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萌萌的赤睛 2018-11-30 21:52:59 333  浏览





2018-11-30 21:52:59 333 0
2011-11-22 08:48:23 320 2
To show that HAX-1 degradation is part of the apoptotic process and any involvement Omi may have, we used the ucf-101 inhibitor. ucf-101 is a specific inhibitor of the proteolytic activity of Omi and has been described previously (13). When... To show that HAX-1 degradation is part of the apoptotic process and any involvement Omi may have, we used the ucf-101 inhibitor. ucf-101 is a specific inhibitor of the proteolytic activity of Omi and has been described previously (13). When HK-2 cells were treated with cisplatin in the presence of ucf-101, the percentage of apoptotic cells decreased and the inhibitor significantly blocked HAX-1 degradation. This effect was more pronounced when a higher concentration of the inhibitor was used. To confirm the specificity of the inhibitor in this system and exclude the possibility that another protease rather than Omi is involved in HAX-1 cleavage, we used cell lines derived from mnd2 mice (9). The parent cell line (mnd2-MSCV) derived from mouse embryo fibroblasts has no detectable Omi proteolytic activity (9). The same cell line has been transfected with wild type human Omi cDNA (mnd2-MSCV-Omi) and expresses high levels of active Omi protein (14). We found that in mnd2-MSCV cells, when induced to undergo apoptosis with various stimuli, the number of apoptotic cells was very low. Furthermore, no detectable cleavage of HAX-1 was observed. This is in contrast with the mnd2-MSCV-Omi cells where apoptosis was robust, and HAX-1 levels were inversely proportional to the degree of apoptosis. This experiment clearly shows that Omi is solely responsible for HAX-1 cleavage, which is essential for apoptosis under the conditions used in these experiments. HAX-1 subcellular localization depends on cell type (21, 30) and has been reported to be present in the mitochondria, cytoplasm, or plasma membrane (10, 21, 22, 30). We performed subcellular fractionation to investigate where HAX-1 cleavage by Omi takes place. We found that, in HEK293 cells, HAX-1 was predominantly present in the mitochondria, and this localization did not change in response to apoptotic stimuli. This suggests that Omi can initiate apoptosis in the mitochondria by cleaving HAX-1 protein. This is in accord with a recent study that shows Omi can induce apoptosis in human neutrophils treated with TNF- without being released from the mitochondria (7). Although several studies clearly define HAX-1 as an anti-apoptotic protein, the mechanism of its function is unknown. HAX-1 has sequence similarity to Bcl-2 family of proteins (10, 22). 展开
2007-02-03 21:19:55 468 1
等摩尔的D-ALa和L-ALa混合液,不能引起偏振光平面的偏转()如果错误理由是什么... 等摩尔的D-ALa和 L-ALa混合液,不能引起偏振光平面的偏转() 如果错误理由是什么 展开
2018-05-31 19:14:26 206 1
生物化学DNA的生物合成dNTP dNMP dNDP 之间是什么关系?
2017-03-18 15:13:45 425 1
2016-01-13 16:41:47 372 1
2012-12-30 03:36:48 368 3
2011-12-26 01:12:54 1573 4
2010-09-18 11:29:04 525 1
补考生物化学的的简答题和名词解释谁那里有比较全的请发下吧! 马上就要考试了~~~~~~~ Z好连答案也有
2010-04-22 02:04:19 446 2
2009-08-10 15:40:45 879 2
生物化学作业 名词解释 核酸的杂交?
2012-11-09 10:49:28 453 3
生物化学 里面的CE是什么
2010-10-29 21:52:42 506 3
《大学生物化学》题目:什么是酶?你是如何理解的?(30分)我需要准确答案,请认真回答... 《大学生物化学》题目:什么是酶?你是如何理解的?(30分)我需要准确答案,请认真回答 展开
2012-06-22 05:30:08 470 4
一、选择题1、构成辅酶A的维生素有A、生物素B、泛酸C、VB1D、VB22、酶促反应的特点是A、GX性B能触发化学反应的进行C、提高反应的活化能D、反应前后酶的质量不变3、具有生物活性的全... 一、选择题 1、构成辅酶A的维生素有 A、生物素 B、泛酸 C、VB1 D、VB2 2、酶促反应的特点是 A、GX性 B能触发化学反应的进行 C、提高反应的活化能 D、反应前后酶的质量不变 3、具有生物活性的全酶,无辅助因子时 A、有活性 B、无活性 C、无特异性 D、不易失活 4、米氏常数Km值 A、愈大,酶与底物亲和力越高 B、愈小,酶与底物亲和力越低 C、愈小,酶与底物亲和力越大 D、大小与酶的浓度有关 5、酶原激活过程中,通常使酶原分子中 断裂 A、氢键 B、疏水键 C、离子键 D、肽键 6、酶促反应速度与下列因素成正比的是 A、温度 B、PH值 C、酶浓度 D、底物浓度 7、缺乏维生素C将导致 A、坏血病 B、夜盲症 C、贫血 D、瘌皮病 8、核苷酸合成时,需一碳基团,转移一碳基团的辅酶是 A、四氢叶酸 B、NAD C、TPP D、生物素 9、有关同工酶的描述,其中不正确 A、来源可以不同 B、理化性质相同 C、催化反应相同 D、分子量可以不同 10、酶的竞争性YZ特点是 A、YZ剂与酶的活性ZX结构相似 B、YZ作用的强弱与YZ剂浓度的大小无关 C、YZ剂浓度不受底物浓度的影响 D、YZ与酶作用的底物结构相似 11、缺乏后,会导致脚气病的维生素是 A、VB1 B、VB2 C、VC D、VPP 12、下列维生素中参与转氨基的作用的 A、硫胺素 B、尼克酸 C、核黄素 D、磷酸吡哆醛 13、酶催化作用对能量的影响在于 A、增加产物能量水平 B、降低活化能 C、降低反应物能量水平 D、降低反应在自由能 14、下面关于蛋白酶的叙述正确的是 A、所有酶都是蛋白质 B、所有的酶都含有辅基或辅酶 C、都只能在体内起催化作用 D、都有立体异构专一性 15、酶的活性ZX是指 A、酶分子上含有必需基团的肽段 B、酶分子与底物结合部位 C、酶分子与辅酶结合的部位 D、酶分子发挥催化作用的关键性结构区 二、填空题 1.酶催化的机理是降低反应的 ,不改变反应的____________。 2.酶的特异性包括__________特异性,____________特异性与立体异构特异性。 3.酶活性ZX内的必需基团分为__________和__________。 三、名词解释 1、米氏常数 2、同功酶 3、酶原 4、酶活性ZX 四、问答题 1、简述酶作为生物催化剂下一般化学催化剂的共性及个性。 2、简述酶的竞争性YZ作用的特点。 展开
2009-05-01 00:02:25 533 2
2018-01-31 08:22:21 1647 2
2016-06-19 20:42:07 550 1
2017-03-18 11:17:51 335 1
2018-03-11 03:59:52 513 1


