHG concentration, requiring highly consistent calibration standards at different measurement sites. The presentation will cover the establishment and characterization of CO2 in air standards for the measurements of concentration as well as isotope ratio, for source apportionment, that are required in GHG measurement networks. Generating the highest precision measurements of CO2 in air requires adopting metrological traceability to defined sets of primary standards, the so-called scale approach. The conversion of CO2 in air amount fraction values from one scale to another requires the scale relationships to be well known, noting that the requirement for internal consistency of standards within a scale, such as the WMO-CO2-X2019 scale, is at the 0.01 μmol/mol level, and consistency between different scales should not exceed the 0.02 μmol/mol level [1]. Certified reference materials that are needed to calibrate both in-situ based optical/laser based GHG amount faction and isotope ratio measurements as well as mass spectrometric laboratory-based measurements of isotope ratio will be described, as well as on-going comparisons to verify their equivalence. These comparisons are supporting National Metrology Institutes and the WMO Central Calibration Laboratory in ensuring equivalence of their standards and the ability for measurement sites to meet their data quality objectives.

[1] CCQM-GAWG Task Group on GHG Scale Comparisons (CCQM-GAWG-TG-GHG) https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cc/ccqm/wg/ccqm-gawg-tg-ghg


Robert Wielgosz博士是位于法国的国际计量局(BIPM)化学部的主任,其气体计量实验室负责组织空气质量和温室气体标准国际比对。这些比对为由国家计量院(NMIs)和指定机构(DIs)组成的世全 球大气监测网络提供标准支撑。他是国际计量委员会(CIPM)气候变化和环境领域任务组成员,也是国际计量局-世界气象组织(WMO)“气候行动中的计量”研讨会指导委员会主席。他发表测量科学相关论文60余篇,包括世界气象组织大气气体成分测量指南。他拥有剑桥大学伊曼纽尔学院(英国)的自然科学硕士学位,巴斯大学(英国)的博士学位,并在乌尔姆大学(德国)完成了皇 家学会欧洲交流研究。


In 1995 I co-authored a short article entitled “False-positive Immunoassay Results for Urine Benzodiazepine in Patients Receiving Oxaprozin (Daypro)”. This was published when rapid urine drug screening test methods were first becoming available. The laboratory community was starting to realize that not all assays can be tested for all of the thousands of drugs, substances or endogenous compounds that may potentially cause result errors.

There are false positive, false negative and unexpected patient urine drug test results that occur in the Urine Toxicology laboratory.

How does one research these results and assist the clinician in helping to assess these results to treat their patient?

Unexpected urine drug test results can occur during any phase of the testing process; however, the most common usual results occur during the pre- analytical or patient collection phase. During this phase patients can provide “fake” urine, take substances that can affect the testing method, or they can adulterate/dilute their urine specimen.

Depending on the screening test method used, the test method can be impacted by a variety of substances that can produce either false negative, false positive or usual results. Screening results can also be different than the confirmation results making interpretation of patient results even more confusing.

During this presentation we will review a basic screening test method and confirmation method. And discuss some of these unexpected urine drug test results.


Paul Breitenbecher received his BS from Providence College in Providence Rhode Island. He is both CC and SC ASCP certified. He graduated from Endicott College with his MBA in 2011. He is a Green Belt Six Sigma company trained and certified. He has over 30 years of Laboratory experience. With at least 20 years of Laboratory management and quality experience in small to large reference laboratories.

He taught Advanced Clinical Chemistry at Northeastern University in Boston Mass for 5 years and served as clinical laboratory instructor for 10 years for several MT schools in the Mass and RI area.

In 2009 he was asked to set up the CLIA and CAP lab Molecular Profile Laboratory at Novartis NIBR for clinical trials for triple negative breast cancer.

In 2013 he was asked to set up two laboratories for Partners in Health in the newly built Mirebalais Hospital in Haiti.

In 2013 he started his own consulting company setting up CROs, preparing and obtaining CLIA and CAP certifications and New York state permits, expert witness for medical legal, designing electronic quality systems, and overseeing clinical trial testing as the Quality Manager for several GLP laboratories.

