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当前位置:仪器网>产品中心> 北京博德恒悦科贸有限公司>>B0631085,B0631084,B0631087,B0631150,B0631089,B06







产品名称:Cylindrical and Flow-through Cells
仪器厂商:PerkinElmer/美国 珀金埃尔默

Cylindrical Cells Macro with PTFE Stopper
Material Lightpath Outside Depth Cell Volume Remarks Part no.
Nir Quartz Suprasil?300
10 mm 12.5 mm 2.8 mL Neck ? 6 mm Taper 1:10 B0631099
20 mm 22.5 mm 5.6 mL Neck NS 7 B0631100
50 mm 52.5 mm 14.0 mL 2 necks NS 7 B0631101
100 mm 102.5 mm 28.0 mL 2 necks NS 7 B0631102
Quartz Suprasil
10 mm 12.5 mm 2.8 mL Neck ? 6 mm Taper 1:10 B0631095
20 mm 22.5 mm 5.6 mL Neck NS 7 B0631096
50 mm 52.5 mm 14.0 mL 2 necks NS 7 B0631097
100 mm 102.5 mm 28.0 mL 2 necks NS 7 B0631098
Special Optical Glass
10 mm 12.5 mm 2.8 mL Neck ? 6 mm Taper 1:10 B0631091
20 mm 22.5 mm 5.6 mL Neck NS 7 B0631092
50 mm 52.5 mm 14.0 mL 2 necks NS 7 B0631093
100 mm 102.5 mm 28.0 mL 2 necks NS 7 B0631094
Flow-through Cells
Material Lightpath Centre Height Outside Depth Aperture Cell Volume Part no.
Quartz SUPRASIL 1 mm 15 mm 35 x 12.5 x 12.5 mm 17.5 x 3.5 mm 62 μL B0631085
Quartz SUPRASIL 10 mm 15 mm 35 x 12.5 x 12.5 mm 11 x 3.5 mm 390 μL B0631084
Quartz SUPRASIL 10 mm 15 mm 35 x 12.5 x 12.5 mm 8 x 2 mm 160 μL B0631087
Quartz SUPRASIL 10 mm 15 mm 35 x 12.5 x 12.5 mm 11 x 2.5 mm 300 μL B0631150
Quartz SUPRASIL 10 mm 15 mm 35 x 12.5 x 12.5 mm ? 3 mm 80 μL B0631089
Quartz SUPRASIL 50 mm 15 mm 45 x 12.5 x 52.5 mm ? 3 mm 370 μL B0631088
Quartz SUPRASIL 10 mm 15 mm 35 x 12.5 x 12.5 mm ? 2 mm 30 μL B0631090
Quartz SUPRASIL (FIAS) 10 mm 15 mm 35 x 12.5 x 12.5 mm ? 1.5 mm 18 μL B0631151
Quartz SUPRASIL (FIAS) 10 mm 15 mm 35 x 12.5 x 12.5 mm ? 1 mm 8 μL B0631152
Lids and Stoppers
Description Lightpath Part no.
Glass Covering Plate 1 mm B0631144
PTFE Fitted Lid 5 mm B0631145
PTFE Fitted Lid 10 mm B0631129
PTFE Fitted Lid 20 mm B0631146
PTFE Fitted Lid 50 mm B0631147
Glass Fitted Lid 100 mm B0631148
PTFE Stopper with NS 7 Fitting B0631128
PTFE Stopper with Fitting ? 6, taper 1:10 B0631149
Replacement Tubing
Description Part no.
FEP-Replacement Tubing with one short screw fitting, 500 mm long B0631130
FEP-Replacement Tubing with one long screw fitting, 500 mm long B0631131
Sipper Tubing to Cuvette (in) B2500129
Sipper Tubing to Cuvette (out) B2500127


