Traceable High-Accuracy Fridge/Freezer Thermometer with Calibration; 2 Vaccine Bottle Probes
- 品牌:Traceable
- 货号: CN-98767-52
- 产地:美国
- 供应商报价:面议
- 科尔帕默仪器(上海)有限公司 更新时间:2024-07-15 10:39:05
- 同类产品数字温度计(116件)
- Triple-display—view MIN, MAX, and current temperature simultaneously
- Includes NIST-Traceable certificate from our A2LA accredited (1750.01) calibration laboratory│Resolution of 0.01° and accuracy of ±0.6°F (±0.3°C)│Visual and audible alarms signal continuously until reset
- Bottle probes insulate sensors from rapid temperature changes Vaccine bottles are designed to fit vaccine trays
- 仪表测量类型Digital Indicator
- 探头通道数2
- ZD温度 (° F)-58
- 最高温度 (° F)158
- ZD温度 (° C)-50
- 最高温度 (° C)70
- 准确性±0.3°C
- 分辨率0.01°
- 报警Yes
- 最小/最大功能Yes
- 电量不足指示器Yes
- 显示类型0.75" Display
- 高度 (in)4 1/2
- 宽度 (in)2 3/4
- 深度 (in)3/4
- 随附探头数量2
- 电缆长度 (in)120
- 电池AAA Battery (2)
- 描述Traceable® High-Accuracy Fridge/Freezer Thermometer with Calibration; 2 vaccine bottle probes
Vaccine bottle probes with 10-ft (3-m) cable, magnetic strips, hook-and-loop strips, bench stand, batteries, and NIST-traceable calibration certificate with data.
- Includes NIST-Traceable certificate from our A2LA accredited (1750.01) calibration laboratory│Resolution of 0.01° and accuracy of ±0.6°F (±0.3°C)│Visual and audible alarms signal continuously until reset
- Bottle probes insulate sensors from rapid temperature changes Vaccine bottles are designed to fit vaccine trays
Easily and accurately monitor temperature in most scientific, industrial, or general-purpose applications. Built-in alarms alert continuously until reset. Unit displays the exact time and date when thermometer alarms are triggered. Program the alarm in 0.1° increments. Meters that accept two probes are ideal for monitoring two unique areas that are near each other. Probe comes with a microcable that permits a door to close on it.
Traceable® Products have an individually-numbered Traceable® Certificate provided with each unit, that assures accuracy from our ISO/IEC 17025:2017(1750.01) calibration laboratory accredited by A2LA. It indicates traceability of measurements to the SI units through NIST or other recognized national measurement institutes (NMI) that are signatories to the CIPM Mutual Recognition Agreement. Each product goes through an intense vetting process before it can carry the Traceable name, thus saving you both time and money by not having to calibrate separately.Thermometer comes with vaccine bottle probes filled with nontoxic glycol, eliminating the possibility of contamination from mercury. Solution is GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the FDA.
- Traceable High-Accuracy Fridge/Freezer Thermometer with Calibration; 2 Vaccine Bottle Probes
- Traceable High-Accuracy Fridge/Freezer Thermometer with Calibration; 2 Bottle Probes
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