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智_丞 2018-12-02 03:58:12 238  浏览





2018-12-02 03:58:12 238 0
希望能详细说明下,本人略懂点,不要复制,他日必有重谢... 希望能详细说明下,本人略懂点,不要复制,他日必有重谢 展开
2016-08-19 23:14:44 378 1
包衣机西门子plc编 程谁知道呀???
附上 数字量输入 地址 符号地址 I0.0 主机变频器故障 D I1 I1.0 排风机变频器故障 D I2 I1.1 热风机变频故障 D I3 I1.2 蠕动泵热保护 D I4 I1.3 初效过滤网堵塞 D I5 I1.4 GX过滤网堵塞 D I6 模拟量输入 地址 符... 附上 数字量输入 地址 符号地址 I0.0 主机变频器故障 D I1 I1.0 排风机变频器故障 D I2 I1.1 热风机变频故障 D I3 I1.2 蠕动泵热保护 D I4 I1.3 初效过滤网堵塞 D I5 I1.4 GX过滤网堵塞 D I6 模拟量输入 地址 符号地址 PIW272 进风温度 AI1 PIW276 排风温度 AI2 PIW280 主机滚筒负压 AI3 PIW282 主机滚筒转速 AI4 44.1.2 输出地址分配表 列出有孔包衣机的输出分配表,见表4-2。 表4-2输出地址分配 数字量输出 地址 符号地址 Q4.0 主机变频器起停 DO1 Q4.1 排风机变频起停 DO2 Q4.2 热风机变频起停 DO3 Q4.3 蠕动泵热起停 DO4 Q4.4 喷枪电磁阀开关 DO5 模拟量输出 地址 符号地址 PQW288 主机转速 AO1 PQW290 排风机转速 AO2 PQW294 热风机转速 AO3 PQW296 热交换器阀门开度 AO4 展开
2014-04-24 03:10:31 393 1
2015-01-29 09:36:27 333 2
环境英语文献翻译 急用
Thereisagrowinginterestindeterminingmercury(Hg)levelsinthemarineenvironmentaswellasinfishforhumanconsumption.Methylmercury(MeHg)inparticularisthemosttoxicandbioaccumulati... There is a growing interest in determining mercury(Hg) levels in the marine environment as well as in fish for human consumption. Methyl mercury(Me Hg)in particular is the most toxic and bioaccumulative form of mercury in food webs and it is the predominant chemical form making up 80%-90% of the total mercury present in fish muscle tissue.Hence,fish and other organisms at the end of the food chain constitute the major source of MeHg in the human . As outcome of this risk,MeHg has been classically monitored in fish, and methodologies for mercury speciaion have increased significantly since the early 1990s. Currently, microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) has provided an efficient alternative strategy to conventional techniques for solvent extraction of a large amount of organometals compounds.The analytical techniques most frequently applied for Hg speciation analysis involve GC(GasChromatography) , GC-CICP-MS(Gas Chromatography -CInductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) supercritical fluids chromatography (SFC),ion chromatograph(IC), HPLC-CCVAAS(High Performance Liqui Chromatography-Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry) or ICP-MS systems .Several authors recommended a back-extraction of mercury species from organic solvents to cysteine or sodium thiosulphate aqueous solutions .Because MeHg is the most common organomercury compound in biological materials ,here we offer a new simple and cost-effective method to determine MeHg. Basically, this method combines the microwave assisted extraction followed by clean-up with cysteine acetate solution and MeHg quantification by a direct mercury analyzer (DMA). 展开
2009-05-18 11:22:05 308 2
什么是GX智能有孔包衣机 和无孔包衣机有什么区别
2016-03-25 22:40:57 524 1
2011-12-25 14:06:00 232 1
2016-11-30 02:33:46 292 2
农业食品 • 服装饰件 • 工艺品 • 汽摩及配件 • 箱包和礼盒 • 化工 • 计算机产品 • 建筑和装饰材料 • 消费电子 • 电气电子 • 家具摆设 • 医药卫生 • 轻工日... 农业食品 • 服装饰件 • 工艺品 • 汽摩及配件 • 箱包和礼盒 • 化工 • 计算机产品 • 建筑和装饰材料 • 消费电子 • 电气电子 • 家具摆设 • 医药卫生 • 轻工日用品 • 照明 • 机械 • 冶金矿产和能源 • 办教 • 安全和防护 • 运动健身和休闲娱乐 • 纺织 • 五金工具 • 玩具 • 交通运输 一、 • 床上用品 • 地毯(798) • 化学纤维和织物(875) • 色卡和比色计(98) • 复合面料(170) • 原棉和棉织物(513) • 窗帘(551) • 装饰布(132) • 流苏和穗(36) • 抽纱刺绣(235) • 羽毛和羽绒(35) • 功能性纺织面料(400) • 动物毛皮(92) • 反光面料(64) • 坯布(347) • 工业用纺织品(379) • 针织和钩编织物(616) • 标牌 • 花边蕾丝(309) • 皮革和人造革(467) • 麻类织物(156) • 鞋帽材料(96) • 其它纺织制品(128) • 色织、扎染和印花布(676) • 货物包装用袋(154) • 缝纫线和线带(215) • 生丝和丝织物(165) • 桌布(152) • 库存纺织品(40) • 纺织废料(10) • 毛巾、浴巾和手帕(723) • 绳索和网(265) • 羊毛和动物毛织物(337) • 纱线(635) 二、 • 肥料(241) • 畜产和动物副产品(232) • 水产品及制品(509) • 豆类和制成品(232) • 饮料(302) • 罐头食品(282) • 粮食(193) • 佐料调味品(396) • 乳制品(154) • 经济作物和植物(104) • 食用菌和藻类(297) • 蛋类及制品(79) • 动植物油脂(177) • 化肥 • 谷物制品(208) • 花草树木(334) • 饲料和饲料添加剂(857) • 食品添加剂(786) • 冷冻和速冻食品(244) • 水果瓜类(347) • 保健食品 • 蜂产品(200) • 婴儿食品(25) • 方便食品(132) • 肉类及制品(212) • 土特产(316) • 新型食品(55) • 坚果子仁(303) • 其它农业食品(42) • 畜禽及养殖动物(329) • 动植物提取物(808) • 植物种籽(85) • 休闲食品(243) • 糖和糖制食品(285) • 茶和茶叶(781) • 蔬菜及制品(862) o 卷心菜、椰菜(34) o 胡萝卜、萝卜(77) o 辣椒(81) o 大蒜(203) o 生姜(70) o 洋葱(60) o 其它蔬菜(302) o 马铃薯(28) o 番茄(7) 展开
2007-04-19 15:51:16 489 2
2014-08-13 14:33:59 268 2
2014-01-18 17:29:11 447 1
急求翻译 请帮忙翻译一下这篇英文资料,急用!!!!