In 2014 to 2015 he served as a Quality Consultant at Calloway Laboratory which was the third largest urine drug testing laboratory in the US.

In 2019 until the present, he is the Technical Supervisor for New Horizons Medical PC Laboratory overseeing their urine screening and confirmation testing for pain clinic and substance abuse patients.

His consulting has included Foundation Medicine, Harvard University, Charles River Labs, and several other laboratories both in the US and internationally.


Although the unrevealing of cellular heterogeneity is limiting for the understanding of complex processes in cancer research as e.g. its influence on the process of metastasising, current research still depends on bulk analysis technologies as no reliable method could be established for real single cell metabolome analysis yet.

The necessary analytical requirements that such a method for single cell metabolome analysis needs in terms of detection limit, sample amount and specificity will be discussed in detail in this presentation. Also, still unsolved problems will be addressed and put up for discussion.

Subsequently, our current work on an ion source, which should be able to destroy the cell and thus release the analytes and ionize them by means of Dielectric Barrier Discharge, will be presented. The current status of developments from the literature and from us will be briefly presented in this talk.


In 2009 Oliver J. Schmitz got a full professor in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Wuppertal (BUW). Between 2010 and 2012 he was the chair of the Analytical Chemistry department at BUW. Since 2013, Schmitz has been a full professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen and heads the Institute for Applied Analytical Chemistry.

2009 he cofounded the company iGenTraX UG which develops new ion sources and units to couple separation techniques with mass spectrometers. In 2011 he was one of the founding directors of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Pure and Applied Mass Spectrometry, University of Wuppertal. Since 2013, Schmitz is also one of the chairmen of the analytica conferences in China and Vietnam and in 2018, together with Agilent Technologies, he founded the Teaching and Research Center for Separation (TRC).

The research fields of Prof. Schmitz are the development of ion sources, use and optimization of multi-dimensional LC and GC, ion mobility-mass spectrometry and coupling analytical techniques with mass spectrometers. Furthermore, he is working about origin of life and metabolomics. Prof. Schmitz was awarded the scholar-in-training award of the American Association for Cancer Research in 2003, the Gerhard-Hesse Prize for chromatography in 2013 and in the same year the Fresenius Lecturer. 2018 he was awarded with the Waksmundzki Medal Award for Analytical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


How to solve the problems in non-target analysis?

Oliver J. Schmitz, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

The main challenges in non-target analysis are separation and identification of the analytes in a complex sample.

For the exact determination of the sum formula you need an ultra-high resolution mass spectrometer (UHRMS) such as Orbitrap or FT-ICRMS. But these MS systems need a long transient lengths (1-2s) to determine the sum formula with an ultra-high mass resolution of maybe 200.000 or higher. Unfortunately, the coupling of very powerful separation techniques such as LCxLC or GCxGC with UHRMS is not possible due to the high transient time of UHRMS systems and with a 1D-LC or 1D-GC you normally cannot realize a baseline separation. This results in mixed MS spectra and differ between isobaric compounds is not possible. Here we will discuss these problems and show some work flows to solve some of the problems.


In 2009 Oliver J. Schmitz got a full professor in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Wuppertal (BUW). Between 2010 and 2012 he was the chair of the Analytical Chemistry department at BUW. Since 2013 Schmitz has been a full professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen and is the chair of the Institute of Applied Analytical Chemistry.

2009 he co-founded the company iGenTraX UG which develops new ion sources and units to couple separation techniques with mass spectrometers. Since 2013 Prof. Schmitz is a consultant for various international companies and organizing – together with international partners – Sino-German workshops and analytica conferences in China and Vietnam.

In 2018 Oliver has founded, together with Agilent, the Teaching and Research Center for Separation (TRC) at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Prof. Schmitz´s main research area is separation science, with a particular focus on non-target analysis of complex samples, the development of ion sources, the use and optimization of multidimensional LC and GC, ion mobility-mass spectrometry and Origin-of-Life. He is member of several editorial boards and was awarded the scholar-in-training award of the American Association for Cancer Research in 2003, the Gerhard-Hesse Prize for chromatography in 2013 and the Andrzej Waksmundzki medal award in 2019.











最近更新:2024-10-18 15:38:20
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