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分类:商机 2015-05-27 10:52:00 89阅读次数

Nano-fretting/reciprocating nano-wear

A DOE nano-tribological study of thin amorphous carbon based films, GM Wilson, JF Smith and JL Sullivan, Tribology International 42 (2009) 220.

A nanotribological study of thin amorphous C and Cr doped amorphous C coatings, GM Wilson, JF Smith and JL Sullivan, Wear 265 (2008) 1633.

An investigation into the effect of film thickness on nanowear with amorphous carbon-based coatings, G.M. Wilson, J.L. Sullivan, Wear (2009) 1039.

In situ accelerated micro-wear - A new technique to fill the measurement gap,
TW Liskiewicz, BD Beake and JF Smith, Surf Coat Technol 205 (2010) 1455.

Microtribology: new tools to fill measurement gap BD Beake, S Achanta and TW Liskiewicz Tribology 4 (2010) 152.

Deformation of Si(100) in spherical contacts comparison of nano-fretting and nano-scratch tests with nanoindentation BD Beake, TW Liskiewicz and JF Smith Surf Coat Technol 206 (2011) 1921.

Accelerated nano-fretting testing of Si(100) BD Beake, TW Liskiewicz, NJ Pickford and JF Smith Tribology International 46 (2012) 114.

Comparison of nano-fretting and nano-scratch tests on biomedical materials, BD Beake, TW Liskiewicz, Tribology International 46 (2012).

[Nano-fretting, nano-scratch and nanoindentation of 5-80 nm ta-C films on Si(100) for MEMS devices, B.D. Beake, M.I. Davies, T.W. Liskiewicz, V.M. Vishnyakov and S.R. Goodes, Wear of Materials (submitted)]

In liquids: including electrochemistry, nano-scratch, nano-impact and creep

Probing mechanical properties of fully hydrated gels and biological tissues

Georgios Constantinides, Z.Ilke Kalcioglu, Meredith McFarland, James F. Smith, Krystyn J. VanVliet, Journal of Biomechanics 41 (2008) 32853289

Electrochemically Controlled Swel领 and Mechanical Properties of a Polymer Nanocomposite, Daniel J. Schmidt, Fevzi C? . Cebeci, Z. Ilke Kalcioglu, Samantha G. Wyman, Christine Ortiz, Krystyn J. Van Vliet and Paula T. Hammond, ASC NANO, 3, 22072216, (2009)

Kalcioglu Z.I., Qu M., Strawhecker K.E., Shazly T., Edelman E., VanLandingham M.R., Smith J.F., and Van Vliet, K.J., “Dynamic impact indentation of hydrated biological tissues and tissue surrogate gels”, Philosophical Magazine 91 13391355, 2011.

Influence of water on the nanoindentation creep response of nylon 6 BD Beake, GA Bell and D Bielinski, J Appl Poly Sci 107 (2008) 577.

Micro-abrasion mechanisms of cast CoCrMo in simulated body fluids, D. Sun, J.A. Wharton, R.J.K. Wood, Wear 267 (2009) 18451855


Investigation of the mechanical properties of aluminium oxide thin films on polymer substrates bya combination of fragmentation and scratch testing, Jonathan Moghal, Helene Suttle, Andrew G. Cook, Chris R.M. Grovenor, Hazel E. Assender, Surface & Coatings Technology, 206 (2012) 33093315

Influence of experimental factors and film thickness on the measured critical load in the nanoscratch test BD Beake, AA Ogwu and T Wagner Mater Sci Eng A 423 (2006) 70.

Nanomechanical and nanotribological testing of ultra-thin carbon-based and MoST films for increased MEMS durability BD Beake, SR Goodes and B Shi, J Phys D: Appl Phys 42 (2009) 065301.

An investigation into which factors control the nanotribological behaviour of thin sputtered carbon films B Shi, JL Sullivan and BD Beake, J Phys D: Appl Phys 41 (2008) 045303.

Relationship between mechanical properties of thin nitride-based films and their behaviour in nano-scratch tests BD Beake, VM Vishnyakov and AJ Harris, Tribology International 44 (2011) 468.

