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来源:理加联合科技有限公司      分类:商机 2021-12-27 10:50:55 164阅读次数






1. 巴西国家空间研究所(INPE)



Laura De Simone Borma (劳拉·德·西蒙娜·博尔玛)

1988 年毕业于欧鲁普雷图联邦大学土木工程专业,1991 年获得里约热内卢联邦大学土木工程硕士学位,以及里约热内卢联邦大学土木工程-环境岩土工程博士学位(1998)。自 2009 年起在 INPE(国家空间研究所)担任研究员,从事生态水文学和土壤物理学领域的工作,ZD是实地观察陆地和极端天气事件对土壤-植物-大气相互作用以及气候变化、土地利用和覆盖变化的影响。她目前是 INPE 的 PGCST(地球系统科学研究生)和 PGSER(遥感研究生)的教授。协调 CCST/INPE 的生态水文学 (LabEcoh) 和生物地球化学 (LapBio) 实验室。她是 ISMC(国际土壤建模联盟)的成员。她对巴西不同生物群落中土壤-植物-大气相互作用、生态水文学以及水和气候调节的生态系统服务领域的研究感兴趣。

2. 澳大利亚Flinders大学 College of Science and Engineering



1. 中国煤炭研究所


2. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园


3. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所


4. 沈阳气象局


5. 广西植物园



1. 周盼盼, 张明军, 王圣杰等. 2016. 兰州城区绿化植物稳定氢氧同位素特征. 生态学杂志, 35(11): 2942-2951.

2. 李亚飞, 于静洁, 陆凯等. 2017. 额济纳三角洲胡杨和多枝柽柳水分来源解析. 植物生态学报, 41(5): 519-528.

3. 李桐, 邱国玉. 2018. 基于稳定氢氧同位素的盐水与纯水蒸发差异分析. 热带地理, 38 (6): 857-865.

4. 霍伟杰, 蒲俊兵, 李建鸿等. 2019. 断陷盆地高原面典型岩溶洼地旱季土壤水氢氧同位素时空差异特征.中国岩溶,38(3): 307-317.

5. 戴军杰, 章新平, 罗紫东. 2019. 长沙地区樟树林土壤水稳定同位素特征及其对土壤水分运动的指示. 环境科学研究,32(6): 974-983.

6. 苏鹏燕, 张明军, 王圣杰等. 2020. 基于氢氧稳定同位素的黄河兰州段河岸植物水分来源. 应用生态学报, 31(6):1835-1843.

7. 孜尔蝶·巴合提, 贾国栋, 余新晓. 2020. 基于稳定同位素分析不同退化程度小叶杨水分来源, 应用生态学报, 31(6):1807-1816.

8. 王露霞, 梁杏, 李静. 2020. 基于典型钻孔的江汉平原地下水成因分析. 地球科学, 45(2): 701-710.

9. 王锐, 章新平, 戴军杰. 2020. 亚热带地区不同林分下植物水分利用的季节差异. 生态环境学报, 29(4): 665-675.

10. Qiu X, Zhang MJ, Wang SJ. 2016. Preliminary research on hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope characteristics of different water bodies in the Qilian Mountains, northwestern Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(23):1491.

11. Wang J, Fu BJ, Lu N et al. 2017. Seasonal variation in water uptake patterns of three plant species based on stable isotopes in the semi-arid Loess Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 609: 27-37.

12. Huang XY, Meyers PA. 2018. Assessing paleohydrologic controls on the hydrogen isotope compositions of leaf wax n-alkanes in Chinese peat deposits. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.12.017.

13. Sun L, Yang L, Chen LD et al. 2018. Short-term changing patterns of stem water isotopes in shallow soils underlain by fractured bedrock. Hydrology Research, doi: 10.2166/nh.2018.086.

14. Zhang YG, YU XX, Chen LH. 2018. Comparison of the partitioning of evapotranspiration –numerical modeling with different isotopic models using various kinetic fractionation coefficients. Plant and Soil, 430: 307-328, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-018-3737-z.

15. Zhao X, Li FD, Ai ZP et al. 2018. Stable isotope evidences for identifying crop water uptake in a typical winter wheat–summer maize rotation field in the North China Plain. Science of the Total Environment, 121-131.

16. Zhu G, Guo H, Qin, D et al. 2018. Contribution of recycled moisture to precipitation in the monsoon marginal zone: estimate based on stable isotope data. Journal of Hydrology, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.12.014.

17. Che CW, Zhang MJ, Argiriou AA et al. 2019. The stable isotopic composition of different water bodies at the Soil–Plant–Atmosphere Continuum (SPAC) of the western Loess Plateau, China, Water, doi:10.3390/w11091742.

18. Li EG, Tong YQ, Huang YM et al. 2019. Responses of two desert riparian species to fluctuation groundwater depths in hyperarid areas of Northwest China. Ecohydrology, 1-12.

19. Liu JC, Shen LC, Wang ZX et al. 2019. Response of plants water uptake patterns to tunnels excavation based on stable isotopes in a karst trough valley. Journal of Hydrology, 571: 485-493.

20. Liu Y, Zhang XM, Zhao S et al. 2019. The depth of water taken up by walnut trees during different phenological stages in an irrigated arid hilly area in the Taihang Mountains. Forests, doi:10.3390/f10020121.

21. Liu Z, Ma FY, Hu TX et al. 2019. Using stable isotopes to quantify water uptake from different soil layers and water use efficiency of wheat under long-term tillage and straw return practices. Agricultural Water Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2019.105933.

22. Luo ZD, Guan HD, Zhang XP et al. 2019. Examination of the ecohydrological separation hypothesis in a humid subtropical area: Comparison of three methods. Journal of Hydrology, 571, 642-650.

23. Qiu X, Zhang MJ, Wang SJ et al. 2019. The test of the ecohydrological separation hypothesis in a dry zone of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Ecohydrology, https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2077.

24. Qiu X, Zhang MJ, Wang SJ et al. 2019. Water stable isotopes in an Alpine setting of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Water, doi:10.3390/w11040770.

25. Wang J, Fu BJ, Lu N et al. 2019. Water use characteristics of native and exotic shrub species in the semi-arid Loess Plateau using an isotope technique. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 276: 55-63.

26. Wang J, Lu N, Fu BJ. 2019. Inter-comparison of stable isotope mixing models for determining plant water source partitioning. Science of the Total Environment, 666: 685-693.

27. Wu X, Zheng XJ, Li Y, Xu GQ. 2019. Varying responses of two Haloxylon species to extreme drought and groundwater depth. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 158, 63-72.

28. Xu YY, Yi Y, Yang X, Dou YB. 2019. Using stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes to distinguish the sources of plant leaf surface moisture in an urban environment. Water, doi:10.3390/w11112287.

29. Dai JJ, Zhang XP, Luo ZD











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