Wells-BrookfieldCone/PlateRapidDeterminationOfAbsoluteViscosityIntroductionTheWells-BrookfieldCone/PlateViscometergivesresearchersasophisticatedinstrumentforroutinelydete... Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Rapid Determination Of Absolute Viscosity Introduction The Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Viscometer gives researchers a sophisticated instrument for routinely determining absolute viscosity of fluids in small sample volumes. Its cone and plate geometry provides the precision necessary for development of complete rheological data. Principle of Operation The Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Viscometer is a precise torque meter which is driven at discrete rotational speeds. The torque measuring system, which consists of a calibrated beryllium-copper spring connecting the drive mechanism to a rotating cone, senses the resistance to rotation caused by the presence of sample fluid between the cone and a stationary flat plate. The resistance to the rotation of the cone produces a torque that is proportional to the shear stress in the fluid. The amount of torque is indicated either on a dial or digital display, depending on model. This reading is easily converted to absolute centipoise units (mPa.s) from pre-calculated range charts. Alternatively, viscosity can be calculated from the known geometric constants of the cone, the rate of rotation, and the stress related torque. See Range Tables The correct relative position of cone and plate is obtained by following a simple mechanical procedure without the need for external gauges or supplementary instrumentation. The stationary plate forms the bottom of a sample cup which can be removed, filled with .5 ml to 2.0 ml of sample fluid (depending on cone in use), and remounted without disturbing the calibration. The sample cup is jacketed and has tube fittings for connection to a constant temperature circulating bath. The system is accurate to within ?.0% of the working range. Reproducibility is to within ?.2%. Working temperature range is from 0oC to 100oC. 展开
2018-11-17 09:10:28 389 0
2018-11-29 06:09:10 358 0
2013-03-15 10:09:37 421 1
2007-01-31 01:57:39 929 5
急用 急用 一个接触器两个接触式继电器和电接点压力表怎样控制水
2018-12-08 07:10:34 181 0
请问高人,Profibus怎么翻译?Foundation Fieldbus怎么翻译?谢谢各位老师。
请问高人,Profibus怎么翻译?FoundationFieldbus怎么翻译?谢谢各位老师。... 请问高人, Profibus怎么翻译? Foundation Fieldbus怎么翻译? 谢谢各位老师。 展开
2006-10-30 23:10:56 518 2
Anhystereticremanentmagnetisation(ARM)wasimpartedinallspecimenswithapeakAFfieldof100mTandDCfieldof0.04mTusingaMolspinAFdemagnetiser(退磁器),andthenmeasuredonaDigicoSp... Anhysteretic remanent magnetisation(ARM) was imparted in all specimens with a peak AF field of 100mT and DC field of 0.04mT using a Molspin AF demagnetiser(退磁器),and then measured on a Digico Spinner magnetometer(旋转磁力仪). Isothermal remanent magnetisations(IRM)were induced in a sequence of magnetic fields of increasing value up to 1T and then with reversed fields of 100mT and 300mT using a Molspin Pulse Magnetiser.The IRM induced using the field of 1T is referred to as saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM),while those installed using the reversed fields of 100 and 300 mT are abridged as IRM-100mT and IRM-300mT ,respectively. 展开
2012-04-15 07:52:42 408 2
Practical applications of colossal magnetoresistive(CMR) oxides are limited by the large magnetic fields and/or low temperature required to observe a significant change in electric resistivity[1-5]. In recent years,research on tunneling mag... Practical applications of colossal magnetoresistive(CMR) oxides are limited by the large magnetic fields and/or low temperature required to observe a significant change in electric resistivity[1-5]. In recent years,research on tunneling magnetoresistance(TMR) is a very active field because of its scientific interest and potential technological applications[6].Polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 perovskite is a candidate for magnetic sensors owing to its high ferromagnetic transition temperature …(Tc~420K)and the half-metallic electronic band structure predicted theoretically [7]. The conduction electrons in this compound are expected to be highly spin-polarized even at room temperature. More recently, perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 with nanometer grain size showed large magnetoresistance(~20%) at a low magnetic field of 4k Oe and at room temperature[8].Dai et al.