Nanoscratch Testing of Atomic Layer Deposition and Magnetron Sputtered TiO2 and Al2O3 Coatings on Polymeric Substrates T Kaariainen, PJ Kelly, D Cameron, BD Beake, H Li, P Barker and C Struller JVSTA (2011) in press

Nanoscratch and nanowear testing of TiN coatings on M42 steel BD Beake, B Shi and JL Sullivan Tribology 5 (2011) 141.


Effects of grain refinement and strength on friction and damage evolution under repeated sliding contact in nanostructured metals T. Hanlon, A.H. Chokshi, M. Manoharan, S. Suresh International Journal of Fatigue 27 (2005) 11591163

Effects of mechanical properties and surface friction on elasto-plastic sliding contact, S.C. Bellemare,M. Dao, S. Suresh, Mechanics of Materials 40 (2008) 206219

Deformation, structural changes and damage evolution in nanotwinned copper under repeated frictional contact sliding, A. Singh, M. Dao, L. Lu, S. Suresh, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 73117324

An investigation of the nanoindentation and nano/micro-tribological behaviour of monolayer, bilayer and trilayer coatings on cemented carbide BD Beake and N Ranganathan, Mater Sci Eng A 423 (2006) 46.

Dynamic hardness and single impacts

The HallPetch breakdown at high strain rates: Optimizing nanocrystalline grain size for impact applications, Jason R. Trelewicz and Christopher A. Schuh, Appl Phys Lett 93, 171916 2008 [MIT paper showing 10^3 s-1 strain rate]

Quantifying deformation and energy dissipation of polymeric surfaces under localized impact Georgios Constantinides, Catherine A. Tweedie, Doria M. Holbrook, Patrick Barragan, James F. Smith, Krystyn J. Van Vliet, Materials Science and Engineering A 489 (2008) 403412 [includes high temperature single impacts showing abrupt changes at glass transition temperature]

Quantitative Impact Testing of Energy Dissipation at Surfaces, G. Constantinides, C.A. Tweedie, N. Savva, J.F. Smith, K.J. Van Vliet, Experimental Mechanics DOI 10.1007/s11340-008-9198-1

Repetitive nano-impact

Advantages of Nanoimpact Fracture Testing in Studying the Mechanical Behavior of CrAl(Si)N Coatings, A. Mosquera, L. Mera, G. S. Fox-Rabinovich, R. Martínez, I. Azkona, and J. L. Endrino, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters Vol. 2, 352356, 2010

Statistical Analysis of Nanoimpact Testing of Hard CrAl(Si)N Coatings, A. Mosquera, L. Mera, G.S. Fox-Rabinovich, A. Martínez, I. Azkona, J. L Endrino, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1339 DOI: 10.1557/opl.2011.1204

Optimization of wet micro-blasting on PVD films with various grain materials, K.-D. Bouzakis, G. Skordaris, E. Bouzakis, A. Tsouknidas, S. Makrimallakis, G. Katirtzoglou, Technology CIRP Annals Manufacturing 60 (2011) 587590

Nano-impact test on a TiAlN PVD coating and correlation between experimental and FEM results K.-D. Bouzakis, S. Gerardis, G. Skordaris, E. Bouzakis Surface & Coatings Technology 206 (2011) 19361940

Influence of dry micro-blasting grain quality on wear behaviour of TiAIN coated tools

K.-D. Bouzakis, Klockeb, G. Skordarisa, E. Bouzakisa, S. Gerardisa, G. Katirtzogloua, S. Makrimallakisa Wear 271 (2011) 783 791

Evaluation of micromechanical behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) coatings on Ti6Al4V, J.M. Wheeler, C.A. Collier, J.M. Paillard, J.A. Curran, Surface & Coatings Technology 204 (2010) 33993409

Effect of PVD films wet micro-blasting by various Al2O3 grain sizes on the wear behaviour of coated tools, K.-D. Bouzakis, E. Bouzakis, G. Skordaris, S. Makrimallakis, A. Tsouknidas, G. Katirtzoglou, S. Gerardis, Surface & Coatings Technology 205 (2011) S128S132

Adhesive interlayers' effect on the entire structure strength of glass molding tools' PtIr coatings by nano-tests determined, F. Klocke, K.-D. Bouzakis, K. Georgiadis, S. Gerardis, G. Skordaris, M. Pappa, Surface & Coatings Technology 206 (2011) 18671872

Design and performance of AlTiN and TiAlCrN PVD coatings for machining of hard to cut materials GS Fox-Rabinovich, SC Veldhuis, K Yamamoto, MH Aguirre, A Kovalev, DL Wainstein, BD Beake and JL Endrino, Surf Coat Technol 204 (2009) 489.

