. . . . .
~ the past: traditiOn~ routi~e o~ fatt~ acIds
Involved elth~r labon~us titratiOns.I~ .n°n.-
aqueous medIa or tedIous extraction and denvitIzation
prior to analysis by gas chromatography. It is now possib
to analyze for selected fatty acIds (saturated CIO-CI8 mono
carboxylic acids) without derivitization via Ion Chroma-
tography using the MPICfM mode. The method of separa
tion is based on the degree of absorption of the fatty acids
on the neutral, hydrophobic resin. Elution order is deter-
mined by hydrophobicity with the shorter chain, more
hydrophilic fatty acids eluting first. The separation is
controlled by both organic modifier (isopropyl alcohol)
and ammonium hydroxide concentration in the eluent.
Conductivity detection allows detection of underivitized
fatty acids at the low ppm level.