[9]observed two different ordered structures in polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 perovskite: the double perovskite and the superstructure with tripled c-axis(ST).In this paper, another new layered structure of body-centered tetragonal phase (BT) is reported for the polycrystalline magnetoresistive Sr2FeMoO6 sample. Ceramic samples of Sr2FeMoO6 were prepared by standard solid state reaction. Stoichiometric materials of SrCO3,Fe2O3 and MoO3 were mechanically mixed, and then calcined at 950℃ for 4h in air.The calcined mixture was then ball-milled and made into pellets followed by sintering at 1250℃for 4h in carbon monoxide atmosphere.Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) specimens were prepared by mechanical polishing,dimpling and ion milling.Electron diffraction patterns were taken at 120kV using a Phillips CM12 electron microscope, and high resolution TEM imaging was conducted using JEOL 2010 microscope. Energy dispersion of X-rays(EDX) was conducted by TEM attached with EDAX PV9100. 展开
2009-05-20 03:06:41 406 1
Theelementalcontentofrawmaterials,phosphogypsum,substrate(potassiumsalt),products(superphosphateand“Amofoska”),soil,andgrasswasdeterminedusingconventionalandepithermaln... The elemental content of raw materials, phosphogypsum, substrate (potassium salt), products (superphosphate and “Amofoska”), soil, and grass was determined using conventional and epithermal neutron activation analysis using the IBR-2 pulsed fast reactor at Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia. The analytical procedure was described elsewhere by Frontasyeva and Pavlov [15]. Quality control was based on the application of certified reference materials (CRMs): IAEA-336 (lichens), IAEA-SDM (lake sediment) and IAEA-SL1 (soil). The certified values and the results obtained by NAA were compared (Table 2). Concentrations of most elements were in good agreement with the CRMs except for Ti, Ni, Ce, Eu, Dy and Rb, which differed from the certified value as follows: Ti - 41.7 %, Ni - 26.5 %, Ce - 24.3 %, Eu - 32.9 % and Dy - 33.3 % in IAEA-SL1 (soil) and Rb - 20.6 % in IAEA-336 (lichens). For the 21 elements in agreement with the certified values the bias observed was below 20 %. For 11 elements (Al, V, Mn, As, Br, Sc, Cr, Sm, Na, Co and Sb), the bias ranged from 0.03 % to 5 %, for 5 elements (Fe, Zn, Ba, Th and Cs) the bias was greater than 5 % but lower than 10 %, and for 5 elements (La, Tb, Hf, Ta and U) the bias was determined to be between 10 % and 20 %. Samples of raw materials, phosphogypsum, substrate, products, soil (of about 0.1 g), and grass (0.3 g) were irradiated in cadmium-screened channels 1 and 2 of the pneumatic “Regata” system described elsewhere by Frontasyeva and Pavlov [15]. In order to determine elements associated with long-lived radionuclides, samples were irradiated for 100 hours. Spectra of induced gamma activity were recorded after 4 and 20-24 days of cooling. Short irradiations, 5 minutes for grass samples and 60 seconds for the remaining samples, allowed determination of Al, Ca, Cl, I, K, Na, Mg, Mn, Ti and V. Gamma-ray spectra were recorded after 5 and 12 minutes after irradiation. Data processing was performed using software developed at FLNP JINR [16, 17]. All gamma-spectrometers and counting electronics were made at JINR [16]. The software developed at FLNP JINR for peak searching, peak fitting, and nuclide identification routines were used for processing the amplitude spectra [16]. In the case of the lack of analytical data, there was a half of the detection limit inserted for each analyte [18]. Principal component analysis (classical PCA and fuzzy PCA) was performed as a tool for searching the possible correlations between environmental and industrial samples that could implicate the impact of phosphatic fertilizer production on the environment adjacent to the plant. 请给一个比较能看懂的翻译,谢谢. 展开
2007-06-03 08:49:34 398 1