Effects of mechanical properties and layer structure on the cyclic loading of TiN-based coatings J Chen, R Ji, RHU Khan, X Li, BD Beake and H Dong Surf Coat Technol 206 (2011) 522.

An investigation into the correlation between nano-impact resistance and erosion performance of EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings on thermal ageing, Jian Chen, Ben D. Beake, Richard G. Wellman, John R. Nicholls, Hanshan Dong, Surface & Coatings Technology 206 (2012) 49924998 (excellent correlation with erosion tests, not possible by just nanoindentation)


Using nanomechanics to optimise coatings for cutting tools BD Beake, SR Goodes, JF Smith, GS Fox-Rabinovich and SC Veldhuis, in Handbook of Nanostructured Thin Films and Coatings, Mechanical Properties, Chapter 6, pp205-244, Ed. S Zhang, CRC Press (2010). [figure 6.23 shows dramatic rapid high load impact fracture of 7 micron thick coatings with spherical probe]

High temperature

Nanoindentation to 750 °C

T.G. Nieh, C. Iwamoto, Y. Ikuhara, K.W. Lee and Y.W. Chung, Intermetallics 12 (2004) 1183.

A. Sawant and S. Tin, Scripta Mater. 58 (2008) 275.

Impact of mechanical properties measured at room and elevated temperatures on wear resistance of cutting tools with TiAlN and AlCrN coatings GS Fox-Rabinovich, BD Beake, SC Veldhuis, JL Endrino, R Parkinson, LS Shuster , MS Migranov Surf Coat Technol 200 (2006) 5738. [includes Micro-scratch and nanoindentation at 500C, nano-impact at room temperature; shows good correlation with actual peformance]

Micropillar compression of ceramics at elevated temperature, Korte, S.K., and Clegg, W.J. (2009) Scr. Mater., 60, 807.

Deformation of silicon, insights from microcompression testing at 25-500 °C, Korte, S.K., Banard, J.S., Stearn, R.J. and Clegg, W.J. (2011) Int. J. Plasticity, 27, 1853.

High temperature microcompression and nanoindentation in vacuum, Korte, S.K., Stearn, R.J., Wheeler, J.M. and Clegg, W.J. (2012) J. Mater. Res. 27, 167-176. [includes nanoindentation data to 665 °C]

Title: High temperature nanoindentation the importance of isothermal contact, N.M. Everitt, M.I. Davies and J. Smith, Philosophical Magazine 2010, 124 [data to 600C; contrasts tip heating vs. not]

Correlation between PVD coating strength properties and impact resistance at ambient and elevated temperatures, K.D. Bouzakis ?, M. Pappa, G. Skordaris, E. Bouzakis, S. Gerardis, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2010),

PVD Coatings’ Strength Properties at Various Temperatures by Nanoindentations and FEM Calculations Determined, K.-D. Bouzakis, M. Pappa, S. Gerardis, G. Skordaris,E. Bouzakis, Tribology in Industry Vol. 34, No 1 (2012) 29-35

Accelerated testing of creep in polymeric materials using nanoindentation, A.S. Maxwell, M.A. Monclus, N.M. Jennett, G. Dean, Polymer Testing 30 (2011) 366371 [thermal stability for high temperature creep]

Why can TiAlCrSiYN-based adaptive coatings deliver exceptional performance under extreme frictional conditions? BD Beake, GS Fox-Rabinovich, Y Losset, K Yamamoto, et al, Faraday Discussions (2012). [MML/McMaster paper to 600C]

Mechanism of adaptability for the nano-structured TiAlCrSiYN-based hard physical vapor deposition coatings under extreme frictional conditions, GS Fox-Rabinovich, JL Endrino, MH Agguire, BD Beake, SC Veldhuis et al. J. Appl. Phys. 111, 064306 (2012) [McMaster paper to 600C]

