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求一份矢量网络分析仪 E5071B 的操作说明书 万分感谢! 174466647@qq.com

╭不可一世yy 2012-11-27 16:57:00 273  浏览



  • Wait那份忧伤 2012-11-28 00:00:00






求一份矢量网络分析仪 E5071B 的操作说明书 万分感谢! 174466647@qq.com
2012-11-27 16:57:00 273 1
可以给我一份8753D矢量网络分析仪的操作说明书吗?中文版的,急需!谢谢!397971252... 可以给我一份8753D矢量网络分析仪的操作说明书吗?中文版的,急需!谢谢!397971252 展开
2014-03-09 02:31:41 381 1
2013-06-10 23:39:40 348 1
有谁会设置它的Channel数,Z多设为36个通道.就你一个人回答,你说的只是普通的设置,并不能解决我的问题,但还是把悬赏分给你吧,谢谢你的关注。... 有谁会设置它的Channel数,Z多设为36个通道. 就你一个人回答,你说的只是普通的设置,并不能解决我的问题,但还是把悬赏分给你吧,谢谢你的关注。 展开
2009-12-17 01:57:26 381 1
2018-12-08 10:29:40 289 0
2018-11-20 01:40:12 367 0
2016-01-11 01:04:39 280 1
This work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland (PIYRA 07/YI2/I1052). The authors acknowledge the European Commission under framework 7 (PERG-GA-2009-249178), IRCSET and Intel (postdoctoral fellowship to IK and post-graduate scholarsh... This work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland (PIYRA 07/YI2/I1052). The authors acknowledge the European Commission under framework 7 (PERG-GA-2009-249178), IRCSET and Intel (postdoctoral fellowship to IK and post-graduate scholarship to EDC) for support. We thank Dr Tatiana Perova for granting access to Micro-Raman spectrometer, Dr Daniel Heller (MIT) for fruitful discussions, Dania Movia for technical support. 展开
2013-05-03 02:56:42 439 2
2015-03-19 02:38:13 315 1
求专家系统解读 橡胶几个名词 万分感谢!
本人刚进入一家大型轮胎混炼部做生产技术员,主要负责部门橡胶制品门尼黏度 硫化曲线及物性测试目标值管控和不良改善,对橡胶一些名词未能全面了解望大神帮忙:1.门尼粘度反映的是橡胶什么性质 它与后面硫化胶的性质有什么联系(比如定神拉力,硬度,断裂强度... 本人刚进入一家大型轮胎混炼部做生产技术员,主要负责部门橡胶制品门尼黏度 硫化曲线及物性测试目标值管控和不良改善,对橡胶一些名词未能全面了解望大神帮忙:1.门尼粘度反映的是橡胶什么性质 它与后面硫化胶的性质有什么联系(比如定神拉力,硬度,断裂强度...) 2.MH反映的是橡胶什么性质 它与后面硫化胶的性质有什么联系(比如定神拉力,硬度,断裂强度...) 3.可塑性是不是反映一个胶料经过混炼门尼降得大小(分子量变小幅度)4.经过测试同车胶料不同位置的门尼粘度及比重测试能否判断其分散好坏... 展开
2013-09-05 02:29:15 500 1
2018-11-28 09:38:27 324 0
我想学习矢量网络分析仪,不知道有没有它的模拟界面我想要来,望哪位高人可以帮忙,谢谢le... 我想学习矢量网络分析仪,不知道有没有它的模拟界面我想要来,望哪位高人可以帮忙,谢谢le 展开
2010-06-10 19:07:56 365 1
我们公司有一台勤卓高低温湿热试验箱,是2012年采购的,以前操作人员离职了,我刚接手,操作不是很熟悉,谁有类似的操作说明书呢,求提供一份,谢谢,或者有勤卓的厂家电话也可以,我... 我们公司有一台勤卓高低温湿热试验箱,是2012年采购的,以前操作人员离职了,我刚接手,操作不是很熟悉,谁有类似的操作说明书呢,求提供一份,谢谢,或者有勤卓的厂家电话也可以,我打电话问问, 展开
2018-03-23 15:10:14 408 1
E5071B E5062A E5061A网络分析仪使用方法
E5062A网络分析仪使用方法——中文的谢谢Z近要学习E5062A网络分析仪,请问哪位好人有中文说明书??谢谢!!听说506150625071是通用的本人Email5807799000@163.com... E5062A网络分析仪使用方法——中文的 谢谢 Z近要学习E5062A网络分析仪,请问哪位好人有中文说明书??谢谢!!听说5061 5062 5071是通用的 本人Email5807799000@163.com 展开
2010-11-17 03:34:46 707 1
求日语 日文翻译帮忙翻译一下。。。万分感谢
2014-03-16 13:43:20 557 3
求专业的英语达人帮忙翻译下 万分感谢
Caution:Do not place your finger over the vent(it pressurizes the sensor) to test the flow indicator when gas is flowing to the sensor.removing your finger (the restriction) generates a vacuum on the sensor and maydamage the sensor(voiding ... Caution:Do not place your finger over the vent(it pressurizes the sensor) to test the flow indicator when gas is flowing to the sensor.removing your finger (the restriction) generates a vacuum on the sensor and maydamage the sensor(voiding the sensor warraty). Positive pressure applications: If the sample pressure is greater than 30 psign an external pressure regulator(optional) is required upsteram of the analyzer to control of sample flow.a pressure regulator with a metallic diaphragm is recommended to prevent high oxygen reading that cuold result from the use of diaphragms constructed of more gas permeable materisls. If other optionoal sample system components such as coiled metal tubing(samples must be colled to at least 35-40℃ for continuous use),coalescing filters ,scrubbers,etc.are required install the pressure rugulator after the coiled tubing and bofore the other components and the analyzer.a scrubber requires a flow valve upstream for optimum efficiency and response time and that the analyzer flow valve is opened completely. Atmospheric or slightly negative pressure applications: For accurate high ppb and/or low ppm range measurements,an optional simple pump is required downstream of the analyzer to draw the sample through the analyzer.The cacuum drawn on the analyzer and sensor should not exceed 4”of water. Caution:Use ofpump downstream of the sensor requires the floe control valve upstream of the sensor be completely opened to avoid drawing ercessive vacuum in the sensor,which can damage the sensor. If pump over-loading(due to the limitation of low flow rate of the sample gas)is a comsideration,a second throttle valve on the pump’s inlet side may be necessary to provide a bypass path,as illustrated below,to prevent the pump from over-loading and over-heating while miantaining the required sample flow rate within the above-mentioned parameters 展开
2010-05-07 12:23:38 404 3
2018-11-28 08:54:35 336 0