Mechanical properties of solid oxide fuel cell glass-ceramic seal at high Temperatures, J. Milhans, D.S. Li, M. Khaleel, X. Sun, Marwan S. Al-Haik, A. Harris, H. Garmestani, Journal of Power Sources 196 (2011) 55995603 [Georgia Tech paper to 750C]

High temperature microindentation to 550 °C

Role of length scale and temperature in indentation induced creep behavior of polymer derived SiCO ceramics, Ming Gan, Vikas Tomar, Materials Science and Engineering A 527 (2010) 76157623 (nano and microindentation to 500C)

Investigation of high-temperature plastic deformation using instrumented microindentation

tests. Part II: The deformation of Al-based particulate reinforced composites at 473 K to 833 K, V. Bhakhri and R.J. Klassen, J. Mater. Sci. 41 (2006) 2249.

Investigation of high-temperature plastic deformation using instrumented microindentation tests. Part I The deformation of three aluminium alloys at 473 K to 833 K, V. Bhakhri and R.J. Klassen, J. Mater. Sci. 41 (2006) 2259.

High temperature micro-scratch and micro-wear to 600 °C

Impact of mechanical properties measured at room and elevated temperatures on wear resistance of cutting tools with TiAlN and AlCrN coatings GS Fox-Rabinovich, BD Beake, SC Veldhuis, JL Endrino, R Parkinson, LS Shuster , MS Migranov Surf Coat Technol 200 (2006) 5738.

Impact of annea领 on the microstructure, properties, and cutting performance of AlTiN coating GS Fox-Rabinovich, JL Endrino, BD Beake, AI Kovalev, SC Veldhuis,L Ning, F Fotaine and A Gray, Surf Coat Technol 201 (2006) 3524.

High temperature nano-impact to 500 °C

Investigating the correlation between nano-impact fracture resistance and hardness/modulus ratio from nanoindentation at 25-500°C and the fracture resistance and lifetime of cutting tools with Ti1-xAlxN (x=0.5 and 0.67) PVD coatings in mil领 operations BD Beake, JF Smith, A Gray, GS Fox-Rabinovich, SC Veldhuis, JL Endrino, Surf Coat Technol 201 (2007) 4585.

Cold temperature nanoindentation and nano-wear to -30 °C

A study of low temperature mechanical properties and creep behavior of polypropylene using a new sub-ambient temperature nanoindentation test platform, J Chen, GA Bell, H Dong, JF Smith and BD Beake, J Phys D: Appl Phys 43 (2010) 425404.

Low Temperature Nano-Tribological Study on a Functionally Graded Tribological Coating Using Nanoscratch Tests J Chen, GA Bell, BD Beake and H Dong, Tribol Lett 43 (2011) 351.

The design of a novel cryogenic nanomechanical and tribological properties instrumentation GA Bell, J Chen, H Dong, BD Beake and JF Smith, Int Heat Treat Surf Eng 5 (2011) 21.

Nano-mechanical and tribological properties of a multilayered DLC coating under sub-ambient temperatures J Chen, GA Bell, BD Beake, and H Dong, Int J Engineering Systems Model领 and Simulation 2 (2010) 199203.

MML review-style papers and book chapters covering improved approach from combining results with different nanomechanical and tribological tests

Coating optimisation for high-speed machining with advanced nanomechanical test methods BD Beake, GS Fox-Rabinovich, SC Veldhuis and SR Goodes Surf Coat Technol 203 (2009) 1919.

Advanced nanomechanical testing for high-speed machining of hard-to-cut aerospace alloys BD Beake and GS Fox-Rabinovich, Int Heat Treat Surf Eng 5 (2011) 17.

Using nanomechanics to optimise coatings for cutting tools BD Beake, SR Goodes, JF Smith, GS Fox-Rabinovich and SC Veldhuis, in Handbook of Nanostructured Thin Films and Coatings, Mechanical Properties, Chapter 6, pp205-244, Ed. S Zhang, CRC Press (2010).

Nanomechanical testing under non-ambient conditions BD Beake in Encyclopaedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11-25 in Vol. 18 pp115-120 (2nd Edition, Ed. HS Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers, 2011).

Improved nanomechanical test techniques for surface engineered materials BD Beake, GA Bell, SR Goodes, NJ Pickford and JF Smith, Surface Engineering 26 (2010) 37.












